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Answers to Buzzfeed's Gen Z's Millenial Questions

Why we Millenials do What we do?

By Ada ZubaPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

Recently while browsing Facebook I came across an article about Gen Zers asking Millenials a series of questions that they want answers to and well, here is my attempt to answer all the questions... Let's get started. This is a response to Matt Stopera's article that was posted to Buzzfeed.

1. Why do Millenials refer to children as tiny humans?

The answer is because we find it funny because children are humans just like adults, but we refer to them as tiny because they are still learning how to be a good human being. So, hence the term tiny humans. Plus tiny is just fun to say.

2. Why. Do Millenials. Like to write. Posts like this.

Maybe some of us are trying to make a point but without exclamation marks. I personally don't use this form of expression, so it is a little bit foreign to me. It is easier to read for followers even if the improper grammar is in play.

3. Why do Millenials get married or have a baby and say we did a thing? yeah, it's a life-changing decision?

What? has no one ever heard of an understatement? We try and make it sound casual when we really we are like so I did a thing! It is to express the accomplishment and how great it is that we are doing things. For example, I did a thing...I got a job! and everyone is happy for you because you are doing the things!

4. Why do Millenials like avocados so much?

Not all of us do. I personally don't, texture makes me gag, but I get it because they are filled with healthy vitamins and minerals and are healthy not only for you but for your beauty health as well.

5. Why do Millenials like coffee so much?

We don't like coffee we need it to function. Being a Millenial is tiring, we have jobs that are exhausting and we tend to stay up late until 2:00 am just watching Netflix or checking social media. Besides, doesn't everybody love the smell of coffee? because I do even though I cannot stand the bitter taste. I can only drink Mochas because too much caffeine causes my body to shake and I feel nauseous.

6. Why do Millenials post selfies and say might delete later?

Because we want you to enjoy the beauty fo our face, but then after staring at your own picture, you will realize a flaw and you will want to delete it, and usually when we say might delete later there tends to be more likes...just saying.

7. Why do Millenials like to put "Human Person" in their bio?

Because that's what we are. I am a human and I am a person, please treat me as so.

8. Why do Millenials refer to their pets as fur babies?

Isn't it obvious? Because that's what they are. Our pets are important to us, which makes them babies, but they are animals and animals have fur...hence the fur baby. My dog is my fur baby and he's cute and it's adorable.

9. Why do Millenials still insist on using shooketh?

Because it is ridiculously fun to say.

10. Why do Millenials get excited about dresses having pockets?

This should not even be a question because that's where I put my phone, it easier to reach than a purse and some of us don't have big boobs to hide our phones phones nowadays are huge! And I am the type of person that keeps a lot of things in my pockets. I keep my car keys there, my tiny's convenient.

11. Why do Millenials get offended when you say friends is not funny?

What? Are you seriously telling me that you sat there watching friends and not laughing or at least smiling to yourself?

Watch this! How is that not hilarious??? How do you sit there and say "Friends" is not funny?

12. Why do Millenials love couch areas in restaurants?

It's super comfy and you feel like you can take your time eating and it's fun to snuggle up to your best buds and be warm and fuzzy.

13. Why do Millenials name their children with silly names like Jaxston and Hydrangea?

Because there are too many Ashley's and Sarah's in this world. That's why Karen, gosh!

14. Why do Millenials love Harry Potter so much?

Because like 3/4 of our childhood was built on that! from 1997 to 2007 that's all we as kids ever talked about. Then the movies came out from 2001 to 2011. Literally from the day, Kindergarten started to graduation...that's 12 years of our lives you fool!

15. Why do Millenials act like answering emails is hard to do?

Well, have you ever written an essay and all you wrote was your name? imagine that, but thinking ugh...this person. I have to answer them and sound smart all at the same time. If a typo occurs it haunts you for weeks.

16. Why do Millenials make Instagram pages for their dogs?

Because we love animals...didn't we cover this with the fur babies incident. Like they are everything to us, of course, we will make an Instagram account. Pets make life easy.

17. Why do Millenials use Gifs?

Words cannot describe certain feelings. Plus it is ten times funnier.

18. Why do millennials and older people say stuff online like ‘—— wins the internet for today’ ..... ok pack it up 2010

I never came across this in my Facebook scrolls...pretty sure this is made up.

19. Why do millennials start their tweets with “Sigh...” like who told y’all that was cool

I don't hang out on I cannot answer this.

20. Why do millennials and old folks use “...” for no reason. Like you’ll text them hey and their response is “hey...” like damn am I bothering you?

Nah. I think it's just a way some of us express our mood. For example, you write: Hey! it shows that your excited about life and having a good day. Hey shows that you're alive, but you could be doing better. can mean I have a lot going on today but I will write dot, dot so you know I want to talk to you. At least that's why I do it.

21. It’s 2020 why do millennials still get upset over vertical videos

Never meat anybody that gets upset over this...

22. Why do millennials get so offended when a kid likes the sequel to a Disney movie better than the original?

Because it's not better. Maybe the sequel to Little Mermaid was good but better than the original? Nah.

23. Why do millennials like bitmoji so much?

It's fun to create your own character reminds us of going on and creating a princess or doing a make-over.

24. Why do millennials have like 700 followers and act like they’re influencers on their story. Go do your taxes or something

We got people to do our taxes for us sheesh.

25. Why do millennials like the word hubby so much it makes me gag

Because hubby is like a giant teddy hug and people like it.

26. Why do millennials think changing a tire or cutting grass is a personality trait?

Uhmm what? Who are these Millenials?

27. Why do millennials think they're special for knowing what a VHS tape is like I've never met someone who doesn't

...And I have met people who don't. Just let me feel special.

28. Why do millennials get so pissy about Disney channel making new shows to fit a new generation like you’re an adult now nostalgia is one thing but why are you angry

I am not one of them. I enjoy new Disney shows. Like Highschool Musical: The Musical the series! Love it! But I think nostalgia is for other Millenials. The anger? we feel like they are erasing our generation. Like the Suite Life of Zack and Cody was one of my faves.

Okay, there you have it, 28 answers for "Why do Millenials...". I know there were 34 questions, but a lot of them don't really apply to me, like drinking wine mid-day it does sound nice, but I am not that much of a wine person. However, with an English degree, I get it. Wine just makes essays sound better and your brain goes to areas of the essay that you would never have thought of sober...Just saying I get it. I personally have never done it, but my fellow English majors have.

All questions were pulled from: September 20, 2020. web.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave me a tip! I'd like to get married next year thanks! Or share this!


About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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