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Factors to Consider Before Installing a New Fence on Your Home

Planning to install a new fence? Here are factors to consider, including whether to hire one the best Austin fence companies or DIY.

By MARIA HELENPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Factors to Consider Before Installing a New Fence on Your Home
Photo by Ranurte on Unsplash

Having a professionally-installed fence around your home can be a big investment. For that reason, you need to plan to ensure you install the right fence that adds value to your home and meets your requirements. But before you install your new fence, you need to consider some factors to ensure you end up with the right fence. Here are the factors;

Purpose of the fence

Of course you have a reason to install a new fence on your home. Knowing the purpose of your fence will help you know the material options and best style to suit your requirements. You can have different purpose for your fence. You may want a boundary fence to surround your home. You may also want a fence to secure your pool, garden or even keep your pets in a secure and safe environment. What’s more, you may want a fence to improve the value of your home or even for safety purposes to keep intruders out. All these fences will be made differently. That is why understanding the purpose for the fence is very crucial.

What is your budget?

There are many styles and materials you can use for your fence installation. This means that there are high chances you can get a perfect option ideal for your budget. If you want a fence to completely secure your home from intruders, you need to have a good budget. If this is case, you will be considering a metal or vinyl fence. In case of a simple structure, you can consider a wooden fence which can be done on a lower budget. When you hire one of the best Austin Fence Companies, they will help you make the right choice based on your budget.

Materials to use

You can use wood, ornamental steel or aluminum, vinyl, chain link, and more. A wooden fence is attractive, cost-effective and can last for up to 15 years if well maintained. The only problem with the fence is that it can attract pests and you must maintain and repair them more often. Ornamental steel or aluminum fence is great option, and with many styling options, you can find the most ideal style for your home. Vinyl fences are strong and are a good option for privacy. A chain link fence is economical, keeps your pets secure and gives intruders no place to hide.

Fencing laws/neighborhood regulations

Before you install your new fence, you need to familiarize yourself with fencing laws and neighborhood covenants governing fencing in your area. This will help you avoid problems with the neighbors or the local authorities. If you don’t consider fencing laws in your area, you may end up modifying or removing the newly-installed fence.

DIY or hire a professional fence contractor?

You may have brilliant ideas on how to install your fence, but it’s advisable to consider hiring one of the best Austin fence companies. An experienced fencing contractor will install the right fence for you, help you save money and even ensure your fence meets set fence regulations in your area.

Best fencing contractor to hire in Austin

Landmark Fence Company is one of the best fence contractors in Austin and beyond. The company specializes in all styles of fences and uses only highest quality materials ranging from wood to vinyl. What’s more, the fencing company offers reliable fencing services at best prices thanks to their team of fencing experts.

Final Words

If you want to install a new fence that meets all your requirements, you need to consider the above factors. Considering the above factors will help you install a fence that you can comfortably afford and most importantly, install a fence that meets the set fence laws and regulations in your area. What’s more, you can avoid costly mistakes.


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