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How to survive a heatwave

Some ideas to keep you alive during these heated times

By JR StinePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to survive a heatwave
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Oregon and surrounding areas are about to enter another heatwave and be inundated with temperatures approaching or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. As a resident of Oregon I would like to share some wisdom I've learned when it comes to surviving extreme heat. Having personally lived in Southern California, Hawaii and being forced to spent many a summer in the deserts of Nevada I have some experience surviving heat and a few tips and tricks that everyone should know. None of my tips will be earth shattering but for those unuse to the heat or people being forced to stay at home I hope you will find something useful or at the very least it will rejog your memory on the things you need doing to make it thru this sweltering time.

Air conditioning, swamp coolers and fans oh my!

By Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

If you are lucky enough to own an air conditioning or have the funds available to purchase one you should probably stop reading this and either go buy one or set it up. With good enough AC you should be able to wave goodbye to any heatwave so long as the power stays on, your power bill will probably see an increase but better that than heatstroke. Swamp coolers are your next best bet and have the added benefit of adding moisture to your living space instead of detracting like many air conditioning units which can help avoid a sore throat or dry nose. Fans are going to be a must and come in so many sizes and variety that you should be able to find one that fits your living situation. If you can put them by or in any open windows or other places that hot air might seep through such as doorways with big openings do that. This will help hot air from getting in as well as pushing cold air throughout. Unless you have amazing architecture or a plan to escape the heat your going to need one of these modern marvels to help you survive.


By Intan Yuhanis on Unsplash

I’m giving humidifiers there own special section because there not nearly as essential and might be down right useless depending on the humidity in your environment. I do find them useful to keep a dry throat away and clear your sinuses especially if your using a fan 24/7 and aren't use to them. While they can lower the temperature in your house its far from a guarantee so ask around and/or do some research before setting them up.

Keep it sealed

By Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

In order for your machines to keep the air cool you have to keep the hot air out. Be diligent when it comes to keeping unnecessary windows closed and if you have an AC make sure that it’s hose or it’s backend is directed outside a window so that hot air stays outside where it belongs. Keeping your doors closed so that cool air doesn’t escape is important but make sure that important air flow routes aren't sacrificed either. Think of this as a great time to get to know your place and all it’s opening.

Don’t be modest

By Europeana on Unsplash

Clothes are great, who doesn't love to dress up? However in one hundred degree weather it’s a different story. Honestly unless you have roommates or a partner who won’t let you I'd say it's best to strip down to your birthday suite. I'm talking full frontal, throw down a towel if your a perfuse sweater, trust me you'll thank me later. If that’s not an option underwear is the next best thing or shorts but t-shirts in 2022 in hundred degree weather? Seems unnecessary.

Keep hydrated

By Julia Zolotova on Unsplash

I know your parents probably told you this growing up all the time but I'll say it again, DRINK WATER. Also if you can try to incorporate any juicy fruits and vegetables into your diet (Grapes and cucumbers are my go too.) they will keep you from becoming dehydrated and keep your energy level up. Avoid overly salty food and/or alcohol both of which will just dehydrate you more. Additionally make sure all that water you've been pumping into you stays inside, so stick to the shade as much as possible. In fact why don't you try pretending your a vampire for the week, who know you might enjoy it.

Turn it off

By Vladislav Bychkov on Unsplash

Now is a good time to remind you that electronics not only will raise your power bill but also generate more heat. The main thing we are trying to avoid. Just feel around the back of your TV and you’ll see how much heat it generates, I know my PlayStation could moonlight as a radiator if I let it. Instead of staring at screens why don't you use this time to rediscover reading or get back into painting or learn how to do some other activity you've been putting off. Extreme heat is a good time to put down that screen and embrace something that doesn't require wattage.

Get wet

By mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Sometimes you don’t have to be fancy. If all else fails fill up a bucket with cold water from your shower, plop yourself down and soak your feet. Your local Home Depot or Lowes should have plenty of sizes available so no matter your foot size you too can dung your feet. This is also a great tip to keep in mind if the power goes out which is likely to happen somewhere this week. A cold bath or shower will do the trick and if you have a pool available, why are you still reading this?

Get out of there!

By kazuend on Unsplash

If things get too hot remember you can always escape your personal dwelling. Big chains like Target or Walmart will almost always have AC running and what a great time to experience the cool air around the produce section in your local grocery store. Gyms and restaurants are another good bet for a controlled climate but can be hit and miss so do your due diligence before showing up. Another option if your lucky is a local river or beach which should have cool water to dunk yourself in. Wherever you go remember to stay hydrated.

Hope these tips have been helpful and I remember to stay alive in these sweltering times!


About the Creator

JR Stine

Just your average working dude with a passion for the written word. Working on a book but always looking for free lance work in between. Hope you’ll stop by and take a gander at what I’ve got to offer.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    These are all excellent tips that you've given

JR StineWritten by JR Stine

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