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Intestinal worms in kid

every parent should know home remedies of de-worming

By Malay MondalPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Intestinal worms in kid: every parent should know do worming home remedies

What is intestinal worms?

Worm is a parasite. It has a long cylindrical tubular body. There are many type of intestinal worms but the most common is threadworms. It is a type of roundworm which is commonly found in kids.

Causes of intestinal worms in kids?

Intestinal worms are entered by eating under cooked meet from the infected animal or fish. Consumption of quantimated water soil are the main source of threadworms.

Sign and symptom of worms in intestine:

1) you can see the worms in poo like white thread.

2) unexplayed weight loss.

3) itchiness around the bottom or vagina.

4) stomach pain

5) vomiting

6) anemia

7) fatigue

Prevention :

* Regularly wash hands with soap and hot water before and after washing toilet and eating food. Maintain good hygiene.

* Wash ,peel aor Cook all raw vegetables and fruits.

* Drink purified water.

* Avoid contact with soil.

* Thoroughly cookall meet (like as cow ,goat,pig) two temperature of at least 68.8 degree centigrade hand poultry meet is around 71 degree centigrade.

* Cut finger nails regularly.

* Clean toilet seats and potty regularly.

* Encourage your child to take bath regularly.

How is the threadworms spread?

Intestinal worm is spread when your child scratches his bottom, carrying the eggs to collect under his finger nails.

He carries the worms eggs back to their mouth with his hands. The eggs spread indirectly in food ,dust and water. Thread worm's eggs can survive up to 2 weeks outside the body.

Home remedy of intestinal worms:

Coconut: coconut has antibacterial and anti-virus properties that helps to fight against variety types of infection.

To get relief from intestinal worms, mix together one tablespoon of roasted pumpkin seed with half cup of water and half cup of coconut milk. Drink it is morning on entry stomach for a week.

Garlic: garlic is anti parasitic food that helps to kill intestinal worms.

Intake a piece of garlic on empty stomach in morning at least 10 days. Or you can boil a piece of garlic in one cup of water and drink the water in the morning.

Pumpkin seed : pumpkin seeds are extremely effective for deworming of intestinal worms. It is good for babies health. You can take it daily.

Together mix two tablespoon of roasted pumpkin seed powder and same quantity of honey, take it every morning in empty stomach to get relief from worms.

Carrot: carote is a high source of carotene, vitamin a and vitamin c and zinc that helps to prevent in deworming of kids . Carrot is also high fiber food that helps in digestion and relief from constipation.

If your baby has no allergy in raw carrot then intake some small pieces carrot in empty stomach. You can add carrot puree in your baby food regularly.

Papaya seeds: after a long time survey children who received papaya seed as a treatment clear stool of any parasite. Papaya has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is very good for constipation.

Take a glass of warm milk and add one tablespoon papaya seat powder and mixed well eat and consume it at least three times in a week on empty stomach.

Turmeric: turmeric is antiseptic and anti microbial in nature and helps in eliminating all kind of intestinal worms.

Take a glass of warm milk and add a table spoon turmeric powder and mix well eat and drink at night before sleeping.

You can drink together a tablespoon of turmeric juice and a pinch of salt to eliminate any type of parasite.

Pineapple: regular consumption of pineapple can make your immune system healthy and help it to fight and really from intestinal worms.

You can consume a cup of pineapple juice in empty stomach for deworming. It is very effective way to get relief from worms.

Cloves: clove has antiseptic and anti parasitic property that destroys all parasites and their eggs.

Take some cloves and boil them into a cup of water. It is a easiest way to get relief from intestinal parasite.

Neem: neem flush out all kind of parasites from our body .it is also antifungal.

You can grind neem leaves and eat 1 table spoon daily empty stomach is bitter taste but very helpfull homeremedy.

Bitter groud: bitter groud is a natural power to destroy intestinal worms .it is easy to digest for your baby .

You can give it as a vegetables to your babies and also juice in empty stomach for better result.

Deworming is very much necessary in kids .it causes a very slow growth of child .you can consult your doctor , and take medicine.

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