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Communication Skils

building your communication

By Anugwa LovedayPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
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There is this discriminatory notion we all have about how we will behave and communicate in our personal and professional lives. Moreover, we share common aspirations regarding career growth and developing our level of success. However, on the path to realizing these ambitions, we often encounter barriers that hinder our progress. One of the most common obstacles is communication skills. Effective communication is vital in various case scenarios, such as greeting people, asking or answering questions, and even writing emails to your superiors. In this article, we will explore ways to enhance your communication skills.

Communication is a skill that enables you to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. Often, your personality traits, such as attitude and confidence, are judged by how you communicate. Through thorough research, we have identified five tips to help you improve your communication abilities. Let's go through them one by one.

The first tip is to become a Good listener. You might wonder what listening has to do with communication. Listening is crucial for building a connection with the people you interact with. It also shows respect for others. Think about how good it feels when someone listens to you attentively and shows interest in what you're saying. Don't you feel valued and inclined to connect with that person? To avoid turning a conversation into a monologue, be comfortable and patient, and try to understand all non-verbal cues. Emphasize key points or words from the conversation to help you remember it later and show the speaker you are paying attention.

The second tip is to be conscious of your body language. People pick up on non-verbal cues, so be mindful of how you present yourself in person or during virtual calls. It's beneficial to record yourself and observe how others see you. Pay attention to your posture, arm and hand movements, body orientation, and facial expressions. You can also seek guidelines from friends or family to analyze your body language. By identifying and correcting your mistakes, and with sufficient practice, you can align your body language with your spoken words.

The third tip is to be tactful. Tact is an essential part of being a good communicator. People are more receptive to information they already know if it is presented diplomatically. A skilled communicator can anticipate reactions and adjust their statements accordingly. To do this, you need to understand your listener, read their non-verbal cues, and consider their interests. Managing your emotional quotient also helps bring clarity to your points in discussions.

On that note, can you share the greatest challenge you've faced in an official interaction? Please comment.

The fourth tip is to be brief and to the point. Whether speaking to someone or writing an email, use simple language and keep your sentences short and concise. Being concise helps deliver your message clearly and ensures others understand your point. Focus on the core points you want to convey and compose a few brief sentences to describe them. Avoid using filler words like "um" or "like." By being conscious of your word choices, you can minimize the use of filler words and informal phrases.

The final tip is to practice more. There's a famous saying: practice makes perfect. To improve your articulation, not only should you read, but you should also write down your thoughts. Doing these tasks for 30 minutes daily can help organize your thoughts. Additionally, to become an effective leader, you need substantial knowledge. Reading, listening, and writing are essential activities to help you achieve this. Once you develop verbal competence, practice using it in conversations. Joining public speaking clubs or campus events can boost your confidence. Confidence stems from within, so your body language, fluency, and personality will enhance your communication skills.

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    ALWritten by Anugwa Loveday

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