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How to Naturally Heal Yourself Emotionally & Physically

Tips on Reaching Emotional & Physical Health Naturally

By Rayanne MorrissPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The image source is Pexels.

After experiencing a traumatic event, your mind is filled with many different thoughts. It can be difficult to know where to begin when trying to heal from emotional or physical trauma, especially if it has been hours, days, or even weeks since the incident. Sometimes you'll wake up feeling refreshed and restored. Sometimes it feels like you're about to drown. You are not alone; that is a perfectly natural reaction. If professional treatment is out of the question right now, there are still things you can do to help yourself heal and go back to feeling complete.

Make the Decision to Try Self-Healing

Self-healing only works if the person is completely committed to the process. It is okay to take your own time, and no one should pass judgment on whether or not you're ready to let go; but when you're there, you'll know it. You can't just feel ready to heal; you must also permit yourself to do it. When you allow something to be possible, you must let it happen. You can even find professionals who can guide you in finding your purpose. This can be greatly beneficial as they can help you on your journey.

Relax and Concentrate on the Sensation of Breathing as You Sit Upright

Just observe the natural rhythm of your breathing as it goes in and out. Don't pass judgment or try to alter the situation; observe. It's just a little exercise to help you focus on the here and now and silence some racing thoughts plaguing you. Everybody gets sidetracked from time to time, so if you think, "I'm just no good at this," try redirecting your attention to your breathing instead. It's always available to help you reset your mind.

Put Your Hands Together In Front Of You, Palms Facing Each Other, And Rub Them Rapidly For 30 To 60 Seconds

Let the two get toasty from the friction and enjoy the warmth. While rubbing your hands together and taking a break, let a small grin creep onto your face. A positive attitude may be quickly altered with just a few seconds' worth of smiling; therefore, it's no wonder that smiling is a powerful therapeutic tool.

Space your hands to the side by about a hand's width and focus on the energy that flows between them. Although this energy has always been around, you can only experience it now because you have consciously decided to do so.

Put Your Head Down And Close Your Eyes

Visualize this power as a golden glow that grows and engulfs your entire being. Visualize a golden light piercing your feet and ascending to your brain. Visualize the light entering your body from above your head and traveling down your spine as it envelops you. Just try channeling it up your arms and into your body. You can't go wrong here. All you're doing is opening your awareness to something always there: this energy. Combine that with your desire to mend and heal, please. When you lose the ability to sense the energy, rub your hands together again.

Take Note Of How The Energy Affects Your Body In The Places It Flows

Feel the mending and the clearing as the golden light travels through your body. Ask the light to purge your life of anything that isn't contributing to your growth. Permit your exhalations to become longer and deeper, as if you were pushing out the sluggish energy, as you clear things with the golden light. Keep going like this for the next 10 minutes. To get past ego-driven ideas or diversions, it helps to permit you to feel whatever feelings or obstacles come up.

Have Sincerest Gratitude to Yourself

Give thanks to your physical self for facilitating this realization and recovery. As little as five or ten minutes of "playing" with this energy flow can release feelings of joy and calm that you thought were impossible only minutes before. Make sure they know you believe in your capacity to recover. Please send it to various locations on your body by name. Feel how it travels through different areas.


Knowing where to start can be challenging when trying to overcome the effects of trauma. You can mend and regain that sense of wholeness by taking certain actions. Self-healing only produces results if the individual attempting it is fully invested in it. No one else has the right to second-guess your readiness or rush you along before you're good and ready. You can learn to recognize this energy by meditating and becoming more attuned to it. Imagine a shaft of golden light penetrating your soles and ascending your body until it reaches your mind. You can ask the light to help you eliminate whatever is holding you back from developing your potential.

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