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Learn To Appreciate The Smallest Acts For Kindness

World is big for all of us

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Learn To Appreciate The Smallest Acts For Kindness
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Learn to appreciate the smallest acts of kindness.

If someone pays for your meal at McDonald's, don't get mad because you just wanted a cheeseburger.

Appreciate it.

If someone lets you in the car, keep your temper.

If someone lets you borrow a pen, take it.

And so on.

Eventually, I was able to stop being frustrated.

Instead of getting mad at other drivers, I was able to be mad at the people I was getting mad at.

I was able to see that I was getting worked up over nothing.

I wasn't happy that my life was in shambles and that I felt like a failure.

I was sad that I had such negative people in my life.

I was even a little jealous of those people who seemed to have everything.

But if you looked at me, you wouldn't even know that I was struggling.

I wouldn't be recognized as the girl with the glass case filled with many emotions and no way to fix them.

I wouldn't be recognizable as the girl who was so lost that she barely had any hope left.

For instance, when my son is frustrated with something in his schedule or routine, I remind him that even the tiniest things have the power to make someone's day.

It's only the smallest act of kindness that someone could give to another person.

How does that relate to my writing?

Well, it makes me think a little deeper and pay a little more attention to the details.

When I took my critique group through my manuscript and they pointed out my many flaws and how I was rushing them, I was furious at first.

My anger only lasted for a few days and then I realized that the critique of my work was not for naught.

I could learn something from their suggestions.

Although they didn't point out the entire time they probably only had around an hour to give their feedback, they did put forth a good effort.

So I picked up my notepad and began my revisions based on their suggestions.

Their suggestions were not only pertinent to the story but made me look at my work in a new way.

Not only did their suggestions make me a better writer, but they made me a better person.

So this week I'm going to try to be nicer to myself, let myself breathe and find my balance in life.

It's amazing how changing one small part of your routine can help you, if even just for a moment.

Next week I'll talk about the power of praise.

I'll be doing a search of both quotes and videos.

I'll share what I find.

And then I'll give a free e - copy of "Love Inspired" to the person who finds the most quotes on praise.

The winner will be chosen by random drawing on May 10.

"Keep your chin up."

This is the phrase my friend said to me several months ago when I was discouraged about how slow my sales were going.

He told me to take a deep breath and relax.

I did, and now I can see my books on Amazon. com and in some stores around the country.

I went from no ranking to about # 250 in a few short months.

The amazing thing is that I had no idea it would happen so quickly.

The sort that make you feel like you matter, not the sort that make you feel like you're unimportant.

Your child's big, overwhelming, temper tantrums happen because he is hurting, hungry, tired, bored, or is simply not yet self - soothing.

And you will all need patience, kindness, and understanding when they do.

It's okay to tell a friend or loved one when they've done something you think they shouldn't have.

Or when you think they're doing something wrong.

Let your big feelings flow, and let yourself be upset.

Find a quiet, dark place to sit and cry if you need to.

When I had a bad, dark day and I was curled up in the fetal position, lost in my sorrows, my husband came into the room to comfort me.

I sat up, wiped the tears away, and said, "Thanks."

Of course, you also can't be afraid to be your authentic self.

When I was younger, I wouldn't go to a movie alone because I was too afraid to talk to people.

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About the Creator

umer ali

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