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best food for improving memory and brain tips

improving brain power

By skmazeethPublished about a year ago 4 min read
best food for improving memory and brain tips
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

Your brain is somewhat significant.

Your body's control centre is in charge of maintaining your heart pumping and lungs breathing as well as enabling movement, feeling, and thought.

Because of this, it makes sense to maintain optimal brain function.

Your diet has an impact on how well your brain functions and can enhance some mental abilities like memory and concentration.

7 foods are included in this article as brain-boosting foods.

1. Fish with fat

Fatty fish is frequently cited as one of the best nutrients for the brain.

Salmon, trout, albacore tuna, herring, and sardines are among the seafood in this category that are all excellent suppliers of omega-3 fatty acids (1Trusted Source).

Your brain is made up of fat to an extent of 60%, and omega-3 fatty acids make up 50% of that fat (2Trusted Source).

Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for learning and memory because your brain requires them to create brain and nerve cells (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Additionally, omega-3s have various other advantages for your brain.

On the other hand, depression and learning disabilities are connected to inadequate omega-3 fatty acid intake (3Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Fish consumption appears to be beneficial to health in general.

Additionally, some studies imply that habitual fish eaters have brains with greater amounts of grey matter. The majority of the nerve cells that govern memory, emotion, and decision-making are found in the grey matter (9Trusted Source).

Overall, fatty fish is a great option for maintaining brain health.


You'll be happy to learn that coffee is healthy if it makes your morning.

Caffeine and antioxidants, two major components of coffee, can boost brain health.

Coffee's caffeine has several advantageous benefits on the brain, including (10Trusted Source):

heightened awareness By preventing the chemical messenger adenosine, which makes you feel tired, caffeine keeps your brain attentive (11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).

mood improvement Additionally, caffeine may increase dopamine and other "feel-good" neurotransmitters in your body (13Trusted Source).

focused more intently. In one study, individuals taking a cognition test reported feeling more focused and alert after consuming caffeine.

3. blueberries

Numerous health advantages of blueberries exist, some of which are notably beneficial to the brain.

Anthocyanins, a class of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, are present in blueberries and other berries with vivid colours (17Trusted Source).

Antioxidants combat inflammation and oxidative stress, two factors that can speed up the ageing process of the brain and cause neurodegenerative disorders (18Trusted Source).

Antioxidants from blueberries have been proven to accumulate in the brain and enhance neural cell communication.

According to one review of 11 studies, blueberries could help improve memory and certain cognitive processes in children and older adults

4. Curcumin

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about turmeric.

This dark yellow spice, which is a main component of curry powder, has many advantages for the brain.

The active component of turmeric, curcumin, has been demonstrated to pass the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to reach the brain and help its cells directly (21Trusted Source).

It is a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substance that has been connected to the following advantages for the brain:

memory may be enhanced. Alzheimer's patients who use turmeric may see memory improvements. It might also assist in removing the amyloid plaques that are a defining feature of this disease (21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).

minimises depression Serotonin and dopamine are both elevated by curcumin, which elevates mood. Curcumin could lessen the signs and symptoms of

5.Pumpkin seeds

Strong antioxidants found in pumpkin seeds guard the body and brain against harm from free radicals (34).

Additionally, they are a great source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper (35Trusted Source).

Each of these vitamins and minerals is crucial for brain health:

Zinc. This component plays a key role in nerve signalling. Numerous neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, and Parkinson's disease, have been associated to zinc deficiency (36Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source, 38Trusted Source).

Magnesium. Magnesium is necessary for memory and learning. Numerous neurological disorders, such as migraine, depression, and epilepsy, are associated with low magnesium levels (39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source).

Copper. Copper is used by your brain to assist regulate nerve transmissions. Additionally, neurological diseases like Alzheimer's are more likely to develop when copper levels are out of balance (41Trusted

6.Dark chocolate

Flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants are among the brain-boosting ingredients found in dark chocolate and cocoa powder.

A dark chocolate bar has a cocoa content of at least 70%. Regular milk chocolate, which contains between 10 and 50% cocoa, does not offer these advantages.

A class of antioxidant plant chemicals known as flavonoids.

The flavonoids in chocolate concentrate in the parts of the brain that are involved in memory and learning. These substances may help slow down age-related mental decline and may improve memory, according to researchers (44, 45). (Reliable Source, 46) dependable source

In reality, this is supported by a number of research (47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source, 49Trusted Source).

One research of nearly 900 persons found that those who consumed chocolate more frequently outperformed those who did not in a series of mental tests.

7. Nuts

Consuming nuts has been demonstrated to boost heart health indicators, and a healthy heart is associated with a healthy brain (52Trusted Source, 53Trusted Source).

According to one study, older persons who regularly consume nuts may have a lower risk of cognitive impairment (54Trusted Source).

Additionally, a 2014 study discovered that women who consumed nuts on a regular basis over the course of several years had better memories than those who did not (55Trusted Source).

Nutrients in nuts, such as antioxidants, vitamin E, and healthy fats may explain why they are good for the brain (56Trusted Source, 57Trusted Source).

Vitamin E helps reduce the ageing process by shielding cells from free radical damage (58Trusted Source, 59Trusted Source).


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