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Bharat Bhise | Mastering the Golf Swing: Techniques for Consistent Performance | New York, New York

Bharat Bhise shares some helpful techniques for mastering your golf swing.

By Bharat BhisePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Golf, often referred to as a game of inches, is a sport that demands precision, technique, and finesse. At the heart of a golfer’s prowess lies the ability to master the golf swing—a complex and nuanced movement that can be the key to consistent performance on the course. There are fundamental techniques to help golfers hone their swings and achieve greater consistency in their game.

Proper Grip and Stance

The foundation of a successful golf swing begins with a proper grip and stance. Gripping the club too tightly can impede fluidity, while gripping it too loosely can result in losing control. Achieving a neutral grip, where the handle runs diagonally across the fingers, allows for a balanced and controlled swing.

Equally important is the stance. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, with a slight knee flex. The body’s weight should be evenly distributed between both feet, promoting stability and balance throughout the swing.

Alignment and Posture

Proper alignment and posture are crucial elements of a consistent golf swing. Align the clubface with the target, and ensure your body is parallel to the target line. This alignment sets the stage for a swing that follows the intended path, reducing the likelihood of slices or hooks.

Maintain a straight back and a slight tilt forward from the hips. The spine should form a straight line from the head to the tailbone. This posture not only aids in achieving a more natural and powerful swing but also minimizes the risk of injury.

Backswing and Downswing Sequence

The backswing and downswing are integral components of the golf swing, and mastering their sequence is critical to consistent performance. During the backswing, rotate the shoulders and hips away from the target while extending the arms. The weight should shift to the back foot, creating a coiled position.

A smooth transition from the backswing initiates the downswing. Begin with a slight rotation of the hips, followed by the shoulders and arms. This sequential movement generates power and ensures a well-timed release of the clubhead through impact. Avoid rushing the downswing; a controlled and fluid motion is more conducive to consistent ball striking.

Impact Position and Follow-Through

The impact position is the moment of truth in a golf swing. Achieving a proper impact position involves having the hands slightly ahead of the club head, ensuring a downward strike on the ball. The body weight should shift to the front foot, and the hips should be open, allowing for a square clubface at impact.

A seamless transition from the impact position to the follow-through completes the golf swing. The follow-through should mirror the backswing, with a full body rotation and extension of the arms. A balanced and controlled finish indicates a well-executed swing and contributes to overall consistency.

Consistent Tempo and Rhythm

Maintaining a consistent tempo and rhythm is often underestimated but plays a significant role in achieving a repeatable golf swing. Find a comfortable and natural tempo that suits your style, and strive to maintain it throughout the swing. Rushed or erratic tempos can lead to consistency in ball striking.

Practice drills focusing on tempo, such as incorporating a metronome or counting in your head during the swing. Consistent pacing improves timing, resulting in a smoother and more controlled golf swing.


Mastering the golf swing is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, practice, and a keen understanding of the fundamental techniques. By focusing on the grip, stance, alignment, posture, backswing, downswing, impact position, follow-through, and maintaining a consistent tempo, golfers can enhance their ability to produce a repeatable and effective swing.

Consistency in the golf swing is essential for achieving desired outcomes on the course and contributes to the game’s overall enjoyment. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, refining and incorporating these techniques into your practice routine will undoubtedly lead to improved performance and greater mastery on the golf course.

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About the Creator

Bharat Bhise

Bharat Bhise has been working in business management and global investments for well over two decades now. He is a savvy businessman who is also passionate about giving back to the community through public service and philanthropy.

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    Bharat BhiseWritten by Bharat Bhise

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