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How to remove wrinkles and scars at home with home remedies

Remove wrinkles and acne scars

By Cristal CristalPublished about a year ago 3 min read

How to Make fair glowing skin at home with home remedies


We have all been there. You have the perfect skin and then something happens to it. It can be anything from a make up mishap or even just stress. What do you do when your skin goes bad? For me, I always turn to home remedies like these for glowing skin:


Milk is rich in lactic acid and Vitamin D. It helps in removing dead skin cells, making your skin glow. Milk also moisturizes the skin. It is a natural moisturizer which helps in moisturizing the skin as well as giving you glowing complexion without any makeup!

Milk can be used to treat acne-prone skin by applying it on your face once or twice daily before going to bed at night (before going to sleep). You can also apply milk after taking bath/shower or when you are getting ready for bedtime."


Oatmeal is an excellent exfoliator, and it's also great for removing blackheads. One way to use oatmeal is by mixing it with water in a bowl, then applying it to your face as you would any other facial cleanser. It will remove dead skin cells and excess oil from your face while leaving it feeling smooth and soft.

Oatmeal can be used as a natural cleanser if you have dry skin or acne issues--just mix one-half cup of oatmeal into three cups of warm water (or use 1/4 cup per person). Then apply this mixture onto damp skin after showering or bathing, letting it sit on top of the area for five minutes before rinsing thoroughly off with warm water. This method allows better penetration into pores without causing any irritation from soap residue; however there might be some stinging sensation during application due to its high concentration of potassium salts which cause burning sensations upon contact with sensitive areas such as forehead lines/eye lids etc..


Honey is a natural moisturizer, which means it can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and acne scars. It also helps to exfoliate skin, removing dead skin cells that have gathered on your face. Honey contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and reduce inflammation in your body--which means it can help prevent acne breakouts as well!

To use honey as a home remedy for glowing fair skin:

Mix 1 tablespoon of raw honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl until smooth (add more water if necessary). Apply this mixture onto your face twice daily after washing off with warm water or using an exfoliating scrub; leave it on until all traces are gone from your face before rinsing off thoroughly with lukewarm water (this will help keep bacteria at bay). Do not rinse off after applying this mixture because doing so could wash away precious nutrients from their intended destination!

Egg white

Egg white is a natural cleanser and it can be used as a facial mask. It can remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells from your face.

Egg White is also an excellent exfoliator which helps to improve the texture of your skin by removing dead skin cells that form scaly patches on the surface of your skin. When you use egg whites in this way it improves blood circulation in the area around where you apply them, making it look brighter and fresher.

You can use egg whites as part of an at-home body scrub by mixing one teaspoon each dry white powder with 1 cup warm water (or enough water so that everything stays together). Start with wetting down about half the mixture before adding any other ingredients like honey or milk powder into another bowl full of warm water (also known as lukewarm). Mix both mixtures together thoroughly then apply evenly over dry areas such as elbows knees ankles etc., leave on for 5 minutes then rinse off thoroughly under running water until all traces have disappeared

Try these home remedies for glowing skin

Milk is a great option for glowing skin. It's full of vitamins and minerals, which will help to keep your body healthy.

Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

Honey is also great for keeping your skin glowy and fresh looking all day long! You can use it as a mask or even just drizzle some honey over your face before bedtime for extra hydration that will leave you feeling refreshed in the morning.* Egg whites are another way to get glowing skin without having to spend tons of money on expensive creams from department stores or beauty supply stores (which often contain chemicals).


We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this article and learned some new things about skin care. You might want to try out some of the home remedies mentioned here, but remember that everyone is different—so do your research on what works best for you!

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