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Monitor Lot Lizard and Get Rid of Lizards in the House

Learn how to monitor lot lizards effectively and discover simple, natural ways to keep your home lizard-free. Protect your space with easy tips for monitoring and eliminating lizards.

By Prumly - Unique Free BlogPublished 9 days ago 3 min read

Lizards can sometimes find their way into our homes. While most lizards are harmless and even helpful because they eat insects, having them inside your house can be unsettling. This guide will help you understand how to monitor lizards, commonly known as lot lizards, and provide simple ways to get rid of them. Let’s get started!

What Are Lot Lizards?

Lot lizard are simply lizards that can be found around homes, especially in lots or yards. They can come inside the house looking for food or shelter. Common house lizards include geckos and anoles.

Why Do Lizards Come Into the House?

Lizards enter homes for several reasons:

Food: They eat insects, so if you have a lot of bugs, lizards will come in to eat them.

Shelter: They look for places to hide and stay safe.

Warmth: Lizards like warm places, and your house might be just the right temperature for them.

How to Monitor Lot Lizards

Monitoring means keeping an eye out for lizards so you know if they are in your house. Here are some steps to monitor lizards:

1. Look for Lizards

Check common places where lizards might be:

Behind furniture

Under sinks

Near windows and doors

In dark corners

2. Look for Signs

Lizards leave signs that they are around:

Droppings: Small, dark droppings with white tips.

Shed Skin: Lizards shed their skin as they grow.

Scratching Sounds: You might hear them moving around at night.

3. Use Light Traps

Lizards are attracted to light because it attracts insects. Place light traps to see if lizards come to them. You can use a small lamp or flashlight to attract them.

4. Set Up Cameras

If you have a lot of lizards, you might want to set up small cameras in areas where you’ve seen them. This can help you see where they are coming from and going to.

How to Get Rid of Lizards

Once you know you have lizards, you can start getting rid of them. Here are some simple and effective ways to do this:

1. Keep Your House Clean

Lizards come for food, so if there are no insects, they will not stay. Here’s how to keep your house clean:

Sweep and Vacuum Regularly: This removes food crumbs and insects.

Seal Food Containers: Keep food in sealed containers so insects are not attracted.

Clean Up Spills Immediately: Don’t leave any food or drink spills on the floor or counters.

2. Close Entry Points

Lizards get in through small cracks and openings. Seal these to keep them out:

Repair Cracks: Fix any cracks in walls, doors, and windows.

Use Weather Stripping: Place weather stripping around doors and windows to seal gaps.

Install Door Sweeps: Door sweeps can block the gap under doors.

3. Use Natural Repellents

Some natural things can keep lizards away:

Pepper Spray: Mix black pepper with water and spray it around entry points.

Eggshells: Place eggshells around your house. Lizards do not like the smell.

Garlic and Onion: Cut garlic and onions and place them in areas where you see lizards. The smell repels them.

4. Set Up Traps

You can use traps to catch lizards and release them outside:

Glue Boards: Place glue boards in areas where you’ve seen lizards. They will get stuck on the glue.

Box Traps: Use small boxes with food inside to trap lizards. Once trapped, release them far away from your home.

5. Use Electronic Devices

There are electronic devices that emit sounds lizards don’t like. These can keep lizards away without harming them.

Preventing Lizards from Coming Back

After you’ve gotten rid of the lizards, it’s important to make sure they don’t come back. Here’s how to prevent lizards from returning:

1. Keep Your Yard Clean

Lizards often come from outside, so keeping your yard clean helps:

Trim Bushes and Trees: Keep bushes and trees away from your house. Remove

Wood and Rock Piles: Lizards hide in wood and rock piles, so remove them from your yard.

Keep Grass Short: Long grass can attract insects, which attract lizards.

2. Use Outdoor Lights Wisely

Lizards come to lights because insects do. Use lights that do not attract insects:

Yellow Lights: Yellow lights attract fewer insects than white lights. Turn Off Lights: Turn off outdoor lights when not needed.

3. Regularly Inspect Your House

Check your house regularly for cracks, food crumbs, and signs of lizards. The sooner you notice a problem, the easier it is to fix it.

4. Use Repellents Regularly

Even if you don’t see lizards, use natural repellents regularly to keep them away.

When to Call a Professional

If you have a lot of lizards and can’t get rid of them, it might be time to call a pest control professional. They have the tools and knowledge to get rid of lizards safely and effectively.

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Prumly - Unique Free Blog

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    Prumly - Unique Free BlogWritten by Prumly - Unique Free Blog

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