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PERFECT Posture Routine To Unlock Your Sh*t (10 Min/Day)

"Unlock Optimal Posture: Transform Your Body in Just 10 Minutes a Day"

By Ameer HamzaPublished 11 months ago 14 min read
"Unlock Your Best Self: Master Your Posture in Just 10 Minutes a Day!"


Are you tired of having a weak and flat butt? Do you dream of having strong and rounded glutes that turn heads? Look no further! Today, I bring you Red Contreras, the man who has dedicated his life to studying and transforming people's glutes. In this article, Red Contreras will guide you through five easy steps to help you build a 12-week workout plan designed to grow your glutes as fast as scientifically possible. So let's dive in and discover the secrets to achieving your dream glutes!

Determining Your Glute Training Frequency and Volume

Understanding the Importance of Training Frequency

When it comes to glute training, frequency plays a crucial role in maximizing growth. The glutes are a massive muscle with multiple subdivisions, capable of handling a significant amount of volume and frequency. Red Contreras recommends a training split known as the "lower upper lower upper lower" to achieve optimal glute growth. This involves training your glutes three.

The Recommended Training Split

  • Lower Body Workout

This workout focuses on exercises that target the glutes and lower body muscles.

Examples of exercises: Back squats, dumbbell Bulgarian split squats, Smith machine reverse lunges, Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, single-leg hip thrusts, back extension machine or reverse hip extension, machine hip abductions, band seated hip abductions, side plank hip abductions, cable lateral leg raises.

  • Upper Body Workout

This workout focuses on exercises that strengthen the upper body muscles, including the back, chest, and shoulders.

Examples of exercises: Chest and shoulder opener, thoracic spine mobilization, scapular retraction.

  • Lower Body Workout

This is the second lower body workout of the week, targeting the glutes and lower body muscles.

Examples of exercises: Glute bridges, clamshells, squats, lunges.

  • Upper Body Workout

This is the second upper body workout of the week, focusing on further strengthening the upper body muscles.

Examples of exercises: Chest and shoulder opener, thoracic spine mobilization, scapular retraction.

  • Lower Body Workout

This is the final lower body workout of the week, providing another opportunity to train the glutes and lower body muscles.

Examples of exercises: Back squats, dumbbell Bulgarian split squats, Smith machine reverse lunges, Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, single-leg hip thrusts, back extension machine or reverse hip extension, machine hip abductions, band seated hip abductions, side plank hip abductions, cable lateral leg raises.

Following this training split will allow you to target your glutes effectively while also giving attention to other important muscle groups for overall strength and balance. Remember to adjust the weights and intensity according to your fitness level and gradually progress as you become stronger.

The Surprising Volume for Glute Growth

The quest for well-developed glutes has gained immense popularity in the fitness world, and many individuals strive to achieve a rounder and firmer posterior. While traditional approaches to glute training often involve high-intensity exercises and heavy weights, there is an emerging concept that challenges the status quo—the surprising volume for glute growth.

Volume refers to the total amount of work performed in a training session, typically calculated by multiplying the number of sets, repetitions, and weight lifted. Traditionally, it was believed that heavy weights and low reps were the key to building muscle mass. However, recent research suggests that higher training volume can be a game-changer when it comes to glute development.

By incorporating higher volume training, which includes performing more sets and reps with moderate weights, individuals can stimulate muscle growth and maximize the activation of glute fibers. This approach provides a new perspective on glute training, as it emphasizes endurance and muscular fatigue over sheer strength.

One of the advantages of higher volume training for glutes is the increased metabolic stress placed on the muscles. This stress prompts the release of growth factors and hormones that contribute to muscle growth, helping to shape and sculpt the glutes. Moreover, the cumulative fatigue from higher volume workouts can lead to muscle damage, triggering the body's adaptive response and promoting muscle hypertrophy.

To implement this surprising volume approach, individuals can incorporate exercises such as squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and glute bridges into their training routine. By performing multiple sets (around 3-4) of each exercise with a moderate weight and aiming for a higher number of repetitions (8-12), the glute muscles are consistently challenged and encouraged to grow.

It is important to note that while volume training can be effective, it should be combined with proper form and technique to ensure safety and prevent injury. Additionally, individual factors such as fitness level, recovery capacity, and personal goals should be considered when determining the optimal training volume.

In conclusion, the surprising volume approach to glute growth challenges conventional training methods by emphasizing higher training volume with moderate weights. By incorporating this approach into a well-rounded training program, individuals can unlock the full potential of their glute muscles and achieve the desired shape and strength. Remember to consult with a qualified fitness professional to tailor the training volume to your specific needs and goals, ensuring a safe and effective glute training journey.

Horizontal Hip Extension Exercises

Horizontal hip extension exercises are a valuable addition to any fitness routine aiming to strengthen and tone the gluteal muscles while improving hip stability. These exercises primarily target the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the buttocks, and play a crucial role in enhancing athletic performance and everyday movements.

One popular horizontal hip extension exercise is the hip thrust. This exercise involves lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then lifting your hips off the ground by forcefully contracting your glutes. As you progress, you can add external resistance, such as a barbell or resistance bands, to intensify the exercise and further challenge your glute muscles.

Another effective horizontal hip extension exercise is the glute bridge. Similar to the hip thrust, the glute bridge begins with lying on your back and bending your knees. By pushing through your heels and engaging your glutes, you lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. This exercise can be modified by using a stability ball or performing single-leg variations to target each glute individually.

Additionally, the back extension exercise is another horizontal hip extension movement that primarily targets the glutes and lower back. This exercise is performed by lying face down on a back extension machine or stability ball, then lifting your upper body and legs off the ground simultaneously. The contraction of the glutes during this exercise helps maintain hip extension and promotes lower back stability.

Incorporating horizontal hip extension exercises into your workout routine can yield numerous benefits. They can help enhance overall lower body strength, improve posture, increase hip mobility, and contribute to a more sculpted and defined buttocks. These exercises also have functional applications, as stronger glute muscles can improve performance in activities like running, jumping, and lifting.

When performing horizontal hip extension exercises, it is important to maintain proper form and technique. Focus on initiating the movement from the glute muscles, avoid excessive arching of the lower back, and engage the core for stability. It is also crucial to start with appropriate resistance or bodyweight and gradually increase the intensity as your strength improves.

To incorporate horizontal hip extension exercises effectively, consider adding them to your lower body or glute-focused workouts two to three times per week. Combine them with other exercises that target different muscle groups for a well-rounded training program. As always, consult with a qualified fitness professional to ensure proper execution and to tailor the exercises to your individual needs and goals.

In summary, horizontal hip extension exercises are essential for developing strong and toned gluteal muscles, enhancing hip stability, and improving overall lower body strength. By incorporating exercises such as hip thrusts, glute bridges, and back extensions into your routine, you can reap the benefits of these effective movements and achieve a more sculpted and functional posterior.

  • Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts are a highly effective exercise for targeting and strengthening the gluteal muscles, particularly the gluteus maximus. This exercise involves lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then lifting your hips off the ground by forcefully contracting your glutes. By emphasizing hip extension, hip thrusts activate the glutes to a greater extent than traditional lower body exercises like squats or lunges.

One of the key advantages of hip thrusts is their ability to isolate and engage the glute muscles effectively. Unlike other compound movements that involve multiple muscle groups, hip thrusts specifically target the glutes, helping to build strength, size, and shape in this area. They are particularly useful for individuals looking to enhance their posterior aesthetics or improve their athletic performance.

Hip thrusts can be performed with various equipment, including a barbell, dumbbells, or resistance bands. Adding external resistance helps to increase the challenge and stimulate further muscle growth. Starting with lighter weights and gradually increasing the load over time is recommended to ensure proper form and prevent injury.

Aside from aesthetic benefits, hip thrusts also have functional applications. Strong glutes play a vital role in hip stability, core strength, and lower back health. They contribute to improved performance in various activities such as running, jumping, and lifting heavy objects. Strengthening the glutes through hip thrusts can help prevent imbalances and reduce the risk of injuries, particularly those related to the lower body and spine.

When performing hip thrusts, it is important to maintain proper form. Begin by positioning your upper back and shoulders against a bench or elevated surface for support. Keep your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart, and drive through your heels to lift your hips upward. Aim to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. Avoid overarching your lower back and focus on engaging the glute muscles throughout the exercise.

Incorporating hip thrusts into your lower body or glute-focused workouts can be highly beneficial. They can be performed as a standalone exercise or as part of a circuit. Aim to include hip thrusts two to three times per week, with an appropriate number of sets and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. As always, it is recommended to consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper technique and to tailor the exercise to your individual needs.

In conclusion, hip thrusts are an effective exercise for targeting and strengthening the glute muscles. By incorporating this movement into your fitness routine, you can enhance gluteal strength, improve aesthetics, and boost athletic performance. Whether you're looking to build a well-rounded physique or improve functional capabilities, hip thrusts are a valuable addition to any lower body workout.

  • Single-Leg Hip Thrusts

Single-leg hip thrusts are a variation of the traditional hip thrust exercise that specifically targets and strengthens the glutes while also improving balance and stability. This exercise involves lifting the hips off the ground while keeping one leg extended in the air, placing greater emphasis on the glute muscles and challenging them in a unilateral manner.

Performing single-leg hip thrusts offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps to correct any muscular imbalances between the left and right glute muscles. Many individuals have a dominant side that tends to take over during bilateral exercises. By isolating each side independently, single-leg hip thrusts allow you to focus on strengthening and activating the weaker glute, promoting better symmetry and function.

In addition, single-leg hip thrusts engage the core muscles and the muscles around the hips to a greater extent. The need to stabilize the body on a single leg requires increased activation of the abdominal muscles, hip stabilizers, and even the muscles of the lower back. This can lead to improved overall core strength and stability, which is beneficial for various athletic activities and everyday movements.

To perform single-leg hip thrusts, start by sitting on the floor with your upper back and shoulders against a bench or elevated surface. Extend one leg straight out in front of you, keeping it elevated throughout the exercise. The other foot should be flat on the floor, positioned close to the glutes. From this starting position, press through the heel of the grounded foot and lift the hips upward, focusing on squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the hips back down to complete one repetition.

When performing single-leg hip thrusts, it is important to maintain proper form and control throughout the exercise. Ensure that your hips remain level and avoid excessive rotation or tilting. Engage the glute muscles of the working leg and concentrate on the mind-muscle connection to maximize the effectiveness of the movement. Start with bodyweight or minimal resistance, gradually progressing to using additional weight as your strength and stability improve.

Incorporating single-leg hip thrusts into your lower body or glute-focused workouts can be an excellent way to challenge the glutes, enhance stability, and correct any imbalances. Aim to include this exercise two to three times per week, performing a suitable number of sets and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. As always, it is advisable to seek guidance from a fitness professional to ensure proper technique and to adapt the exercise to your specific needs.

In summary, single-leg hip thrusts are a valuable exercise for targeting and strengthening the glutes while improving balance and stability. By incorporating this variation into your workout routine, you can address muscle imbalances, enhance core strength, and promote overall gluteal development. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve performance or someone seeking to tone and strengthen the glutes, single-leg hip thrusts are a beneficial addition to your fitness regimen.

  • Back Extension Machine or Reverse Hip Extension

The back extension machine, also known as the reverse hip extension machine, is a popular piece of equipment found in many gyms that targets the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise is performed by lying face down on a padded platform with your hips positioned at the edge and your feet securely locked under the footpads. From this starting position, you extend your torso backward against the resistance, engaging the muscles of the posterior chain.

The back extension machine offers several benefits for strengthening and developing the muscles of the lower back and glutes. It primarily targets the erector spinae muscles, which run along the spine and play a crucial role in maintaining posture and spinal stability. By strengthening these muscles, the back extension machine can help alleviate lower back pain and improve overall spinal health.

Additionally, the glutes and hamstrings are also activated during the back extension exercise. The gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the buttocks, is engaged as you lift your torso against the resistance. The hamstrings, which are located at the back of the thighs, are also involved in the movement as they work to extend the hips.

Using the back extension machine allows for controlled and isolated movement, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who want to focus on strengthening their lower back and glutes without placing excessive stress on the surrounding joints. The machine provides stability and support, making it suitable for individuals with lower back issues or those who are new to strength training.

To perform the back extension exercise on the machine, adjust the pad so that it rests just above your hips. Position your feet securely under the footpads and cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head. Begin the movement by slowly lowering your upper body toward the ground while maintaining a neutral spine. Avoid hyperextension or rounding of the back. Once you reach the lowest point without compromising form, contract your lower back and glutes to raise your torso back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

When using the back extension machine, it is important to focus on proper form and technique. Maintain a controlled pace throughout the movement and avoid using momentum to lift your body. Keep your core engaged and your back straight, avoiding excessive arching or rounding. Start with a light weight or resistance and gradually increase as your strength and comfort level improve.

Incorporating the back extension machine or reverse hip extension into your workout routine can be an effective way to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Aim to include this exercise two to three times per week, performing a suitable number of sets and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. As always, consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper technique and to adapt the exercise to your individual needs and capabilities.

In summary, the back extension machine or reverse hip extension is a valuable exercise for targeting and strengthening the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. By incorporating this exercise into your fitness routine, you can improve spinal stability, alleviate lower back pain, and enhance the strength and development of the posterior chain. Whether you're an athlete aiming to improve performance or someone looking to enhance overall strength and posture, the back extension machine can be a beneficial addition to your workout regimen.


About the Creator

Ameer Hamza

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