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Rest is more than just sleep

By Money MiyagiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Life has been tiring, hasn't it? I sit and reflect on the simpler times you know, no masks, no CDC guidelines, no public uproar, and yet I find that in the simpler times I was still tired. Prioritizing everything that was said to be good for me, but was not good to me, I found myself mentally distressed and just plain tired. If you're coming into this new year with similar feelings of uncertainty and a mental drainage you too may need some well-deserved rest. This year you may need to start by clearing your mind, taking into account the work that is needed to fully involve yourself in this process, it is okay to moderate the amount of time you spend on yourself as long as you spend more time on you this year than was done last year.

Let me give out a few sleep related resolution tips that I have for myself which have been working quite well. For starters keeping a journal. When you have little to no resources or are just uncomfortable speaking your problems and feelings into existence, write about it. Sometimes I write self-affirmations and sometimes I write things that upset me. Some things stay in my journal and some things get torn out and destroyed but either way I feel better being able to physically see what is bothering me inverse of letting it linger in my mind.

Another thing that can help with restlessness is a steady schedule for sleep. Many emotional and mental problems can stem from not having adequate sleeping patterns. Going directly to sleep at night can be troubling if you have many other priorities i.e., children, pets, odd jobs to make ends meet. However, no one knows your schedule better than you regardless of unforeseeable changes. If you know you cannot sleep at a reasonable time for a reasonable number of hours, try taking small naps throughout the day. I'm a college student making it easy for me to alternate between classes and naps if you have a schedule that is not quite uniform, try taking a "cat nap" at your earliest convenience. This way your body starts receiving some type of rest and when you lay in your bed at night you have better chances of feeling moderately more energetic in the morning.

Something else that has helped me out a great deal with being able to get better sleep at night is NOT LAYING IN MY BED DURING THE DAY! Please stop staying in your bed all day even if you have nothing to do. Your body starts viewing your bed as a place to be up instead of a resting area. I noticed that I stopped being able to fall asleep in my bed after staying awake in it for long periods of time lounging. Get out the bed! Even if you sit on the couch, it's not helpful to return to your bed until you get tired because then your mind can separate resting spaces and lively spaces for your body.

Also, if you have a coping mechanism that is not conventional, I advise you to seek solace in something more meaningful. I noticed that when I stopped drinking, I felt less sluggish, and I was able to regulate my sleeping patterns. Substance abuse can play a role in why we aren't able to get adequate amounts of sleep and is very detrimental when you think about it. I mean come on, how motivated are you to do literally anything after a period of altering your mind and body? How refreshed do you feel after waking up from intoxication? In my personal experience I'm more drained and lifeless the next morning than I actually felt the day before. I know going cold turkey isn't the easiest thing to do so I say cut back from whiskey to wine, only drink in a social setting if it's called for and learn to fall in love with you in your most natural form.

The things we put into our body as far as food can cause unhealthy sleep patterns as well. The more junk you eat and processed foods the less likely you are to sleep through the entire night. In the case that you wake up you may find yourself eating something like chocolate or ice-cream. Now I'm not pushing anyone to diet because come on, let's get real, with the country in turmoil we all deserve to indulge a bit more than usual. Just be mindful that gluttony has never solved any problems and it is actually an unhealthy crutch as well. I started limiting the amount of junk I ate and when I tell you I slept so much better throughout the night. I normally eat dinner around 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm the latest and I will admit I usually want to snack around 10-11. Some days i can curb the feeling and other days...well yeah that's there. So, to combat my frustration with the fact that I am absolutely in love with dark chocolate (and since I stopped eating candy, drinking soda, and eat chips years ago), I started buying things like veggie chips, pretzels, and A LOT of fruit. My main go to is a few slices of cucumber, some olives, and a small bag of pretzels. Just a balance between fresh and salt, which usually works out pretty well as i never finish its entirety, but it fills me just enough to not feel hunger until the morning regardless of if I wake in the middle of the night to use the restroom or not.

To put in layman's terms, I hope you took something meaningful from this if you are experiencing serious problems with not being able to sleep properly. Always remember the first step in bettering something you dislike about your life is identifying what is the problem, or what it is the root of a bigger problem. Understand that this may be a difficult realization, however the only way to go from the bottom is up! I wish you a wonderful year of growth, prosperity, and A LOT OF SLEEP. Just remember things may seem difficult but it is mind over matter and feel free to check out my profile as I will be posting more life tips just for the sake of universal wellness. Take Care.

~Money Miyagi


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Money Miyagi

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