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Avatars of Lord Vishnu

Psychology of Success in Material World

By Divya RanjanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Avatars of Lord Vishnu
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, is known for his ten avatars or incarnations. These avatars are believed to be powerful beings who have descended to earth to restore balance and harmony in the world. However, one can also say, they are nothing but ways of achieving success in the material world.

We know that for any work, a certain psychology, a certain kind of mindset is needed to excel in that work, and through own trails and tribunals, many of us do achieve it. But, That takes a lot of time, effort, and not everyone gets it.

But, what if we just knew the characters, the psychology, the mindset which is destined for success in this world. This information is available to us in form of Hindu mythology, the Avatars of Lord Vishnu.

In this article, we will explore each of these avatars and why they are considered to be the ultimate mantras for success.

1. Matsya (The Fish): Matsya is the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as a fish. Matsya represents adaptability and survival.

In the material world, adaptability is the key to success, and those who can adapt to changing circumstances are the ones who thrive.

2. Kurma (The Tortoise): Kurma is the second avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as a tortoise. Kurma represents patience and perseverance.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are patient and persistent, and who are willing to work hard and wait for the right opportunity.

3. Varaha (The Boar): Varaha is the third avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as a boar. Varaha represents strength and courage.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are strong and courageous, who are willing to take risks and overcome obstacles.

4. Narasimha (The Half-Man, Half-Lion): Narasimha is the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as a half-man, half-lion. Narasimha represents intelligence and strategy.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are intelligent and strategic, who can analyse situations and make smart decisions.

5. Vamana (The Dwarf): Vamana is the fifth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as a dwarf. Vamana represents humility and simplicity.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are humble and simple, who are not driven by ego or greed.

6. Parashurama (The Axe-Wielding Rama): Parashurama is the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as an axe-wielding Rama. Parashurama represents determination and perseverance.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are determined and persistent, who do not give up in the face of obstacles or setbacks.

7. Rama (The Ideal Man): Rama is the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as the ideal man. Rama represents righteousness and morality.

In the material world, success often comes to those who are ethical and moral, who uphold principles and values even in the face of temptation or adversity.

8. Krishna (The Supreme Personality of Godhead): Krishna is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as the supreme personality of Godhead. Krishna represents charisma and leadership.

In the material world, success often comes to those who have charisma and leadership skills, who can inspire and motivate others to achieve great things.

9. Buddha (The Enlightened One): Buddha is the ninth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appears as the enlightened one. Buddha represents wisdom and enlightenment.

In the material world, success often comes to those who have wisdom and insight, who can see beyond the surface level.

These are the mantra of success, take these attributes and embody them, and success is yours.

And don't forget the supreme mindset, the courage to uphold Dharma no matter what.

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About the Creator

Divya Ranjan

Hey Everyone, Awesome stuff happened over past few years that has helped me to see life in new light with fresh perspective and maybe a lot of different perspective which has helped me to muster up the courage to become a Writer. Look out!

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