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By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Served most often during the holidays, roast beef is an essential dish for family meals. There is nothing better indeed to delight young and old gourmands. However, before enjoying a good roast beef, it should still be prepared properly.Be aware that the preparation of this traditional Sunday dish requires respecting some essential rules. On the one hand, it is important to choose the piece of meat that will be used to make the roast. On the other hand, special attention should be paid to its cooking. All the details in this article.

First of all, it should be noted that roast beef is not strictly speaking a piece of beef. In fact, it is a preparation that uses a noble piece of beef of cylindrical shape usually tied and clad with bacon. Typical of roasting, this operation actually allows the meat to retain its shape and remain juicy throughout the cooking.

Going back to the piece to choose for your roast beef, it all depends on the occasion on which it will be served and your desires. Thus, for a roast beef to consume hot or cold, it is better to opt for a soft slice. Otherwise, you can bet on a slice ring that is particularly appreciated with mustard or mayonnaise

For a simple roast to serve on family tables, the slice dish and the tende-de-tranche are also pieces to be preferred. Moreover, the cladding makes it possible to raise the taste of these pieces. Do you want to enjoy a delicious roast that has a lot of character and is distinguished by its pronounced taste?

In this case, the rumsteck is the piece of beef to select. On the other hand, if you dream of a succulent roast beef that is characterized by its extreme tenderness, choose a beautiful beef tenderloin or a ribeye.

Precisely, this second piece promises a roast of choice for lovers of red meat. Already equipped with a grease cover, it does not have to be clad with bacon to enhance its taste. It should be noted that rumsteck, ribeye and fillet are the perfect pieces for a festive roast.

The different qualities of roast beef

As you may have noticed, the roast can be prepared with some pieces of beef. The quality of the roast beef then varies depending on the piece chosen. In other words, there are different qualities of roast beef. For first category roasts, you can find those concocted from the following pieces:


Slice tende

. Sirloin

. Aiguillette baroness

. Rump steak

. Aiguillette of rump steak

Goodto know

The qualities of roast beef can change very well depending on the breed and age of the beef.

How to cook good roast beef ?

After you’ve carefully chosen the perfect piece of beef for your roast, it’s finally time to prepare your dish. With this in mind, you must comply with certain recommendations.

How to prepare roast beef ?

It goes without saying that before preparing and cooking tied and possibly wrapped meat, it is imperative to take it out of the refrigerator for a long enough time. For this, allow at least an hour. Once the food is at room temperature, choose a dish that can hold it well — that is, the size of the piece to be roasted. For more even cooking, don’t hesitate to put a rack at the bottom of this dish. But, before that, don’t forget to add an onion cut in half. This is a must if you want to flavor the juice.

Cooking roast beef

For a successful roast beef, you should obviously not neglect the cooking time. Indeed, this depends on several criteria, namely the desired cooking and the weight of the meat. Therefore, for a piece of 500 grams, count:

. 10 minutes for rare meat

. 15 minutes for medium meat

. 20 minutes for well-cooked meat

In any case, before placing the piece in an oven set to 240 ° C, preheat it for 10 to 15 minutes. Also, consider searing it on all sides in a hot pan.

To control the cooking, you have two options. On the one hand, you can use a probe and check the core temperature of the meat:

. 40 to 45 ° C (rare)

. 45 to 55 ° C (medium)

. 55 to 60 ° C (well done)

On the other hand, nothing prevents you from resorting to a very thin knife that you have to insert into the thickest part of the meat. The color of the juice (red, pink or clear) will determine the doneness.

Warning ! Roast beef is not to be served straight out of the oven. The meat should still rest for 15 to 20 minutes on the kitchen counter. To do this, wrap it in aluminum foil to keep it warm and to allow the juices to distribute well. You can turn it over after 10 minutes for a better distribution of the cooking juices.

The roast beef tasting

Your roast beef is ready to eat after standing for several minutes. Note that the meat should be soft and slightly tough. Regardless, this dish is usually eaten with vegetables. So you can accompany your roast beef with mashed potatoes or sautéed vegetables with garlic and onions. For the sauce to serve, all you have to do is use the cooking juices from the roast. You then have two options for preparing the sauce:

. In a small pan, heat the juices over medium heat. Also add the fat collected during cooking. After that, deglaze everything with water or white wine and let reduce. As you wish, nothing prevents you from adding a few sprigs of thyme and peppercorns.

. In a pan, heat the cooking juices with a thickener (flour or cornstarch). Also add the onion pieces and aromatic herbs. Finally, when the sauce reaches the desired consistency, it is important to filter it.

Now you have all the keys in hand so you don’t miss a thing in the preparation of your roast beef.


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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