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I Wrote My Own Bible

Maybe You Should Too..

By Jaia KhanPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 8 min read

So, I recently had this idea that I wanted to "rewrite" the Bible, as a blog, and share the key points here on Vocal, but after three hours of writing, I hit a button that deleted the entire piece. [Insert expletive here.] As frustrated as I was (for hours, I blurted out "WTF!" randomly), I immediately knew that it happened for a reason. It didn't change the fact that I was pissed about the time I lost, because it's not everyday I actually have the inspiration to sit and write. I can think and meditate on a subject for hours at a time, but the physical writing portion takes a lot of effort. [Part of this is because I have spent my entire adult life working hard and being good at it. But in 2019 I began drifting away from 'the grind' and I'm finally settled into 'the flow' of just being.] Anyyyyway, I realized that the piece I was presenting, while it wasn't actually rewriting the Bible insomuch as giving my interpretation of certain topics, was going to possibly be the cause for much debate, as many people have their own views and perspectives when it comes to the Scriptures. So, to avoid digging myself into a hole I didn't want to be in, the Universe divinely intervened, through my fat fingertips, and deleted the whole thing. And because I have always had a save-as-I-go policy when writing here, I knew the deletion was a huge message from the Universe, to stop.

A few days later, while meditating, I began pondering the new Aquarian Age energy we are just entering and how that affects the relevance of a book written during the Piscean and Ariean Ages. It's something I've actually wondered about for longer than I've known about the Zodiac and New Age concepts. I grew up in church, as a preacher's kid, and as a teenager I remember asking my mother why God didn't 'update' the Bible to fit people living in our times. Her answer was that God's Word is timeless, and while I agree that spiritual concepts are timeless, I still had issues with God being able to change the laws from the Old Testament to the New Testament, but stopping there. I argued that we needed new laws to govern ourselves, for the time that we are living in. But, like much of my upbringing, I was told just to shut up and follow the Bible's commands.

Fast-forward to where I am today and I have a totally new outlook on what we [humans] need, as far as spiritual governance is concerned. And I actually feel that this is how it was meant to be, always. Not taking anything away from the Bible, as I do think there's some good stuff written in there, hidden amongst the stories (fairytales) and the condemnation, but I don't feel there's a one-size-fits-all when it comes to spirituality. Sure there are certain natural laws that are beneficial to have, like stopping at stopsigns, but I truly feel each person's spiritual governance is up to them.

Believing in something because it's in a book has never been my cup of tea; I'm a true scientist, I need to experiment. So as I began drifting away from the church as a young adult, I began to notice a lot of things to be untrue, for me. The biggest and most pressing issue I had with the Bible was Hell, an everlasting place of fiery torment meant to punish all human-souls who died in a sinful state. And while I have not yet died, I have had other exeperinces that lead me to believe that it doesn't exist. In my experience, being one of the infinite pieces of God, in human form, on Earth to learn, makes me inelligible for such a place. You wouldn't bash a kid over the head repeatedly because they couldn't learn a math formula, would you? No, you'd give them a low score on the test and tell them to study more. There is no punishment for fudging a life on Earth. There are most certainly consequences, that can be felt for many lifetimes and many generations, but not as a punishment, as a learning experience. Like repreating a grade in school isn't a punishment, but a necessary method to increase learning and comprehension of that grade's lessons. I do feel we can become trapped in certain karmic loops for many lifetimes, making that a version of a "hell," but not that literal 'lake of fire' decsribed in the ol' good book.

The next big problem I had with the laws of the Bible, was the condemnation of homosexuals. I, being a homo myself, did not in fact believe I was condemned for who I choose to love. Love is love, period. And the Universe does not give a hoot about who I decide to spend my quality time with. Of course there are natural laws that say if you want to produce offspring, there are certain genetalia that need to match, but that's about it. And we've even created ways around that, so it's really a free world. But the exclusion of any group of people, from God's grace, no matter what they've done or who they are, is a concept that will never resonate with me. We are all God, split into many, many parts, so that we can understand ourselves through learning how to see and accept all sides. So seeing any group of people as condemned or less-than is almost laughable. They are us. Separation is the best way to control people, so the ideas of "we are not the same," could only be used to divide and.. conquer. [That's a subject for an entirely different blog altogether, so I'll just leave it at that.]

The next major issue I had with the biblical laws, is the concept of sinners. Like what in the actual fork is a sinner? Don't worry, I'll wait.. We are all just people. Sometimes we do things that have a positive effect on our lives and the lives of others and sometimes we do things that have a negative effect on our lives and the lives of others. That's it, that's all. Karma is a spiritual law that I have become quite familiar with, and it does a great job of making sure whatever we think or do, comes right back to us so that we may experience both sides of the situation. If it doesn't happen in the current lifetime, it will come up in another. So the idea of sinners vs saints is ludicrous to me. I know plenty of people that the Bible would classify as sinners, that are doing amazing things in the world, that spread love and light. On the same token, I know plenty of 'saints' that have hurt and traumatized many, spreading darkness and vicious cycles of shame. But at the end of the day, we're all just people. And all people reap what they sow, so who cares about distinguishing the sinner from the saint? I sure don't.

My final concern I had with the Bible was that it is sixty-six books written by many, many different men. Besides the fact that there is no female perspective in there [yet another topic for a completely separate blog], there are so many different people that had a hand in writing the Bible. That's a lot of different energies going into one book, don't ya think? The book that over TWO BILLION people worldwide follow, was also written in such a span of time that fourteen generations had time to pass between the Old Testament and The New. Then someone decided that Revelations was the end. No more needed to be said. God was done sending messages to humans, forever. I'm sorry, no. First of all, I don't trust half the things people are saying when I personally know them, so why would I trust a bunch of men that I will never meet, with my spiritual advancement? Let's not even get into what was lost in translating the texts. As a drug addict, I didn't like drugs that passed too many hands. So why would I want my spiritual guidance to be stepped on five or six times with all these translations. Ever play "telephone?" Ya, same thing. What's wrong with trusting my own experiences and my own heart? Why can't we think for ourselves and come up with what fits our lives, instead of a big ancient book of mostly fairytales and judgments?

My answer, is that we can. And I have. Only, I don't intend to share it with anyone, because my "spiritual laws" are ones that I've observed over a lifetime and saw that when I follow these guidelines, my life is good and people around me feel loved and seen. In other words, I took inventory over my life, I saw what made me feel good and I saw what made me feel bad. I also saw what helped and what hurt those around me. And based on those findings I wrote my own spiritual text or bible, if you will. I encourage everyone to do this very thing because that is where I feel this planet will find healing. There will always be negatives and positives, but if we all aim to live morally, according to our own experiences and karma, leaving behind judgments based on what someone else said, and think for ourselves, we can find a better balance and harmony. We just need to step outside of the religious box. Every single human has a spirit and is, therefore, spiritual. That's one thing that links us all and drives out separation. Beyond religion, we are all spiritual beings and our souls will outlast these bodies. Yet we waste time condemning others or finding differneces in those around us. Rather than seeking the understanding and acceptance of what's different so that we might all feel and be more connected, by love.

The reality I want to experience is one in which all people are recognized as different versions of each other, not something separate. There is truly a beauty and healing in individuality and solitude, but when we interact with each other, I seek a reality with more truly compassionate exchanges. My bible is filled with hope, and love, and joy, and abundance, while dealing with whatever challenges life will throw my way. I know I'm not here to experience punishment, nor am I here to punish anyone else. I'm not here to be saved, and I'm not here to save anyone else. I am here to experience and to learn. To love and to be loved. To feel.


About the Creator

Jaia Khan

Just a soul in human form. Here on Earth to receive and share information ❤️

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