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Knowing About How Long Does it Take to Settle a Pedestrian Accident

A pedestrian accident can change your life forever. Still, even if your injuries aren't as severe, you have the right to be fairly compensated for your physical and emotional injuries. How long does it take to settle a pedestrian accident?

By luis suarezPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian accidents are increasing daily, and people suffering from them want to settle them as soon as possible. Here’s how long does it take to settle a pedestrian accident?

A pedestrian can be anyone walking, jogging, sitting, or lying on the road. He can also be anyone hit by a car while on skates, a skateboard, a scooter, or a wheelchair.

A pedestrian accident is an accident that involves someone on foot and any other vehicle or body. It occurs when a pedestrian collides with a motor vehicle or anything.

Pedestrian accidents include people being hit by vehicles on public or private roads, regardless of the applicability of different laws. Let’s see how long does it take to settle a pedestrian accident.

What causes pedestrian accidents?

Pedestrian accidents can occur at intersections, parking lots, crosswalks, or anywhere people cross streets without a marked crosswalk.

Cars frequently disregard street signs or traffic signals and collide with people crossing the street at a marked crosswalk. Vehicles may collide with pedestrians when they lose control, such as when one vehicle collides with another and pushes it into an area where people are going to walk or riding bicycles. Speed is another factor that causes drivers to hit pedestrians who are lawfully walking on sidewalks or crosswalks.

In some cases, cars may hit pedestrians who are not at a proper place. People may, for example, cross a street in an area where there is no legally marked crosswalk. Even in these cases, a driver can be liable for negligence if they could have seen the pedestrian and avoided the accident but did not.

Poorly lit roadways where people may jog, or roadsides where people may be tending to a broken-down vehicle or awaiting emergency responder assistance, can all contribute to pedestrian accidents. Distracted drivers frequently strike pedestrians, especially in pedestrian-friendly areas like downtown areas.

Unfortunately, drunk driving is still a major factor in pedestrian accidents. An impaired driver may swerve into pedestrians or ignore traffic control signals.

Who is the most likely to be a pedestrian accident victim?

Any pedestrian who does not exercise due caution and attention risks getting hit by a vehicle.

Nonetheless, statistics show that certain groups in society are more vulnerable. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, those in the following demographics are at a higher risk: Male pedestrians are more vulnerable than female pedestrians. Male victims account for more than 66% of pedestrian accidents.

People between the ages of 15 and 29 are statistically the most likely to seek treatment for injuries suffered in a pedestrian accident. Thirty-four percent of pedestrian fatalities have a blood alcohol concentration of 08 percent or higher.

Children under 14 are disproportionately at risk of death when struck by a moving vehicle. It is demonstrated by the fact that children account for approximately 20% of all pedestrian fatalities.

What should you do if you got injured in a pedestrian accident?

People injured in a pedestrian accident due to a driver's negligence may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, disability care, and emotional and physical trauma. If you believe you have a claim, you should first contact a personal injury lawyer specializing in pedestrian accident cases. They will be able to provide you with complimentary advice and will frequently work on a no-win, no-fee basis, fighting your case until you receive the compensation you deserve.

What is the role of a pedestrian injury accident attorney?

The consequences of a pedestrian accident can be fatal, ranging from broken limbs and bruises to severe brain injury or even limb loss.

The problem is that the insurance company isn't interested in assisting you to recover from pain and suffering. They are out to ensure that their settlement costs them the least amount of money possible, which is why you need a reasonable attorney. These attorneys will assist you in developing a personalized strategy to meet your needs because every case is unique.

An initial consultation is where you will get your questions answered and learn your chances of receiving a favorable financial settlement. You'll have a lot of expenses after a pedestrian accident, from lost wages to mounting medical bills, and the bottom line is that you shouldn't have to pay for those things yourself.

The right attorney will begin by determining what happened in the accident to devise a strategy tailored specifically to you.

Questions to ask before hiring a pedestrian accident lawyer

Because the legal proceedings can be complicated, it is best to consult with a personal injury attorney before filing a claim. Consider working with an experienced New Jersey Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

if you get involved in a pedestrian accident. However, ask each lawyer the following critical questions before hiring them.

What is the difference between pedestrian accident lawyers and personal injury attorneys?

Pedestrian accidents are "personal injury,” but it is not to say that all personal injury lawyers can successfully represent a pedestrian.

Work with a law firm familiar with the complexities of these types of cases. There are various circumstances to address and how insurance companies are involved.

Personal injury lawyers are always prepared to handle these types of cases. However, please make sure that they have prior experience with pedestrian accidents.

What do you charge?

Always confirm costs, regardless of what a lawyer guarantees.

Pricing details should be precise, from the percentage they collect to when you are billed. The exact amount you will have to pay may not be initially accurate. Before signing anything, however, an estimate should be provided and discussed.

Comparing lawyer fees is essential in finding the right attorney for your case. A case requires court filing fees, investigators, prepared documents, research, and other services. Furthermore, all expenses must be documented in writing so that you have a written record.

Can the driver sue again?

Yes, a pedestrian can face a counter-suit. The opposing party will have their attorney explain the accident differently, and their job is to relieve their client of all liability. It's also possible that you're not obligated to compensate the other party. However, to determine this, you must be completely honest with your pedestrian injury accident attorney.

Who do you believe was to blame?

While many assume that the driver is at fault in a pedestrian collision, it's true. When filing a pedestrian accident claim, there are numerous factors to consider, and determining who was at fault in the accident is essential.

Your attorney must be able to gather enough evidence to prove that the other party acted negligently. As a result of their carelessness or recklessness, the crash occurred.

It's worth noting that some lawyers will only represent the plaintiff. Some attorneys may refuse to take your case if you know you were entirely at fault.

Pedestrians who appear to be at fault in an accident may have been jaywalking or distracted by their phones, failing to notice traffic signals.

What do you require of me?

Any evidence you can provide will help them assess the situation better during the initial consultation. It is critical to obtain the contact information of the driver who hit you and any witnesses, and you should also get the driver's insurance information and a police report.

Most of the additional evidence will come from investigative work once the lawyer decides to take the case. Attorneys can use legal means to access security cameras, traffic signal data, and other pertinent information.

How much can a pedestrian accident settlement get you?

  • A pedestrian accident settlement can provide you with a fair amount of money for your damages, particularly if you were seriously injured and your life was impacted or changed, which can include:
  • Medical costs (surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy sessions, future medical procedures)
  • Damage to property
  • Wages lost (from the past and future)
  • Suffering and pain (emotional trauma, psychological stress, PTSD, fear, anxiety)
  • Expenses for wrongful death if a loved one died (funeral costs, pre-death medical bills and pain, and suffering, loss of consortium)

To conclude

A pedestrian accident can change your life forever. Still, even if your injuries aren't as severe, you have the right to be fairly compensated for your physical and emotional injuries. How long does it take to settle a pedestrian accident?

Defense attorneys specializing in these types of accidents are fully committed to getting you the appropriate compensation so that you can focus solely on the healing process. They are the process experts and will be there for you from beginning to end, so you never feel as if you are doing everything alone.

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