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Best 5 quick Home Fixes for Gastric Issues.

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By Vish AnjaliPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Best 5 quick Home Fixes for Gastric Issues.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

5 Quick Home Fixes for Gastric Issues

Both food obsession and digestive issues are prevalent among Indians. Gastric disorders frequently include indigestion, gas, bloating, hiccups, heartburn, stomach discomfort, ulcers, and nausea. These are the common benefits of leading an unhealthy lifestyle, which also includes binge eating, smoking, drinking alcohol, having sleep problems, overeating, stress, etc. One may find themselves in awkward circumstances if they flaunt their rewards.

One cannot leave it untreated since it is uncomfortable. Additionally, one cannot visit a doctor or a pharmacy for such a widespread issue so frequently.

The most frequent reasons for this illness are stress, an excessively dairy-heavy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and not getting enough exercise.

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5 Quick Home Fixes for Gastric Issues

Summary of Contents

(1) Teas that can calm your stomach include:

1. Fennel Tea,

2. Chamomile Tea,

3. Ginger Tea.

(2) Cold milk, buttermilk, mint juice, lemon beverages, and other beverages are also good for it.

(3) Stimulating Chia Seeds or Ispaghula to Strengthen the Mucilage in the Stomach

(4) Digestive pacifying powders

(5) Topical Pastes and Creams to Calm the Stomach

a. Asafetida Massage

b. Paste for Relieving Stomach Pain

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Leading Causes of Gastric Issues

1. Insufficient fiber in your diet

2. Sedentary lifestyle and infrequent exercise

3. Travel or other significant adjustments to your

4. Consuming too many dairy products

5. Consistent, unchecked stress

6. Not using the restroom frequently (possibly due to pain or hemorrhoids')

7. Taking too many anti-diarrhea medications

8. Antacids with calcium and aluminum in them

9. Additional iron-rich medicines exist in addition to painkillers and antidepressants.

10. Being pregnant.

Carbonated beverages, beans, artificial sweeteners, potatoes, pasta, eating or drinking too quickly, using a straw, and swallowing too much can all be food-related causes.

Allergies to lactose, gluten, IBS, Crohn's disease, GERD, and peptic ulcers are examples of possible illness causes.

These signs could be:

  • reflux of acid (burning in the throat)

  • Heartburn

  • Belching, gas, and bloating

  • poor breath

  • Nausea

These symptoms are often light and transient; medicine is usually not necessary, although easy fixes at home can hasten their disappearance. Here are some home cures for gastrointestinal issues that can provide immediate relief.

Home we Go...

1. Using tea to calm your stomach

With just one cup of tea, much can occur. However, the best course of action is to address the underlying cause of gastrointestinal issues. But if instant relief from minor stomach disorders and brief periods of discomfort is required, a warm cup of tea can save the day. One or a few of the herbs frequently available in kitchen supplies, as indicated below, can be brewed in water to make this soothing tea. In some circumstances, honey can be added to it.

A. Fennel

It is produced by boiling beautifully green fennel seeds, in a cup of water for three to five minutes. It provides immediate relief from bloating, indigestion, gas, newborn colic, and appetite loss. Furthermore, it has antimicrobial qualities and helps ease gastrointestinal disturbances.

B. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is created by boiling the dried daisy-like blooms. It has anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects on the mind. It can ease stomach cramps, indigestion, bloating, and trapped gas if consumed before meals and before bed.

c. Ginger Tea

A piece of fresh ginger root is boiled in water to make ginger tea. Gingerol, the primary ingredient in ginger, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It promotes the production of saliva, gastric juices, and bile, neutralizes gastric acid, and can be consumed before or with a meal.

To relieve gastrointestinal problems such indigestion, gas, bloating, cramps, and nausea, other components can also be steeped in water and ingested. These ingredients include Ajwan (carom seeds), caraway (shahi jeera), liquorice (mulethi), and holy basil (Tulsi).

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2. Food and Drinks that Can Calm Your Stomach

In addition to tea, drinking different kinds of beverages can help with stomach issues. The following is a list of a few.

a. Cold Milk.

The burning sensation brought on by acidity or acid reflux can be instantly relieved by drinking a glass of cool, fat-free, and sugar-free milk. Calcium in it not only balances acid but also controls and stops its development.

b. Buttermilk

An age-old home cure for stomach gas is to consume cold buttermilk before or during meals. It assists in neutralizing gastric acid and guards against the stomach lining being irritated and harmed by acid. In addition, it contains naturally occurring probiotics, which aid in digestion, stop gas from accumulating, and reduce bloating. To further increase buttermilk's efficacy against digestive issues, one may also add a dash of roasted cumin powder and black salt. Even those who are lactose intolerant can easily absorb it.

c. Mint tea

One teaspoon of mint juice, mint tea, or mint chutney can be consumed to quickly release trapped gas and reduce associated stomach pain.

d. Lemon beverages

Lemon tea or water is a fantastic cure for gastrointestinal issues because it provides immediate relief. To improve the taste and health benefits of lemon water, one can also add a pinch of black salt, powdered roasted cumin seeds,. This transforms lemon water into a delicious beverage that is easy on the stomach. Digestion can be aided and acidity can be decreased by adding a pinch of baking soda to a glass of lemon water.

e. Other Drinks

Before, during, or after meals, using apple cider vinegar or clove oil (2–5 drops) in a beverage such as water or tea may also assist to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. Making the Mucilage in the Stomach Stronger

A slimy, slick material called mucilage is present in several plants. The mucilaginous material tastes bland and swells in water. When swallowed, they create a barrier over the irritated or inflamed surface of the stomach that not only shields it from additional acid damage but also promotes recovery. Here are a few instances:

a. Psyllium husk or ispaghula

Isabgol, sometimes referred to as ispaghula, works wonders for stomach issues. Consuming it with curd helps to relieve indigestion, loose stools, and upset stomach. It treats acid reflux symptoms when consumed with cold milk. Isabgol is effective in alleviating constipation when taken with heated milk.

a. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are anti-inflammatory and help with treating acid reflux symptoms. In addition, they are abundant in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. These can be taken after being added (after being soaked in water) to cold drinks, smoothies, fruit juices, yoghurt, oatmeal, puddings, etc.

4. Digestive pacifying powders

Directly taking powders of substances from kitchen stock, such as seeds of fennel, carrom, caraway, and coriander, among others, can also provide comfort for people with an upset stomach, gas, acidity, heartburn, and other digestive issues. Here are a few instances:

When experiencing acid reflux or indigestion, mixing a powdered mixture of green cardamom, fennel seeds, and unrefined sugar in a glass of cool milk may provide immediate relief.

Similar to this, taking a fine powdered mixture of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and sugar twice day with water will help one get rid of acidity.

5. Topical Pastes and Creams to Calm the Stomach

The following method can help in situations where one cannot drink or does not feel like eating anything to help rapidly relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort.

a. Massage with asafetida

Gas discomfort can be effectively relieved by gently massaging the belly with asafetida water, which is made by combining asafetida, also known as Hing, with a few drops of warm water.

b. Paste for Relieving Stomach Pain

It is made by adding a few drops of water to a finely powdered combination that includes rock salt (sendha namak), asafetida (hing), long pepper (pippal), dried ginger (sonth), and black pepper (kali mirch). Abdominal pain may be relieved by applying this paste to the belly for two hours after mildly warming it.

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Other Treatments to Think About

Besides the ones already listed, try these fast fixes as well:

Drink water—Water is crucial for healthy digestion, so make sure you get enough each day. One of the simplest at-home treatments for digestive issues is this.

Avoid Lying Flat — When you lie flat, your stomach acid rises and makes your gastric symptoms worse. Instead, attempt to sleep with a pillow or an angled backrest.

Try the BRAT diet, which comprises of easy-to-digest meals including boiled potatoes, crackers, oatmeal, mild tea, and broth.

Cinnamon, cloves, and cumin are believed to promote faster digestion and enhanced bile secretion while also reducing inflammation and soothing the stomach lining.

Figs may help lower the acidity of your stomach secretions, but consuming too many could exacerbate gastric issues.

Aloe Vera Juice: It has been demonstrated to lessen the effects of acid reflux and to offer some relief.

Basil - It may have anti-ulcer qualities and can lessen gas production, both of which may be soothing to the stomach.

Liquorice - It is believed to aid in the treatment of gastrointestinal issues by promoting the healthier and better defense of the stomach lining.

Coconut water: Due to its high magnesium and potassium content, it may assist to lessen the discomfort associated with gastrointestinal problems.

Yarrow - It is believed to be an acid reducer and could cause the stomach to create less acid.

Ajwain Seeds - Due to the presence of thymol in the seeds, ajwain is believed to aid in faster digestion, which may lower the danger of gas buildup.

Triphala Powder: This herbal powder is claimed to help with stomach problems when it is steeped in water and taken at night.

See if these natural home remedies for stomach issues are effective for you by giving them a try.

Try this: Home Remedies for Gastro pain...

By: Anj.


About the Creator

Vish Anjali

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