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7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea Every Day

Actionable advice.

By James HeavystormPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea Every Day
Photo by Matcha & CO on Unsplash

Give up fizzy drinks and sweetened juices and replace them with green tea! This magic drink can successfully supplement plain water, for the amount of at least 2 liters of fluids you need to drink daily. Why? Because it has a very low caloric content and comes with an army of benefits for the body.

Green tea, unsweetened and made with the best quality leaves, is one of the most concentrated sources of antioxidants. It can be consumed as a substitute for coffee because it can keep you active with less risk. In general, green tea contains a relatively small amount of caffeine (about 20–45 milligrams per cup), compared to black tea which contains about 50 milligrams, and coffee - 95 milligrams per cup.

Specifically, the average amount of caffeine in a 230 ml serving of green tea is about 35 mg. However, this may vary. The actual amount can be between 30 and 50 mg per 230 ml portion and you can choose brands that have stated this on the label.

It is also rich in polyphenols, chemicals with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. EGCG is the most active polyphenol contained in green tea, responsible for many of its beneficial effects.

Green tea "cleanses" the body and helps the immune system

Green tea helps you fight free radicals, which decrease the efficiency of the immune system and have a toxic effect on the body. Rich in antioxidants in the form of polyphenols, they prevent premature cell damage and control their functions.

In other words, green tea eliminates all harmful substances that enter the body and prevents their effect on tissues. It is a natural barrier that doubles the defense provided by the immune system.

Green tea contains up to 40% antioxidants, but also many other active substances, vitamins, and minerals: vitamins A, B, E, and C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, theine, amino acids, proteins, and alkaloids with the effect of nerve stimulation.

Memory and attention throughout life

You already know that the role of caffeine is to keep you awake, but do you know how it works? Caffeine blocks an inhibitory substance called adenosine in the brain and increases the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine. The outcome? Improved brain function, more active memory, and a better mood.

In addition to caffeine, green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, with strong antidepressant effects. In combination with caffeine, this substance creates effects similar to coffee but reduces their intensity at the time. Unlike coffee, which suddenly increases the reaction time and energy in the body, green tea "heals" the nervous system in the long run.

This effect is especially noticeable in the elderly. Many people who regularly consume green tea throughout their lives have a lower risk of premature aging, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia.

Lose weight with green tea

Green tea is recommended in many diets, due to its effect of "training" the metabolism in the short term. This increase in metabolic rate leads to faster fat burning.

However, green tea does not have fast and miraculous effects, being only a reliable help, in addition to food, sports, and water consumption.

Some studies also claim that green tea can help us fight obesity because it can burn fat in predestined areas, such as the abdomen. Adipose tissue is predominant in this area, especially in obese people.

If you are on a diet you can confidently opt for green tea and because you will have 4% more energy and increased muscle tone by up to 12%.

Green tea kills fungi, bacteria, and viruses

Green tea polyphenols are useful in the fight against bacteria and viruses, such as the flu virus. That is why green tea is essential for our immune system, especially with a preventive role.

Numerous studies have been performed on other defense effects of polyphenols and many positive results have been observed in oral diseases. Green tea can protect us from cavities, tartar, harmful bacteria that can cause gum infections or bad breath, and even oral cancer.

Lowers cholesterol, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Green tea drinkers are 31% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and 42% less likely to develop type II diabetes.

Green tea balances the level of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Cleanses blood vessels, improves circulation and oxygenation. All these effects significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

As for diabetes, green tea increases the body's sensitivity to insulin and encourages its natural production. In this way, it keeps the blood sugar level under control (if it is drunk unsweetened) and decreases the body's resistance to insulin.

Delays skin aging

Green tea protects us from UV rays and delays the aging of cells, due to the antioxidants in the composition. It also supports skin regeneration in case of sunburn or sunburn. For this reason, it is recommended to drink green tea with ice and lemon juice in summer.

The best green tea in powder form

If you love green tea, then you must try its purest, most aromatic, and healthy form: Matcha powder.

Matcha tea is ideal for a Japanese ritual that relaxes and energizes you at the same time - it can be used for teas, desserts, and even for luxurious facials. Rich in antioxidants, a form in which you can consume green tea.

However, not all people can benefit from this special drink. Green tea contains tannins that can increase the amount of stomach acid. Excess acid can lead to digestive problems, including constipation, acid reflux, and nausea.

Making green tea with too hot water can exacerbate these side effects. In addition, people who consume too much caffeine may experience anxiety, insomnia, or irregular heartbeat.

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James Heavystorm

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