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7 Secret Formula To Get 10k Followers On Instagram In One Month

10k on Instagram seems like a lot to you. A significant number that seems unattainable.

By nikhil sablaniaPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
7 Secret Formula To Get 10k Followers On Instagram In One Month
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash


Many people are interested in how long it takes to get 10K Instagram followers. This question is asked by small account owners and big business owners.

10k on Instagram seems like a lot to you. A significant number that seems unattainable.

Well, I've got news for you. It's more achievable than what you think. We'll go over how it can be achieved and the different strategies people use to rocket up towards 10k.

The different strategies entail niches, influencer marketing, and collaborating with people.

10k followers on Instagram is quite an achievement. It represents a lot of hard work, consistency, and quality content.

7 Secret Formula To Get 10k Followers On Instagram In One Month

  • Use only your best pictures and videos.
  • It depends on the niche and the strategies you put into it.
  • 10k is achievable in a year if you do collaborations and influencer marketing.
  • Use hashtags! More likes tend to increase visibility which means more followers.
  • Make your Instagram profile stand out share content every day
  • Host contests and giveaways
  • Be consistent in posting content.

1 Use only your best pictures and videos

Before you put your image or video out there, ask yourself if it is the best you can offer for your audience.

If you are not sure about it, then don't post it. If you are unsure what images to post, check out what your competition is doing, who inspires you, and what images get the most likes on Instagram.

This way, you'll be able to figure out which pictures work best with your audience and even better, you will have an idea of the type of content that's trending.

After posting your image or video, always remember to add hashtags and geotags.

Tons of apps can help you find relevant hashtags for your posts, such as Hashem or Tagsforlikes.

These two apps let you discover popular hashtags that resonate with your niche, and they also allow you to copy them directly into your post.

2 It depends on the niche and the strategies you put into it.

Every day, millions of people join Instagram. The photo-sharing website has gone from a niche social network to a global phenomenon in just a few years.

The good news is that there is plenty of room for new accounts. The bad news is that gaining followers can be challenging if you're starting.

So, how long does it take to get 10k Instagram followers?

Getting 10k followers on Instagram is not a small number and can be quite challenging. From personal experience, I can tell you that it depends on the niche and the strategies you put into it.

If you are posting in a very competitive niche, then you need to focus on posting quality content that has a chance of going viral.

It also helps if you have a few friends who help you promote your profile by liking and commenting on your posts. Also, make sure that you find the best hashtags for your niche and use them in your post descriptions.

3 10k is achievable in a year if you do collaborations and influencer marketing.

Growing your Instagram account to 10,000 followers is not as hard as you think. While it does take time and effort, there are many effective ways to grow your Instagram following to get there faster.

If you have a good product or service and a good Instagram marketing strategy in place, getting 10K followers is achievable in a year.

My friend grew his account from zero to 10k followers in about a year. He did this with consistency and collaboration on my account and an influencer marketing strategy.

Consistency is key. Uploading consistently will keep your followers coming back for more.

Collaboration is also key.

If you collaborate with other accounts, it will help you grow. You can do "shoutouts" where you promote each other's accounts through a post and story, or you can even do a collab together by creating content together that you both post on your accounts.

Influencer marketing has also grown his account, and it has been very helpful for him.

Influencer marketing is when you partner with another business and promote their products through your account/content.

This helps both businesses because the influencers' audience gets exposed to the business being promoted, which helps drive sales for that business!

4 Use hashtags! More likes tend to increase visibility which means more followers.

It's really important to make sure you're using hashtags on your posts. When people search for certain hashtags on Instagram, they want to see photos of what they're interested in, so make sure you're putting hashtags relevant to your photo.

Also, be sure to use a good amount of hashtags so that your photo has a better chance of showing up in searches.

Use hashtags! More likes tend to increase visibility which means more followers.

Take advantage of trending hashtags, but also use very specific ones. This will help you get more targeted followers interested in what you post (your niche).

Also, follow relevant accounts on Instagram that post similar content to you.

They might follow back, and you will be able to communicate with them once they do so! You can use the "Search & Explore" tab on Instagram to find relevant accounts to follow.

Use popular tags and engage with users who use them.

People create thousands of new tags for every topic under the sun every day, so keep an eye out for them! If you do your research, you may find a few gems that apply to your niche or audience that are not widely used.

5 Make Your Instagram Profile Stand Out!

The first thing you need to do is make your profile stand out. If someone lands on your profile, they should be able to quickly tell what your profile is about and be intrigued enough to follow you.

You can do this by using colors that represent your brand. Use colors that appeal to the eye and are easy on the eyes.

If you are a clothing company, try using colors like black, navy blue, and white together. This will create a clean page that people will want to engage with.

You can also add a few words describing what your product or service is all about. These words should be short but descriptive of what you're offering. Do not put any call-to-actions (CTAs) here, though, as these can turn off potential followers.

6 Host contests and giveaways

If you want to gain followers quickly, host a contest on your account. This will encourage people to follow you so they can participate in the contest.

Contests and giveaways are an excellent way to increase engagement with your brand on Instagram.

When people have the chance to win something, they're much more likely to interact with you and share their excitement with their friends and family.

This can lead to significantly more followers over time. In addition, these contests are often shared on other social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, allowing you to reach even more potential customers.

It also encourages people to share and tag their friends, which can help you gain even more followers.

Choose a prize that is relevant to your brand and target audience. For example, if you sell beauty products, give away some products as a prize.

Decide what the requirements are for entry – for example, people must follow you and tag three friends on your contest post to be eligible to win. You might also require people to repost the contest image on their page, so their followers can see it too.

7 Be consistent in posting content.

You can't just upload any old content and expect your followers to like it. You need to be posting content that is not only on-brand but is also interesting and engaging.

If you're posting content that's not relevant to your audience, they will unfollow you.

The more consistent your brand is, the easier it will be for your audience to recognize you, engage with you and trust you.

There are several ways to increase the consistency of your account:

Use the same filter or editing style on your photos

Post at the same time every day, so people know when to expect new content from you

Add the same captions (or keep them in a similar style) so people know what tone of voice you use.


I can say with confidence that you'll get there. The first step to becoming the Instagrammer you want to be is understanding it's doable. Then, you have to take action.

The last step is tenacity. You'll need it to stay consistent, but if you don't give up, then it's all good!

It is tough to get a good number of Instagram followers. However, there are a few ways to end up with more likes.

You can focus on quality content creation and work towards building your reputation on Instagram through various means.

All the strategies mentioned above work well in helping you get more engagement which means more likes and followers!

So, to get 10k followers on Instagram, you need to put in consistent effort and be well-rounded. Take advantage of all the tools at your disposal while focusing mainly on making good content and growing an engaged audience.

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nikhil sablania

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    nikhil sablaniaWritten by nikhil sablania

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