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How is the recovery process after hair transplant surgery?

Your recovery process will depend on the type of transplant you have.

By chandra ClinicPublished about a year ago 3 min read

How is the recovery process after hair transplant surgery?

Most hair transplant surgeries in Delhi are performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the day of the procedure. Your recovery process will depend on the type of transplant you have. For a few days after surgery, you may:

Day 1: Remove bandages.

Day 2: Wash your hair.

Days 3 to 5: Return to work and resume light activities.

After 10 days: Remove the stitches (done by the doctor).

After 3 weeks: Return to exercise or sports.

How long do hair transplant results last in Delhi?

It can take up to a year before you see the full results of any hair transplant. The transplanted hair may fall out as the graft or flap heals. This is correct. Hair should grow back. You may need several hair transplants to get natural looking results.

When should I visit the doctor for hair transplant in Delhi?

After the operation, you will have several follow-up visits with your doctor. They will make sure that your scalp heals well. But if you encounter any of the following problems, please contact your ISP immediately:

  1. A fever that won't go away
  2. Profuse bleeding from the head.
  3. Severe redness or pain on the scalp.
  4. Signs of infection, such as green or yellow pus from a cut on the scalp.

Hair transplant surgery may be an option if other hair growth treatments haven't worked for you. There are many methods of hair transplant in Delhi. Therefore, it is important to work with your health care provider to select the procedure best suited for your goals. Consult a qualified professional with experience in hair loss treatment and hair restoration. All he has to do is transplant operation. You should also consider the practical aspects of hair transplant operation. Consider the cost and healing time between treatments. READ MORE

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hair Transplant

How long does hair live after transplant?

After the transplant, a new hairline appears and the transplanted hair begins to fall out after 4 to 6 weeks.

How long does it take to recover after hair transplant?

Recovery after hair transplant takes about 3 to 4 weeks.

What can not be done after hair transplant?

Do not wash your hair for 48 hours after hair transplant. After 48 hours, use a mild shampoo and gently massage into the scalp. Don't dye your hair or sleep next to the transplant. Avoid wearing helmets and caps. Do not sit in the sun or apply ice directly to the hair transplant site.

What is the failure rate in hair transplant?

In contrast to scarring alopecia (>90%), hair transplantation in cases of scarring alopecia has a low graft survival rate (50%) [3].

Does your hair turn gray after a transplant?

As the hair in the donor area turns white, the transplanted hair turns white. In rare cases, treatment may cause premature aging of some of the transplanted hairs, but this will not affect life expectancy or the overall condition of the hair.

Which is better, FUE or FUT hair transplant?

After hair transplant surgery, FUE results in more hair loss than FUT. Let your doctor decide which method is best for you.

Is hair transplant permanent?

Yes, hair transplant should be permanent. This usually lasts for the rest of his life.

Causes of male pattern baldness


Smoking is the cause of many diseases including hair loss. Smoking can aggravate male pattern baldness. So if you are facing the problem of typical and permanent baldness, then the reason could be smoking.

Use Chemical Hair Products

Using tons of advertised hair products on your hair is just too gimmicky. It is possible that you are suffering from severe hair loss problem which leads to baldness.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalance due to lifestyle changes and sleep management can lead to hair fall.

Medical Conditions

Variable conditions such as pregnancy, thyroid problems, immune-mediated disorders and a hair pulling disorder called trichotillomania can cause permanent or temporary hair loss.

Radiation Therapy

Harmful radiation from X-ray machines can cause hair loss.


Nearly one in two people now experiences hair loss and thinning problems due to physical or emotional stress.


Some medicines can cause hair loss due to their various side effects. For example, drugs commonly used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, and high blood pressure.


About the Creator

chandra Clinic

Dr. Urvashi Chandra is a Surgeon Diplomat of the American Council of Hair Restoration, who specializes in BIO-IPT FUE Hair Transplantation. Considered to be the best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi,

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