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How to Get a Rounder Butt FAST (Full Glute Workout Plan)

"Unlocking Your Glute Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Fast and Effective Butt Transformation"

By Ameer HamzaPublished 11 months ago 13 min read
"Shape Up Your Booty: Unleash the Power of a Rounder Butt with Our Accelerated Glute Workout Plan!"


Having strong and well-developed glutes is not only aesthetically pleasing but also essential for overall strength and functional movement. If you find yourself longing for a rounder and firmer derriere, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the expert advice of Red Contreras, a renowned glute transformation specialist, who has dedicated his life to studying and transforming people's glutes. Follow his five easy steps to build a 12-week workout plan designed to grow your glutes as fast as scientifically possible.

• Enhance athletic performance: Strong glutes contribute to better performance in activities such as running, jumping, and squatting, providing power and stability.

• Improve posture and spinal alignment: Glutes support the pelvis and help maintain proper alignment, preventing lower back pain and reducing the risk of injuries.

• Boost lower body strength: Your glutes are the largest and most powerful muscles in your lower body, and developing them can significantly increase your strength and lifting capacity.

• Enhance hip and knee stability: Strong glutes help stabilize the hip joint and support proper knee tracking, reducing the risk of common lower body injuries.

• Improve overall body symmetry: A balanced physique with well-developed glutes can create a pleasing aesthetic, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

Transform it Into Strong, Rounded Glutes with Red Contreras!

Are you tired of having a weak and flat butt? Do you dream of having strong, round glutes that turn heads wherever you go? Look no further! Today, we introduce you to Red Contreras, a renowned expert who has dedicated his life to studying and transforming people's glutes. In this article, Red Contreras will guide you through five easy steps to help you build a 12-week workout plan designed to grow your glutes as fast as scientifically possible. Get ready to unlock the secrets of glute transformation!

Step 1: Frequency and Volume - Training Your Glutes

To kickstart your glute growth, it's crucial to figure out how often to train your glutes and with how much volume. The glutes are a massive muscle with multiple subdivisions, capable of carrying out distinct muscle actions. They can handle a significant amount of volume and frequency, as long as you incorporate variety into your routine.

The most effective training split for glute growth is the lower-upper-lower-upper-lower split. This means training your glutes three times per week to maximize their growth potential. With this split, you'll have three lower body days with two upper body days sandwiched between them. However, you can adjust this split based on the number of days you have available for workouts.

Now, let's talk about the sets. Red Contreras recommends 36 sets of glute exercises per week. Yes, you read that right! Initially, this number might seem overwhelming, but the glutes are capable of handling it. Contrary to what some might say, the published research supports the effectiveness of such volume. In fact, top professionals, including bikini pros, are training their glutes three times a week with impressive results. They are obsessed with glute training because they understand its effectiveness.

Step 2: Exercise Selection - Variety is Key

When it comes to glute training, it's important to diversify your exercise selection. Red Contreras suggests splitting the 36 sets per week into three different types of exercises:

1. Vertical Hip Extension Exercises (12 Sets)

These exercises involve the body being positioned vertically in relation to the resistance. Although the exact reasons are not fully understood, both Red Contreras and scientific testing have shown that vertical hip extension exercises activate more of the lower glutes. They also tend to be the most challenging since they heavily involve the quads and hamstrings.

Some excellent examples of vertical hip extension exercises include:

• Back Squats: Find a comfortable stance width and foot angle, aiming to descend as low as possible while focusing on pushing through the heels on the way up.

• Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats: Lean your torso forward and descend diagonally at a slight angle on the way down. Focus on pushing up through the heel of your front foot and driving your hips forward.

• Smith Machine Reverse Lunges: Position your feet so that your knee aligns with your foot at the bottom of the movement. Use a slight lean in your torso to better target the glutes.

2. Horizontal Hip Extension Exercises (12 Sets)

These exercises involve the body being positioned horizontally relative to the resistance. They target both the upper and lower glutes and are slightly less fatiguing than vertical hip extension exercises.

Here are a few examples of horizontal hip extension exercises:

• Hip Thrusts: Keep your mid back on a bench or pad and push through your heels to drive your hips as high as possible. Hold the top position for three seconds before coming back down.

• Single-Leg Hip Thrusts: With your arms spread across a bench, lift one leg off the ground while keeping

The Benefits of Strong Glutes: Unlocking the Power of Well-Developed Glute Muscles

Having strong and well-developed glute muscles goes far beyond simply achieving an aesthetically pleasing physique. These powerful muscles play a vital role in our overall health, athletic performance, and daily activities. In this article, we will delve into the various benefits of having strong glutes and how they contribute to enhancing our lives.

1. Improved Posture and Spine Stability

Strong glute muscles are essential for maintaining proper posture and spinal stability. They provide support to the pelvis and help keep it in a neutral position, which in turn promotes optimal alignment of the spine. When the glutes are weak or underdeveloped, other muscles, such as the lower back and hip flexors, may compensate, leading to postural imbalances and increased risk of injuries. By strengthening the glutes, you can alleviate stress on the lower back and improve overall posture.

2. Enhanced Athletic Performance

Whether you're an athlete or simply enjoy participating in physical activities, strong glutes can significantly enhance your performance. The glute muscles are responsible for generating power, speed, and stability in various movements. They play a crucial role in running, jumping, sprinting, changing directions, and even lifting weights. Powerful glutes contribute to improved acceleration, increased stride length, and better overall athletic explosiveness. Athletes who prioritize glute training often experience enhanced performance in their respective sports.

3. Injury Prevention

Weak glutes can contribute to a variety of injuries, especially those involving the lower body. When the glute muscles are not adequately activated, other muscles and joints may be forced to compensate, leading to imbalances and overuse injuries. For instance, weak glutes can contribute to knee pain, IT band syndrome, and lower back issues. By strengthening the glutes, you create a solid foundation that helps distribute forces evenly during movement, reducing the risk of injury and promoting overall joint stability.

4. Improved Hip Function and Range of Motion

Strong glute muscles are vital for optimal hip function and range of motion. The glutes are the primary hip extensors, responsible for driving the leg backward. When the glutes are weak, hip extension becomes limited, which can affect various activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and even sitting down or standing up. By strengthening the glutes, you enhance hip mobility, allowing for smoother, more efficient movement patterns and reducing the strain on other muscle groups.

5. Enhanced Everyday Activities

Having well-developed glutes can greatly impact your daily life and make everyday activities easier and more enjoyable. From lifting heavy objects and carrying groceries to simply walking or standing for extended periods, strong glutes provide the necessary strength, stability, and endurance. They contribute to improved overall functional movement, reducing the risk of strains or injuries during daily tasks and enabling you to perform activities with greater ease and efficiency.


Building strong glute muscles offers numerous benefits that go beyond aesthetics. From improved posture and spinal stability to enhanced athletic performance, injury prevention, and better everyday functionality, strong glutes play a crucial role in our overall well-being. Incorporating glute-focused exercises into your fitness routine, such as squats, hip thrusts, lunges, and deadlifts, can help you unlock the full potential of your glutes and reap the rewards of a stronger, healthier body. So, prioritize your glute training and experience the transformative effects of these powerhouse muscles!

Understanding Glute Training Frequency and Volume: How often and how much to train your glutes.

Understanding Glute Training Frequency and Volume: Optimizing Your Glute Training

Glute training has gained significant popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Developing strong and shapely glute muscles can have a positive impact on your overall physique and functional performance. However, to achieve optimal results, it's crucial to understand the appropriate frequency and volume of glute training. In this article, we will delve into the factors that influence glute training frequency and volume and provide guidelines to help you optimize your glute workouts.

1. Individual Factors and Training Goals

Glute training frequency and volume can vary based on individual factors and training goals. Factors such as training experience, recovery ability, and overall fitness level play a role in determining how often and how much you should train your glutes. Additionally, your specific goals, whether they are focused on strength, hypertrophy (muscle growth), or endurance, will also influence the frequency and volume of your glute workouts.

2. Training Frequency

When it comes to training frequency, it's important to find a balance between providing adequate stimulus for muscle growth and allowing enough time for recovery. For most individuals, training the glutes 2-3 times per week is a good starting point. This frequency allows for sufficient stimulation of the glute muscles while still providing enough recovery time. Beginners may benefit from starting with 2 sessions per week and gradually increasing frequency as they adapt to the training stimulus.

3. Training Volume

Training volume refers to the total amount of work performed in a training session and can be measured by the number of sets and repetitions. The optimal training volume for glute development can vary depending on factors such as training experience and goals. Generally, aiming for 10-20 sets per week distributed across your glute workouts can be effective. For example, you might perform 3-5 sets of glute-focused exercises per session, focusing on exercises that target different aspects of glute activation and development.

4. Progressive Overload and Intensity

To continue making progress in your glute training, it's essential to incorporate progressive overload. This means gradually increasing the demands placed on your glute muscles over time. You can achieve progressive overload by increasing the weight lifted, the number of repetitions, or the difficulty of the exercises. It's important to challenge your glutes with progressively heavier loads or more demanding exercises to stimulate growth and strength gains.

5. Recovery and Listening to Your Body

While consistency and intensity are essential for glute training, adequate recovery is equally important. Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your training accordingly. If you experience excessive muscle soreness, fatigue, or a decline in performance, it may be a sign that you need more recovery time. Make sure to prioritize sleep, nutrition, and rest days to allow your glute muscles to repair and grow stronger.

6. Variation and Exercise Selection

Incorporating a variety of glute exercises into your training program can help target the glute muscles from different angles and maximize their development. Exercises such as squats, hip thrusts, lunges, glute bridges, and deadlift variations can all be valuable additions to your glute training routine. Experiment with different exercises and find the ones that work best for your body and goals.


Optimizing your glute training frequency and volume requires a personalized approach based on your individual factors and goals. Finding the right balance between training stimulus and recovery is key to achieving optimal results. Remember to gradually increase training volume, incorporate progressive overload, prioritize recovery, and listen to your body's signals. By implementing these guidelines and staying consistent, you can unlock the full potential of your glutes and achieve the strong and sculpted glute muscles you desire

The Training Split: Exploring the recommended training split for maximum glute growth.

The Training Split: Maximizing Glute Growth with an Effective Training Split

When it comes to maximizing glute growth and achieving your desired results, following an effective training split is crucial. A well-designed training split allows you to distribute your workouts across different muscle groups and training sessions, ensuring that each muscle group receives adequate attention and recovery time. In this article, we will explore the recommended training split for maximum glute growth, providing you with a framework to structure your workouts and optimize your glute training.

1. The Importance of a Training Split

A training split refers to how you organize your workouts throughout the week. By dividing your training sessions into specific muscle groups or movement patterns, you can target and stimulate your glutes effectively while allowing for proper recovery. A thoughtfully designed training split prevents overtraining, reduces the risk of injury, and enables you to focus on specific areas of your physique, such as the glutes.

2. Glute-Dedicated Training Days

To prioritize glute development, it is beneficial to dedicate specific training days solely to target your glutes. This approach allows you to focus on glute-specific exercises and implement the necessary volume and intensity to promote growth. Consider allocating at least two training days per week solely for glute-focused workouts. This will provide ample opportunity to activate and engage your glute muscles through various exercises.

3. Full-Body or Upper/Lower Training Split

In addition to dedicated glute training days, incorporating full-body or upper/lower training split can be advantageous for overall strength and muscle development. These training splits involve alternating between upper body and lower body workouts, ensuring balanced development and preventing muscle imbalances. By including exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges in your lower body workouts, you can continue to engage your glutes while also targeting other lower body muscle groups.

4. Incorporating Compound Movements

Compound movements, which involve multiple muscle groups, are highly effective for glute development. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, hip thrusts, and step-ups engage the glutes as well as other surrounding muscles. It is beneficial to include compound movements in your training split to ensure comprehensive glute activation and growth. Distribute these exercises strategically throughout your training split to maximize glute engagement.

5. Isolation Exercises and Variation

While compound movements are essential, incorporating isolation exercises can further target and shape your glutes. Isolation exercises specifically target the glute muscles without involving significant contribution from other muscle groups. Examples include glute bridges, cable kickbacks, donkey kicks, and lateral band walks. Including isolation exercises in your training split allows for focused glute activation and helps develop well-rounded glute muscles.

6. Recovery and Adaptation

Remember, allowing sufficient recovery time is key to maximizing glute growth. While training is important, it's during the recovery phase that your muscles repair and grow stronger. Be mindful of incorporating rest days into your training split to give your glutes the necessary time to recover. Additionally, prioritize adequate nutrition, hydration, and quality sleep to support optimal recovery and adaptation.

7. Progressive Overload and Monitoring Progress

To continue challenging your glutes and stimulating growth, progressive overload is essential. Gradually increasing the intensity, resistance, or volume of your workouts over time ensures that your glutes are constantly being pushed beyond their comfort zone. Keep track of your workouts, monitor your progress, and strive to improve either by increasing weights, performing additional repetitions, or trying more challenging variations of exercises.


Designing an effective training split is crucial for maximizing glute growth. By incorporating dedicated glute training days, compound movements, isolation exercises, and allowing for proper recovery, you can optimize your


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Ameer Hamza

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  • Jacob Damian11 months ago

    Amazing and informative article keep it up

  • James11 months ago

    Finally, a glute workout plan that provides a clear roadmap to achieving a rounder butt! The exercises and tips shared here are practical and effective. Ready to put in the work

  • Jane11 months ago

    I've struggled with developing rounder glutes for a while, but this workout plan seems like the perfect solution. It's well-structured and promises fast results. Let's get those booty gains!

  • Clark11 months ago

    "Wow, this workout plan is exactly what I've been looking for to sculpt and shape my glutes! Can't wait to try it out and see the results."

  • Jhon11 months ago

    Best ever Vocal Experience after seeing this type of work from the Vocal creators. Amazing and informative article.

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