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How to manage stress

Health tips

By Sangeetha SPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Stress is an inherent aspect of the human experience, and it can serve as a motivating factor to accomplish tasks. Even during challenging times, such as serious illness, job loss, the loss of a loved one, or other painful life events, experiencing high levels of stress is a natural occurrence. Feeling down or anxious in response to such situations is also normal, at least for a temporary period.

However, if you find yourself feeling consistently down or anxious for several weeks or if it begins to disrupt your personal or professional life, it is advisable to consult your doctor. They can provide guidance on various approaches to address these feelings, including therapy, medication, and other effective strategies.

In the meantime, there are steps you can take to manage stress before it becomes overwhelming. The following tips can help you keep stress under control:

•Foster a positive attitude.

•Accept that certain events are beyond your control.

Practice assertiveness rather than aggression. Express your emotions, opinions, or beliefs without becoming angry, defensive, or passive.

•Learn effective time management skills.

Set appropriate boundaries and learn to say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.

•Make time for activities and hobbies that bring you joy.

Avoid relying on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviour as a means to alleviate stress. These substances can further strain your body.

Seek social support and spend quality time with loved ones.

Consider seeking treatment from a psychologist or another mental health professional trained in stress management or biofeedback techniques. They can teach you healthier ways of coping with stress.

These lifestyle changes can also significantly contribute to stress management:


Engaging in physical activity can positively impact your sleep, which in turn aids stress management. Although the precise reasons are not yet fully understood, individuals who exercise regularly tend to experience better quality deep sleep, known as "slow wave" sleep, which promotes rejuvenation of the mind and body. It is important to avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as this can disrupt sleep for some people.

Exercise also has the potential to enhance mood. This may be attributed to the release of various hormones, including endorphins and endocannabinoids, which help alleviate pain, improve sleep, and induce a sedative effect. In fact, some of these hormones, particularly endocannabinoids, are believed to be responsible for the euphoric sensation commonly known as the "runner's high."

Moreover, exercise is associated with reduced anxiety levels and an increased sense of self-positivity. When your body feels good, your mind often follows suit. Incorporate the following exercises into your routine to experience stress relief:






If you cannot commit to a formal exercise program, you can still find opportunities to be active throughout your day. Consider the following tips:

•Choose biking over driving when going to the store.

•Opt for stairs instead of elevators.

•Park farther away from your destination.

•Wash your car by hand.

Engage in housecleaning activities.

Take a walk during your lunch break.


Maintaining a healthy diet not only benefits your physical well-being but also has a positive impact on your mental health, including stress reduction. A nutritious diet can mitigate the effects of stress, boost your immune system, stabilize your mood, and lower blood pressure. Conversely, excessive consumption of added sugar and unhealthy fats can exacerbate stress levels. It's important to note that during times of heightened stress, junk food may appear more enticing.

To promote overall health and emotional balance, prioritise complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and fatty acids found in foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and nuts.

Additionally, incorporating antioxidants into your diet can provide further benefits by protecting your cells from the damage caused by chronic stress. Foods rich in antioxidants include beans, fruits, berries, vegetables, and spices like ginger.

Maintaining a healthy diet can be achieved by implementing a few simple tips. Start by making a shopping list to ensure you have nutritious options on hand. Carry healthy snacks with you when you're away from home to avoid succumbing to unhealthy food choices. It's also wise to steer clear of processed foods and mindless eating.

Furthermore, researchers have identified specific nutrients that seem to help mitigate the effects of stress on both the body and mind. Ensure you include sufficient amounts of the following nutrients in your balanced diet:

•Vitamin C


•Omega-3 fatty acids


Stress often disrupts the ability to fall asleep easily. If you experience difficulty falling and staying asleep at least three times a week for three months or more, you may be dealing with insomnia. The lack of sufficient sleep can contribute to increased stress levels, creating a cycle of stress and sleeplessness.

Developing better sleep habits can help break this cycle. This involves establishing a consistent daily routine and optimising your bedroom environment. Here are some habits that can promote better sleep:

•Engage in regular exercise.

Spend time outdoors in natural sunlight.

•Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine close to bedtime.

•Establish a consistent sleep schedule.

•Avoid using electronic devices 30-60 minutes before bed.

•Explore relaxation techniques such as meditation at bedtime.

Creating a sleep-friendly bedroom environment is also crucial. Ensure your room is dark, quiet, and cool. Additionally, prioritise a comfortable mattress that provides proper support.

Relaxation Techniques:

Various relaxation techniques can effectively reduce stress levels. Consider incorporating the following practices into your routine:

Yoga: This form of exercise also doubles as a meditation practice. Opt for types of yoga that emphasize slow movements, stretching, and deep breathing, as they are particularly effective in lowering anxiety and stress.

Meditation: With a history spanning over 5,000 years, meditation offers numerous benefits. It can alleviate stress, anxiety, and chronic pain while improving sleep quality, energy levels, and mood. To meditate, find a quiet place, get comfortable in a sitting or lying position, focus your attention on a word, phrase, object, or your breath, and allow your thoughts to come and go without judgment.

Deep Breathing: By practicing deep breathing, you tap into your body's innate ability to relax, inducing a state of deep rest that can reshape your stress response. Deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the brain and calms the part of the nervous system responsible for relaxation.

Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a technique that empowers individuals to regulate their physiological responses, such as heart rate, muscle tension, and blood pressure, in the face of stress. Sensors are used to monitor changes in various bodily functions, providing feedback that helps individuals learn how to control their body's reactions to stressors.

Connecting with Others:

Spending time with a supportive friend or family member who is willing to listen can be a natural way to calm yourself and reduce stress. Physical interaction with others triggers the release of hormones that counteract the fight-or-flight response, promoting relaxation.

Managing Behavior and Inner Voice:

How you respond to people and situations significantly impacts your stress levels. Consider these tips for managing your response:

•void overcommitting yourself.

•hare responsibilities with others.

Take a moment to count to 10 before responding in heated situations.

When necessary, walk away from tense situations.

Distract yourself with music or podcasts to shift your focus.

Furthermore, your inner voice plays a

critical role in influencing your stress levels. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you can significantly impact your overall well-being. Positive self-talk not only helps reduce stress but also promotes a longer life, lowers the risk of depression, enhances immune function, and equips you with better coping skills during challenging times.

Laugh Therapy:

Laughter is a powerful tool for stress management. When you laugh, your body takes in more oxygen, providing a boost to your heart, lungs, and muscles. Laughing triggers the release of feel-good hormones, improves your immune system, alleviates pain, and uplifts your mood for extended periods of time. Find opportunities for laughter through activities, jokes, or spending time with humorous individuals.

Talk Therapy:

Long-term talk therapy can be beneficial for individuals dealing with stress. One specific approach, known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), helps you identify and change negative thought patterns. Your therapist can guide you through various therapeutic techniques tailored to your needs.

Remember, effective stress management requires a personalized approach. Experiment with different strategies to discover what works best for you. Incorporate healthy lifestyle choices, relaxation techniques, positive self-talk, and social support to create a comprehensive stress management plan. With time and practice, you can develop resilience and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Here are a few additional strategies to consider:

Prioritize Self-Care: Dedicate time to taking care of yourself. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, practicing mindfulness, taking baths, or pursuing hobbies. Making self-care a priority will help recharge your mind and body, making you better equipped to handle stress.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of the present moment without judgment. It can help reduce stress by allowing you to observe your thoughts and emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. Incorporate mindfulness into your day by practicing deep breathing exercises, meditation, or mindful walking.

Practice Time Management: Effective time management can help alleviate stress by ensuring that you have enough time to complete tasks and engage in activities that are important to you. Prioritise your tasks, break them down into manageable steps, and set realistic deadlines. Avoid overcommitting yourself and learn to delegate when necessary.

Engage in Physical Activities: Regular exercise has numerous benefits for stress management. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it's going for a run, practicing yoga, dancing, or participating in team sports. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Practice Healthy Boundaries: Setting healthy boundaries is essential for managing stress. Learn to say no to excessive demands on your time and energy. Understand your limits and communicate them assertively but respectfully. By setting boundaries, you can avoid taking on more than you can handle and protect your well-being.

Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for support when needed. Talk to trusted friends or family members about your feelings and experiences. Consider joining support groups where you can connect with others who may be going through similar challenges. If necessary, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support.

Remember, stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to control you. By implementing these strategies and making self-care a priority, you can build resilience and develop healthier ways of managing stress.


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