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6 Spring Cleaning Ideas for Your Built In Wardrobe

Get your spring cleaning materials ready!

By Silva WardrobesPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

It's springtime and you're stuck at home. While it still is quite scary to go out because of the pandemic, there are better ways to not waste the season away. You can be flipping your house upside down for a very thorough spring cleaning. You can also choose to plant flowers and set up a small garden. If that's not enough, you should also organise your built in wardrobes Sydney and store away your bulky winter clothes.

Moreover, it can also be a chance for you to declutter your stuff and free some additional space in your wardrobe. If you lack ideas on how to do thorough organising on your clothes and other personal items, check our list below.

Group, group, group

Finding your OOTD for the next day is easier when you group them in one area. All shirts together, pants on the other side, or you can even group them by season. The trick is to put all your spring clothing on the nearest shelf to the door so you can easily find them. Make sure that your season-appropriate shoes are also on the same side or near it. Another way to group your clothes is to use colour-coded hangers to identify which is which.

Purchase vertical racks

Purses and bags can be quite messy when put on shelves without organisers. Their handles will all be tangled up and they will only take up more space in your small wardrobe. One way to keep them organised while saving space is to get vertical racks. These racks can be hanged on free wall space or at the back of your door. They are more useful, unlike the horizontal ones which only bunched up the bottom of your bags in the same place.

Learn the hanger trick

Some professional organisers recommend putting the hangers in backward on the rod when you already wore certain clothes for this season. This trick would help you identify which one you've already worn and which is not. However, colour-coded hangers can also be pretty useful if you want to learn the hanger trick.

Label each shelf

If you're on the side that easily forget where things are, you can just label your shelves. If you have a polaroid, you can take a picture of certain clothing that represents a shelf and then paste it on the outer part. You can also print labels and place them in front of the shelves or make handwritten notes if you must.

Use clear shoeboxes

If you do not prefer your shoes to just be stored in shelves or racks, you can have them piled up on just one side using clear shoeboxes. This will help you find your pair of choice for the day. Not only does it organise your shoe area, but you are also keeping them from accumulating dust.

Damp-proof storage

Winter clothes are bulky and it takes a huge amount of space in your wardrobe. Since it's spring, you'll have to store your winter clothing but its tricky to keep them damp-proof. The trick is putting pieces of chalk into a small cloth bag then packing it with the clothes you're storing. Chalk is known to help absorb moisture from the air to keep your clothes damp-proof and avoids tarnishing.

Spring cleaning is fun

The goal for spring cleaning is not just to clean and then rearrange or reorganise your stuff. It's also all about decluttering and keeping only which are most important for you. Remember that there will be no room for growth if you keep holding on to certain things that should be thrown away a long time ago. Above all, make sure to have fun while going through your spring cleaning checklist.


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