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Eight Ideas for Maximizing a Small Space

Get Rid of Clutter

By KevinPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Today, having a messy home isn’t fashionable, and there are great ways to maximize a small home or apartment. Use these ideas to maximize the space in closets, and other areas of an apartment or a home.

Get Rid of Excess Clutter

If you want to maximize a space, then you must get rid of excess clutter in each area of a room. You should determine how many books, garments and other items are essential to eliminate the clutter. After deciding what you want to keep, place similar items together, so that you can decide how you want to organize what is left.

Maximize Closet Space

Many closets are poorly designed with huge empty areas above one shelf. If you raise the shelf to a higher level, along with repositioning a clothing rod, then you can use this space. When you raise the clothing rod, you can add an additional rod that you can use for shorter garments. Customizing your closet will help you to store items properly, so that you have a space for hats, handbags, and shoes.

Have a Platform Bed

Rather than using a traditional bed frame that requires a box spring and a mattress, you can use a platform bed frame instead. This type of bed frame only requires a mattress, leaving a larger space underneath the bed for storage. You can use plastic containers to store items such as blankets and clothing, or you can look for pretty rattan containers that others can see.

Buy Multipurpose Furniture

To maximize the space in an apartment or a home, you can find multipurpose furniture. There are furniture design experts who have created items that are useful, but that will also store other things. You can find end tables for your lamps that have removable tops with a storage space underneath. It is also a great idea to buy a couch that will open up to make a bed for your guests.

Create Zones

If you live in a studio apartment, then create different zones for each activity. All of the items for cooking should remain in the kitchen zone while all of the items for sleeping are located in the bedroom zone. Make sure to keep your possessions in the proper zone to maximize space so that your home isn’t messy.

Add Bookshelves and Cabinets

Use more bookshelves and cabinets with doors for storage by selecting taller items that reach to the ceiling. You may need to secure these taller items to the walls, but you can store a lot of items on the shelves, and inside the cabinets. Make sure to have a compact foldable ladder, so that you can access the items that are stored at the top of the cabinets and bookshelves.

Build a Loft

You can add a loft to your home to give it a second floor where you can store your possessions, or where you can have another room. When a loft is made in the proper way, you can use it for an office, or alternatively, you can use it for a bedroom. Remember that you should add sturdy stairs to the room to make it easier to access the loft.

Make Your Own Storage Devices

If you have hundreds of pairs of shoes, you can use fleece fabric to make hanging storage systems for the footwear. Make a pattern with paper before cutting the fabric, and stitch the fabric together carefully to have pockets for holding your shoes. You can hang the homemade shoe holders on the walls of a closet, or you can hang the items on the inside of the closet doors.


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