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AWS Cloud Services

Benefits of AWS Management Console

By Luke MoorePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Can you make a quick guess? Name one of the most undisputed, unjudged cloud computing platforms? Another one, name a cloud computing service that supports more than 7000 government agencies, >1,00,000 users, businesses and educational institutions? Still clueless? Okay, this one is being backed by one of the leading tech giants across the globe. Yes, you guessed it right I am talking about none other than Amazon web services commonly known as AWS.

Now since you are already reading the post I assume that you have planned to migrate to cloud computing services or might be curious enough to know more and more regarding Amazon web services, the benefits of AWS cloud computing, Benefits of AWS Lambda and why you must seek out reliable AWS services providers around.

Introducing Amazon Web Services

Amazon web services is a reputable and renowned cloud service provider and a subset of Amazon. Backed by one of the leading tech giants, this one offers secure, scalable computing power, database storage, cloud storage, and content delivery, one thing is for sure here you will get all cloud computing services that ensure to keep your business out and running effectively.

If you are looking for one of the greatest inventions often known as building blocks to deploy different types of applications to the cloud? Amazon Web Services is the right choice to take into consideration. You have no idea what miracles the cloud infrastructure can offer. Some of them I would like to mention below:

EC2, Amazon’s virtual machine service

Amazon storage systems

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)

Amazon SimpleDB

In other words, by using AWS, end users can avail of numerous advantages in regards to security, remote working, servers, networking, storage, mobile and web application platform, and the list goes on! Some of the popular companies using AWS include Netflix, NASA, Expedia, Slack, Adobe, ComCast, etc. Not just this, even the US government and CIA tend to use AWS regardless of their existing platforms and tech stacks.

Benefits of AWS Cloud Computing

Further below I would like to mention some benefits of aws and why it is one of the leading trustworthy platforms available across the globe. Also, why more and more companies are planning to consider AWS advantages to meet your business needs.

#1 Ease of Use

One of the obvious yet pivotal AWS advantages includes that they are pretty easy to use. As you sign up for Amazon web services, you will discover AWS Management Console, a user-friendly interface right then and there. Another interesting fact about this server interface is that you get instant access to a wide variety of applications and services.

Now since this offers easy, quick and secure access doesn't mean it is not powerful enough regarding other web hosting platforms. On the contrary, this one doesn't require the user to carry high-end technical expertise. Having Amazon Web service means one can easily get rid of an on-site server. All you have to do is simply sign up and you are sorted!

#2 High Performance

Other astounding benefits of aws include high performance. Now technically high performance is a term used when the computing or operating system has the ability to process tons and tons of data at a fanatic pace. This turns out extremely crucial if you want to increase efficiency and productivity. Here you do get high-performance computing services, so speed and performance are certain factors that shouldn't be on your worry list.

Check out tools such as Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing for a better understanding of speed and agility.

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