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Resolutions for Rejuvenation in 2022 and Beyond!

Declutter your heart, reorganize your mind, and feed your soul.

By Zoe StimmPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

To get your momentum back in 2022, Emotionally, Psychologically, and Spiritually, consider adopting the following 12 resolutions for rejuvenation this year.



That’s right! It’s so important not to carry over last year's emotional baggage into the new year. So, forgive yourself. Forgive your partner. Forgive your children. Forgive your parents. Forgive your pets. Forgive your plants. That doesn’t mean you should deny, forget, or minimize your values, principles, and other important causes or matters you believe in. But to forgive smaller matters will take a heavy load off your shoulders and you'll have room to breathe and focus on the true priorities in your life! Remember, you can learn from the past, but you can't change it. Take the lessons and move forward.


Let it go is not just a song in an animated musical film! Another important tool in the journey to free yourself from last year's emotional baggage is to take inventory of the emotional issues that you’ve been collecting and as you may declutter your bedroom closet, sort things out to make room for the new year’s priorities. Or think about what you do when you clean out your refrigerator. Occasionally, we all have a few food items in the fridge that are way past their expiration dates or even worse rotting away, stinking up the inside. Same with certain issues that you may be holding onto that are hiding in the back of your emotional closet forming cobwebs or fridge growing mold. Do a deep clean and let it go.


Some things we can manage more than others. But often we focus on the things we literally have no control over. Unless it’s a legitimate grievance worthy of legal action, the act of acceptance will provide you with more energy toward the things that truly matter in your life. Choose your battles well. It takes a lot of energy to fight one big battle, let alone a series of small ones. A desire for something you cannot have is something that sucks up an incredible amount of valuable steam. Recognize the difference between the desire for something and a true need. And more importantly, the true benefit. Is that something really worth the effort? Is your stubbornness an asset or is it holding you back? As they say, when one door closes, you will undoubtedly come across another door that is open and what you find in there may be much better for you in the long run than what temptations you believe awaits you behind that locked door.



Whatever overwhelming feeling you're experiencing, ask yourself the simple question of what you're feeling and why?

  • Create a two-column list of up to six items, no more.
  • On the left side, list your top issue of distress. These can be from any of the primary categories: emotional, psychological, and spiritual, or any combination.
  • On the right side, list the associated source of distress.
  • Start with the most serious source of your overwhelm. When you have your list of six, review each one and determine which one needs immediate attention. Just one. Then get to it.
  • Continue the above process every two weeks, until you have your list of six covered.


With each source of the overwhelming feelings you've identified in Resolution 4, evaluate what you've been doing to address the issue. If nothing, then do something! For example, if you need to lose weight, choose one food item you will cut from your next meal. Just one item. Start small. Babies start crawling and eventually walk and run. Even if it's a crawl, start somewhere now!


If you're unsure of how to even begin crawling out of your comfort zone, start with some research. There are so many resources online now, valuable information is only a few finger strokes or vocal commands away. YouTube and other online social media sites have helpful vlogs and videos on just about any topic. Take everything with a grain of salt and sift through the information to determine what sounds most legitimate vs. folklore. Truly, the knowledge available to you online today is amazing. So take advantage of it.



If you're into serious meditating, that's great. If you're interested, use Resolution 6 (Gain Knowlege) to learn about it. But even if you don't know the first thing about it, you can do some "light meditating" by engaging in activities that get you in touch with your senses. Closing your eyes and taking deep breaths while relaxing on a zero gravity chair (I've become addicted to mine!) can do wonders. Or, going for a long walk outside, feeling the air, feeling the wind through your hair. If you are physically up for it, an easy or moderate hike can also be a wonderful way to get in touch with nature. Or whatever distracts you from overthinking, over-worrying about future events, or regretting past behaviors.


When you refrain from the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" mentality, you can open yourself up to your passions. What makes you most happy? What do you enjoy the most? Forget about what you believe to be realistic or possible or what others may think. Start with the impossible. If you would love to be able to fly like a bird, there's nothing wrong with that! Even if you don't have wings, ask yourself how you can fly like a bird without wings. Flying doesn't have to be a physical activity. How can you soar in the things that you want to most do and what makes you most happy?


It seems counterintuitive but do you ever feel as if you spend more concentrated energy on unbalanced, dissatisfying, and otherwise unhappy relationships? It could be platonic, familial, professional, romantic, or some combination of these. Let's call them "mutant relationships." When we find ourselves in these situations, it takes away the energy we are better off investing in the relationships that will most likely last a lifetime or at least much longer than these mutant relationships. Our friendships and relationships with family can ebb and flow, but if they last for more than ten years, there's usually a reason for that. Treasure those relationships. These are the people who will be there for you come rain or shine and vice versa. In the end, these relationships are what will matter the most.


Time moves forward, so let's move on through 2022 together -- respectively -- as best we can.

Wishing you rejuvenation in 2022!


About the Creator

Zoe Stimm

I write speculative fiction (sci-fi/fantasy/futurism,/paranormal); mystery, humor. I want to entertain, calmly provoke, not be too boring. If you enjoy a story, please hit the heart icon, to "love" it! And please subscribe! Thank you!

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    Zoe StimmWritten by Zoe Stimm

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