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4 Items Under $100 That Improved My Life

In the world of gadgets and tools, you have to pay top dollar to get quality that lasts long-term. That’s why it was so surprising when I found four-under-$100 items that significantly improved my life without costing a fortune. Now I’m passing along these tips to you, in case you’re looking to improve your life with high-quality items at an affordable price point. These are the four items that improved my life for under $100 each, in no particular order

By TestPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

1. YouTube Premium

I’m not a huge user of social media, but I do find it valuable. What I love about YouTube Premium is that while it still offers all of my favorite Youtube features, it offers some extras. Ad-free Youtube viewing and exclusive content are great perks to having a paid subscription.

While not strictly necessary in life, it’s definitely something that improves mine. In other words, at just $9 per month (with access to Family plans), you get more than your money’s worth with YouTube Premium. For me personally? It means never having to see another ad on Youtube again!

Watching YouTube on a mobile device can be tedious, thanks to long load times and an overall clunky user experience. If you want to view videos on your phone or tablet in a smooth and seamless way, download YouTube Premium.

This is a free app that improves video playback quality, lets you play videos in picture-in-picture mode (while using other apps), and removes advertising from videos if you pay for it monthly. Many more improvements have been made as well; if you’re watching YouTube frequently — and haven’t signed up yet — it’s time to get Premium.

I love YouTube. In fact, I’ve been a YouTube Partner since 2008. I make a small amount of money whenever someone watches one of my videos, and sometimes I get paid if someone clicks on an ad (yes, when you watch a video that has ads).

But recently, there’s been talk about YouTube changing their Partner Program so it will be harder for smaller channels to make money on their content. It’s not because they don’t value creators, it’s because they want to continue growing their Premium service — YouTube Red — which allows people to pay $9.99/month and avoid ads across all Google platforms.

I’ve been paying for YouTube Premium (formerly known as YouTube Red) for years now, but I still do not feel 100% sold on it. It makes it so that you can’t see any ads and you get access to original content from your favorite YouTubers.

It also means that videos won’t automatically play next if you are using other apps or multi-tasking; instead, when you return to your phone after doing something else, a banner will ask if you want to go back to where you left off.

The cost is about $12 per month, but again — I’m not sure it’s worth it in my case since I don’t watch enough content from my favorite YouTubers. There are plenty of other options out there though!

2. Laptop Backpack

For someone who is constantly on the go like me, a laptop backpack is an improved accessory. Not only does it help keep your laptop and other items secure, but it also helps avoid any travel anxiety and prevents you from having to tote around more than you need.

I have purchased a number of bags over time, however, none have compared to my Timbuk2 messenger bag with padded laptop pocket as it’s stylish, spacious, and most importantly, has helped me carry everything I need with me throughout my day. The next item on my list…

If you travel a lot, it’s not a bad idea to invest in something that will keep your laptop protected. Many backpack styles are designed to carry larger laptops and some even come with a detachable PC case. If you’re going to be carrying around something that might break easily, it pays to have protection — and style.

You can pick up a backpack for about $80, which isn’t an insignificant amount of money; but if you think about how many times you (or someone else) has dropped your laptop and cracked its case or bent its edges, it might be worth making sure yours doesn’t fall prey to similar accidents.

Bags for laptop users are a dime a dozen, but finding one that’s functional as well as stylish is much harder. Herschel has been making great bags for several years now and continues to put out new styles.

This backpack is waterproof with padding in all of the right places and a two-year warranty. It’s slightly larger than your average backpack so it can fit your 15-inch laptop easily. Plus, it comes in ten different colors so you’re sure to find one that matches your style.

Having a lightweight, durable laptop backpack that can accommodate both my laptop and various other things (including clothes for an overnight trip) is crucial. I used to travel with a standard backpack, but that just wasn’t convenient — I ended up having to check it on flights or asking someone else to carry it at times.

In addition, my old backpack didn’t protect my computer in case something went wrong (getting caught in doorways or falling off a chair onto a hard floor). It also didn’t provide enough room for everything I needed when traveling — there was always something I had to leave behind at home.

With its thick padding and multiple zippered compartments, however, my new lightweight laptop backpack solves all these problems.

3. Noise Cancelling Headphones

Whether you’re a frequent flier or just someone who likes to meditate and listen to music in peace, noise-canceling headphones are one of those items that can really improve your life.

They also happen to be one of those items that are better when purchased under $100. Not only do they eliminate unwanted sound waves, but they save battery life on your devices too. I recently started using Sennheiser CX300 II Precision Enhanced Bass Noise Isolating Earbuds and love them!

I don’t know if anyone else is like me, but when I fly (which isn’t often), I prefer to wear noise-canceling headphones. This means I can listen to a book or watch a movie in peace rather than sitting next to some chatty mom and her three toddlers.

These are about as affordable as they come for noise-canceling headphones, and they get decent reviews on Amazon. If you want something a little more expensive, it’s hard to beat my Bose headset, but they’re also well over twice as much money (and worth every penny).

The sound of a train, airplane, or simply too many people talking can make it hard to concentrate. Headphones that can cancel out some ambient noise will boost your focus and keep you in your zone. If you’re prone to flights of fancy, consider something that won’t plug into your phone (or another device), so it stays near you at all times. Try out options from Bose and Sony to see which works best for you.

According to statistics, approximately 16% of Americans between 18 and 39 years old have hearing loss. Of those individuals, 1 in 4 are from exposure to loud noises like concerts or being at a workplace where they were constantly exposed to high decibel levels.

A pair of noise-canceling headphones can help reduce noise levels by up to 98%, which greatly reduces your chances of experiencing hearing loss down the road. (taken from improved)

4. Portable Phone Charger

This item is fantastic. The first time I used it was at a theme park, and I didn’t have to worry about my phone dying while taking pictures or looking up park information. It has come in handy many times since then, especially when traveling. As long as you remember to charge it before you leave for your trip, you’ll never have to stress about having a dead phone again.

As a small business owner, I’m on my phone all day — making calls, typing emails, and taking notes. I’ve found that it’s vital to keep my phone charged in order to stay connected. When I don’t have access to an outlet or power strip, or if I just need a backup, it’s nice to have a portable charger that can fit in my purse and provide me with an extra couple of hours of battery life.

A portable charger like Anker® Astro E1 5200mAh Portable Charger has enough juice for one full charge and it costs less than $20.99 on Amazon Prime! Here are some other great options

You can never be sure when your cell phone is going to die. The average phone only lasts between eight and ten hours on a single charge, which doesn’t leave a lot of margin for error. One solution? A portable phone charger that allows you to charge your phone anywhere at any time. It might seem expensive, but if you want to make sure you can stay in touch 24/7, it’s well worth it.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. All phones have their quirks, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been at a place where my phone was at 20% and couldn’t be charged until I got home. Having a portable charger solves that problem and if it was improved into your bag, you won’t even notice it while walking around.

When your cell phone dies during a day of errands or work, having a portable charger will make sure you won’t miss any important calls or texts. Even if you don’t use all of your phone’s battery in one day, it’s helpful to carry on with your backup battery just in case!


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