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How To Create A Vision Board That Works: 4 Tips

Creating a vision board can bring you closer to achieving your goals and living out your dreams.

By Syed BalkhiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How To Create A Vision Board That Works: 4 Tips
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

Most people aren’t where they want to be. They daydream about the life they want to live but don’t know how to get, complete with sandy beaches, multiple vacations, and lots of sun. It’s great to envision a better life where we get to spend time the way we choose and map out our careers, family life, and more.

But how do you turn those visions into reality? For many, the answer lies in a vision board. A vision board, also known as a dream board, is a collage of inspirational images, quotes, and other content. It serves as inspiration and motivation for you to accomplish your goals and live your dreams.

A staggering 69 percent of millennials experience FOMO, or the fear of missing out. This type of social anxiety stems from feeling left out of fun, enjoyable experiences. As a result, people start daydreaming about living a different life and becoming a different person.

According to Psychology Today, mental practices such as visualization can increase a person’s motivation and confidence. It’s easier to see yourself living the life you want when you look at it every day, which is why a vision board comes in handy. For those trying to achieve their goals, vision boards show them why they shouldn’t give up as well as the potential for a better future.

If you want to create a vision board, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Create Goals

It’s important to create and set realistic goals you want to achieve so you can start imagining your vision. If you try creating a vision board without fully knowing what you want, it’ll be difficult to make one that resonates with you. The point of your board is to imagine yourself living the life you want, so if it doesn’t reflect that, it’s pretty pointless.

Decide on a few main goals you want to work toward and achieve. You can have as many as you’d like, but it’s better to stick to a few primary goals so you don’t lose track of the bigger picture. It’s easy to get lost in the smaller things you want to accomplish, so make sure you prioritize your goals.

Consider Your Aesthetic

Whether you care about the look of things or not, considering the aesthetic of your vision board is important. You have to look at it every day, and if it doesn’t appeal to you or speak to your goals, then there’s no point.

Let’s say one of your primary goals is to start a blog. You’d need to find images and designs that represent blogging, which could include quotes with pretty fonts, images of laptops and computers, and more. Your images should capture the aesthetic you’re going for so that every time you look at your vision board, you remember what you’re working toward.

If you aren’t sure what your aesthetic should be or what you would like, feel free to browse different image galleries. These contain different stock photos you’re legally allowed to download and print if you can’t find visual content elsewhere.

Collect Graphics and Photos

You want your vision board to be pleasing to the eye and speak to you. If you look at it and it doesn’t inspire you, then it could be that you aren’t using the right images. The look and feel of your board should reflect how you feel about accomplishing your goals, and if it doesn’t, then you need to dive back in.

Choosing the right graphics and visual content is important to express how you feel about your future. If it’s bleak, dark, and uninviting, you won’t feel motivated to work hard and live your dream.

Use magazines, newspapers, online images, and other outlets to find images and start physically piecing your board together. Magazines work the best because it’s easy to find colorful, bright images and lettering that match your aesthetic. But if you need to, feel free to look online for other sources of inspiration.

Let’s say your goal is to start teaching online yoga classes by the end of the year. You would need visual content related to yoga to create your visual goal, so you’d start looking for images that represent that. You want to stick to bright colors and positive phrases so it’s easier to look forward to the work ahead.

Look at It Every Day

Yoru vision board isn’t much use if it sits in a corner and doesn’t get any attention. If it collects cobwebs in the basement, your goals for this year will get pushed to the backburner and will never see the light of day.

If one of your goals is to start a podcast, then looking at podcasting content on your board every day will remind you of that goal. Some days, you might not have the motivation or energy to work towards your objective, and this is normal. But if you want to be successful, you need to push yourself, especially when you don’t want to.

Make it a habit to look at your vision board every day. It isn’t about glancing at it for a quick second and then doing something else. Instead, practice mindfulness when you encounter your dream board. Think of the reasons why you created it in the first place and what motivated you. Most of the time, that’s enough to put you back on track and set you in the right direction.

Your Turn

Creating a vision board doesn’t have to be a daunting task. You can turn it into a fun project that you’re proud to look at. It’s easier to gain inspiration and achieve your goals when you have a pretty board of your dreams and desires in front of you. How will you create your vision board?

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About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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