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Do you wish to gain weight? Consult a nutritionist


By Sahina BanoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you believe it is simpler to gain weight? That is not the case at all. Especially if you strive to achieve it without eating cakes and buns and instead stick to a balanced diet. Here are some dietician recommendations to help you with this.

The problem of being underweight in modern culture is not as severe as the problem of being overweight. However, it is also harmful to one's health. According to research, being underweight (BMI less than 18.5) increases the chance of dying from any disease in the same way that being obese does. When people are "underweight," their immune systems and bones weaken.

Weight loss can occur for a variety of causes, including genetic susceptibility, gastrointestinal system illnesses, hormonal changes, unbalanced and/or insufficient diet. Not all of these issues are simple to resolve. However, if you are in good health, adjusting your diet might be the first step toward achieving a healthy weight.

Here's what a nutritionist would like to tell you in this regard.

Increase your calorie consumption

If you need to gain weight, your energy consumption must be smaller than your energy consumption. To acquire 500 g each week, you must consume an additional 500 kcal every day. A weekly weight gain of 0.5-1 kg is considered safe. And we'll add our own: the metabolic rate will be critical to the enterprise's success. It will be considerably more difficult to work towards the targeted goal if you obtain it quickly.

Choose high-calorie fruits and veggies

Bananas (96 kcal / 100 g), dates (292 kcal / 100 g), dried figs (257 kcal / 100 g), grapes (72 kcal / 100 g), lentils (295 kcal / 100 g). You will get not only energy, but also vitamins and minerals from them. And, of course, a serving of fibre for gut health.

Consume foods that are high in energy

Your goal is to gain energy rather than binge and die.

So hunt for items with a high calorie content per gram. These include nuts, seeds, dried fruits, vegetable oils, avocados, and so forth. Of course, pies and sweets are heavy in calories as well; however, the expert cautions that such products include added sugar and might cause harmful surges in blood glucose. If you need to gain weight, don't abandon them completely, but don't overdo it either.

Choose calorie-dense beverages

Protein shakes or smoothies, for example. Season them with seeds, crushed nuts, and dark chocolate chips to up the calorie count even further. Use high-calorie fruits and whole milk in your cooking.

Fruit juices include a lot of calories as well. If you have no health issues, you can consume a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day.

Increase your use of sauces

They are not commercially available since they include a lot of added sugar, saturated fat, and salt, all of which are absolutely useless. Make your own high-calorie sauces like mayonnaise and pesto. And don't forget about simple ways to make foods more nutritious: add cheese, croutons, nuts, and don't skimp on vegetable oil in salads.

Increase your protein consumption

This is critical if you want to increase not only weight and bulk, but also muscle mass. Researchers evaluated the influence of high, medium, and low protein diets on weight growth in a 2012 study. For eight weeks, all participants in the trial were on a high-calorie diet. The protein proportions in the diets of the three groups were 5%, 15%, and 25%, respectively. As a result, "five percent" gained an average of 3.5 kg during the experiment, but the group with the largest quantity of protein in the diet gained as much as 7 kg. At the same time, the weight gain in terms of fat mass was roughly the same in all three groups.

What exactly does this mean? If you want to gain weight, include extra protein in your diet, such as fatty fish, eggs, almonds, and meat... But keep in mind that too much protein might be harmful to your health. Consult your doctor about your recommended meal.

Perform strength training

"They will assist you in gaining weight by growing muscle. A fitness professional recommends lifting weights at least three to four times each week, using hefty weights that can only be done for 6-8 reps per set.

They also advise against engaging in strenuous cardio exercises because you risk burning too many calories. In a nutshell, forget about jogging. However, going about the business of gaining weight does not hurt. Walking provides you with several options and does not interfere with your weight increase.


About the Creator

Sahina Bano

Freelance Blogger and Content Writer. I owe a website and write for my clients.

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