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Physical exercise during the day

Exercise during morning and at night

By Kassahun Lewetegn DamenaPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Physical exercise during the day
Photo by Chander R on Unsplash


Engaging in physical exercise soon after waking up can provide numerous benefits, including increased alertness, improved mood, and enhanced metabolism. Here are a few exercises that are gentle yet effective for kickstarting your day:

1. Stretching: Perform a series of gentle stretches targeting major muscle groups. This can include reaching for the sky, touching your toes, shoulder rolls, and neck stretches. Stretching helps improve flexibility, blood circulation, and prepares your body for more vigorous exercise.

2. Yoga: Practicing yoga in the morning can help awaken your body and mind. Focus on gentle poses that stretch and activate your muscles, such as the Sun Salutation sequence or child's pose. Yoga promotes flexibility, balance, and relaxation.

3. Walking or light jogging: Start your day with a brisk walk or light jog to get your blood flowing and boost your energy levels. This low-impact exercise can be done outdoors or on a treadmill. It helps wake up your body, improves cardiovascular health, and sets a positive tone for the day.

4. Tai Chi or Qigong: These gentle, flowing exercises combine movement, deep breathing, and meditation. They promote relaxation, balance, and mental clarity. Practicing Tai Chi or Qigong in the morning can help center your mind and energize your body.

5. Cycling or stationary biking: If you have access to a stationary bike or cycling equipment, hop on for a low-impact cardiovascular workout. Adjust the resistance and intensity according to your fitness level. Cycling helps increase heart rate, boost metabolism, and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Remember to listen to your body and start with exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level. If you have any health concerns or are unsure about the best exercise routine for you, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness instructor.

After exercising in the morning, it's important to refuel your body with a nutritious meal to replenish energy stores and support muscle recovery. Here are some suggestions for a balanced post-workout breakfast:

1. Protein-rich foods: Include a source of lean protein in your breakfast to aid in muscle repair and growth. This can include options such as eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein-rich plant-based alternatives like tofu or tempeh.

2. Whole grains: Incorporate complex carbohydrates from whole grains into your meal to replenish glycogen stores. Opt for options like whole grain bread, oatmeal, quinoa, or whole grain cereals.

3. Fruits and vegetables: Add a serving of fruits or vegetables to your breakfast for added vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Berries, bananas, spinach, or avocado are excellent choices that can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or enjoyed on the side.

4. Healthy fats: Include a source of healthy fats to provide sustained energy and support nutrient absorption. Examples include nuts, seeds, nut butter, or a drizzle of olive oil.

5. Hydration: Don't forget to rehydrate after your workout by drinking water or herbal tea. Aim to consume fluids throughout the morning to replenish any lost fluids during exercise.

Here are a few breakfast ideas that combine these elements:

- Greek yogurt topped with berries, a sprinkle of nuts, and a drizzle of honey.

- Veggie omelet made with egg whites or tofu, loaded with vegetables, and served with whole grain toast.

- Protein smoothie made with a scoop of protein powder, a banana, spinach, and almond milk.

- Overnight oats prepared with rolled oats, chia seeds, almond milk, and topped with fruits and nuts.

At night

Exercising at night can be a great way to end your day, relieve stress, and promote better sleep. Here are some considerations and tips for exercising in the evening:

1. Timing: Try to finish your workout at least a few hours before bedtime. Exercising too close to bedtime may elevate your heart rate and body temperature, making it more challenging to fall asleep. Aim to complete your workout at least two to three hours before bedtime.

2. Type of exercise: Opt for activities that are not overly stimulating or intense. High-intensity workouts can increase alertness and make it harder to wind down. Instead, focus on moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking, yoga, or cycling, which can promote relaxation.

3. Relaxing exercises: Incorporate exercises that promote relaxation and flexibility. Yoga, Pilates, stretching, or gentle bodyweight exercises can help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep.

4. Outdoor activities: If possible, consider exercising outdoors during the evening. Natural light exposure and fresh air can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. Just be sure to prioritize safety by wearing reflective clothing and being aware of your surroundings.

5. Wind-down routine: After your workout, establish a wind-down routine to transition your body and mind into a state of relaxation. This can include activities such as taking a warm bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, reading a book, or listening to calming music.

6. Sleep environment: Create a sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom. Ensure the room is cool, quiet, and dark to promote optimal sleep. Avoid using electronic devices close to bedtime, as the blue light can interfere with your sleep-wake cycle.

7. Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body responds to evening exercise. If you find that it energizes you too much or disrupts your sleep, you may want to consider adjusting the timing or intensity of your workout.

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