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10 Simple and Actionable SEO Good Practices To Increase Organic Traffic

By Chanvit KhanijounPublished 2 years ago 13 min read
Search Engine Optimization

10 Simple Steps to gain more engagement, traffic, and higher ranking on search engine result pages

1. Competitor Analysis (SWOT)

2. Keyword Research/Analysis

3. Contents Management

4. Blog Content (sub-domain)

5. Links Building

6. Social Media

7. Google Operators such as Google My Business, Images Searches

8. Youtube

9. Optimize for Voice Searches (for the future and NOW!)

10. Structured Data/Schema Markup (Technical SEO)

One of the world's oldest business and investment forms is real estate. The competition is robust for a buyer, a seller, or an agent. The real estate field has been and always will be very competitive. From the beginning, becoming a real estate agent was to find a property for sale from a seller and to find a willing buyer.

However, as time changes, the real estate industry has quickly adapted to technological advancements and data-driven information. Today the real estate industry has turned into a data-driven market with instant information and results.

The best way for buyers and sellers to find information on properties they wish to purchase is by typing in Google. If you are a real estate company with a website, this is your opportunity to grow your business.

We will go through 10 simple, actionable steps to increase your real estate website ranking, engagement, and traffic through simple SEO tips to dominate local searches. The important part of all the strategies and processes is to measure organic traffic.

As Lord Kelvin said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”.

1. Always Start With Competitor Analysis

To make something great, you should always start with competitor analysis. Best practice and understanding the market is analyzing what your competitors are doing well.

Ask yourself a few simple questions:

What are your competitors not doing well? And doing great?

What unique keywords are they using differently to rank high?

What are the top 5 ranking pages?

On the other hand, you should check real estate websites that are not ranking well on various search engines to create a SWOT analysis on why these competitors for yours are not ranking well.

Keyword Research

2. Keywords Analysis/Research

Above we have slightly mentioned keywords, and now we are going to detail keywords. Keywords are the primary focus to rank high on SERP. Without keywords, there is no SEO and vice versa. Therefore, when doing keyword research, it is essential to understand the three forms of keywords.

One word: Keyword (Head Keyword)

Two - three words keywords phrase (Body Keyword)

Long-tail keywords

One word keyword

They are competitive keywords that all businesses want to rank for on SERP. For example, let's use the word, London, while trying the keyword "London" on the search engine. Google provides various links, answers, Wikipedia pages, and image results. So if you are a real estate broker in London, that is a keyword all your competitors want to rank for you on Google's first page.

Two-Three Keyword Phrase

Two-three keyword phrases are competitive, with a local search volume of 5,000 - 10,000 monthly searches. Global volume searches can generate high traffic. Stick to the previous example; two-three keyword phrases are where your audience is typing London's best flats. Now they might be a different type of competition. You can challenge that and create excellent content to let users land on your landing pages.

For example, a real estate broker in Phuket would want to rank for their favorite property type, "villa Phuket." Or even want to rank for something which can increase conversion, such as "pool villa Phuket." So it depends on the campaign a real estate website would like to rank for in their respective SEO strategies.

Long-Tail Keyword

Long-Tail Keywords are interesting to compete. Long-tail keywords provide less competition than the two previous keywords recommended. Long-tail keywords offer low competition, but you will find the correct lead for real estate website. Long-tail keywords search volume per month is around 80, the highest you can find. It would help if you used this for buyers who are interested in buying but they do not need any more information.

Long-tail keywords are for buyers ready to purchase a property and who want to know the steps of becoming a homeowner. In a marketing funnel, long-tail keywords are for buyers who are prepared to take action and become a good lead.

3. Content Management

Bill Gates once said, "Content is king, and marketing is queen ."To understand the content, you have first to ask yourself. What does the word content mean to you? Even one of the best digital marketers Brian Dean in his website backlinko said content is the way to go to increase organic traffic to your website. You can ask 50 marketers, and everyone will give a different answer. There might be some similarities, but content these days is not long-written form content. In a niche market like real estate, content marketing is paramount to reaching your target audience. There are various ways to get your audience with long-form written content, videos, images, podcasts, and 3D visuals.

You would need a proper content management software system to keep all your content on a software. Popular software, for example, is WordPress, to keep all your content on one trusted management software. Google does prefer older content that has been indexed into the Google database before. You should update your older content as information as people consume content that is data-driven.

Content Marketing

Having a sound content management system in place is ideal, but you should not forget the next step, which is content discovery. There are various strategies for users to discover your content, and we will go into details later. One of the main ways to find content is by SEO. Optimizing your content with targeted search queries and keywords.

4. Blog Contents/Visual

Content Management is paramount to scheduling and keeping track of your topics and ideas and to have coherent ideas between text content and visual content. Later on, will go into detail on how visual content is gaining popularity among users and search engine pages, primarily Google.

To create content is by first setting up a brief between the copywriter, the SEO expert, the data analysis, and the manager on the types of content which will rank high on search engines, are our users going to consume the content and is the content going to gain wide popularity among new audiences.

Especially in a niche market such as real estate, where you have to understand the user's Journey on how they can reach the point of purchase. Secondly, you would need to identify the personas as well.

Two main categories are where each of the team members has to come up with blog content or content to upload to rank higher for landing pages.

The SEO expert is there for keyword research, internal linking placement, and how to find suitable external backlinks where other web admins will want to share your content. You have to remember that backlinks are a priority for SEO.


Secondly, the copywriter is there to write out awesome content for better engagement where audiences feel they are connected with the brand. The copywriter is like the fix-it person, as brands and audiences need to communicate via the internet. The copywriter needs to be the bridge, needs the content to be.

Thirdly, data analysis is there to inform about trendy topics that bring users to your website. Real estate websites are about bringing in as many users to the website and becoming members. The marketing funnel for sales is a long process. To purchase property is not a light decision that you should take. With so much information out there, data analysis is there to provide data-informed context on topics that users like from your brand.

The idea of writing content is easy, but to generate engagement, rank high on search result pages, and solve a problem for users via informed data takes time to write quality content. In the real estate sector, time is a crucial decision between users and leads. However, time is not in the right direction as things change very quickly.

5. Link Building

The third pillar for SEO. SEO has three essential pillars.

Technical SEO


Popularity (Link Building)

If Google thinks you are popular and have lots of backlinks and referring domains pointing to your site. Well, it means you have authority over your market. In real estate, having control is essential. If you want to rank higher on search engine results pages, 33.3% of your SEO strategy is on link buildings.

In the real estate industry, where you are using similar keywords with each competitor to gain a competitive edge. Even using semantic search phrases by adding long-tail keywords, your competitors will be doing it as well.

But the link-building strategy is where you can gain a competitive edge over your peers.

Real estate companies or in the online world, proptech property for sale or rent websites need to rank well for their terms in order to get more leads. This is where SEO comes in. SEO is the backbone of any digital marketing strategy, and it's vital that real estate companies implement it in their process as well.

The following are some link-building tips for real estate companies:

- Optimize your website for various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others.

- Create original content for your website and blog to share on other sites like LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, etc.

- Connect with other websites by exchanging links with them.

- Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., to create a buzz around your company's name and content that you have created or shared on these platforms.

Link-building strategy comes after creating content. As content is king, link building is for bloggers, journalists, or your peers to point links back to you as you have created an original piece of content that is informative for your audiences. In Brian Dean's words, create content that you want "Linkreators" to link back to your content. There are many ways for link-building strategies.

We have mentioned only one by creating original problem-solution contents. Or the other strategy is guest posting on various blog sites about real estate. You are a real estate company and an expert in the industry. It is essential to have authority over your site and to have effectiveness in your website.

6. Social Media

In the age of social media, it is crucial that real estate agents use social media to reach a broader target audience and elevate their business. This post will provide you with some tips on how to optimize your social media for higher reach.

Real Estate SEO in 2022 is different from the SEO of today. In order to stay ahead of the competition, you need to focus on content management with the support of social media for a more expansive content discovery for people to know about your brand. Even if your real estate company is geared towards locals. Social media is an excellent platform to have a wider reach. Pro Tip: social media might not reach the right lead, but with a broader audience, they will be the right lead coming in.

Contents that users consume are informative, educational, and entertaining. For social media, you want a perfect balance of fun and information. Test the waters with various graphics, videos, or motion graphics. Even for websites and blog content, social media are a great way to redirect users and traffic to your website.

SEO to Increase Branding and Traffic

The tips for Real Estate SEO in 2022 are:

- Leverage social media for higher reach

- Create content that is engaging and shareable

- Optimize your site for mobile devices

- Build a blog with valuable content

- Create high-quality content with keywords in mind

- Use hashtags that are relevant to your niche

- Use platforms like Facebook or Instagram Stories for visual content

- Engage with other influencers in your industry

7. Google Operators such as Google My Business, Images Searches

The following are ten tips on real estate SEO to help you improve organic search traffic onto your website or proptech web page. Google likes it when your website is on local directories. You have an address, a postcode, a landline number, and a location on Google's very own maps. You have a physical store, and now you can use Google's many operators to your advantage and have the edge over your competitors.

These are three handy uses for Google operators.

1) Create a Google My Business Page - This is a free service from Google that allows you to create a business listing and manage it from one central dashboard. By creating a GMB page, you can get your company name and contact information in front of potential customers when they search for businesses like yours.

2) Optimize Your Website for Search Engines - This includes ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, using keywords in the title tags and meta descriptions, and using keywords in the text content on your site. This is very important. Since 2017, Google search queries have been leading from mobile devices. Google data represents that mobile usage has taken desktop searches.

So when you are optimizing for your content, use Google Search Console to analyze keywords for mobile search queries to increase organic search traffic.

However, users use mobile search queries for quick research. The target audience still purchases through desktop webpages or to your physical location.

3) Optimize Your Listings for Search Engines - If you're also listing properties for sale or rent on other sites, use social media and Youtube video searches to your advantage. More on that later.

The SEO process is a long and arduous one, and you need to be patient if you want your website or proptech web page to rank well on Google.

Add Custom Titles And Meta Descriptions To Your Web Pages

Custom Titles are blue links that users click to enter your website. Meta descriptions are snippets of what users can expect by clicking on the title link. Pro tip uses actionable verbs to acquire new users to click on your link on SERP.

8. YouTube

The real estate industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. This is because there are so many companies that offer similar services and products. In this section, we will talk about how Youtube can increase users, increase organic search traffic, and backlinks for proptech companies in the real estate industry.

YouTube: 2nd Largest Video Search Engine

YouTube has 1 billion active users every month who spend over an hour on the site on average. As listed above, Google search operators consider Youtube videos to be viewed on their SERP. As the second largest search engine in the world after Google, it has more than 5 billion searches per day which means that it has more than 3x as many searches as Google does each day.

YouTube can be used to create videos that are informative, entertaining, and engaging to your target audience. Your users consume an average of 1,500 content per day on various platforms. One of the leading contents is visual content. Google ranks Youtube videos on their search engines means it's time to use it to your advantage.

Especially local real estate companies to go out and film amazing project videos. As with real estate, it's better to see with your eyes. YouTube can be used to create videos that are informative, entertaining, and engaging to your target audience. On the platform, you can create videos such as:

Project viewing: stunning long-shots, drone shots,

User Journey - on what steps it takes to purchase a house

What can you as a business provide valuable service to your audience?

Real estate SEO can be a great way to stand out from the competition and get ahead of your competitors.

Youtube can be a potent marketing tool for real estate companies. It has been found that Youtube videos can increase users, increase organic search traffic, and backlinks for proptech companies.

9. Voice Search

The future has arrived with: Voice Searches.

Voice Searches is here to stay

Voice is the next frontier of search. Voice-activated devices are taking over our homes, with more than 10 million people now using them to control their intelligent homes or find a recipe on the internet. In fact, voice-activated devices are becoming so popular that they will soon overtake the number of people who use a keyboard or mouse to navigate their computers.

The first step in optimizing your property listings is making sure they have been optimized for voice searches by including keywords in your listing title and description that match what a person might say when searching with their voice on an AI. For quick and clear, point voice searches with answers, it builds trust. Trust is what both users and Google love.

10. Structured Data Map (Technical SEO)

Structured data markup is a way to tell search engines about the content on a webpage. It helps them understand what you're trying to say in a more efficient manner, and it can also be used to provide information about the website's content, like reviews or opening hours.

Schema markup is an open standard that enables rich snippets in search engine results pages. This means that when Google indexes your page, it will not only show you as one of the results but also show some extra information like reviews or opening hours right beneath your URL.

This is an essential step for both SEO and usability because it helps Google index your website better, which will ultimately lead to more people finding you through search engines.


About the Creator

Chanvit Khanijoun

A curious person who finds an interesting topic and would write and try something different with it and something new.

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    Chanvit KhanijounWritten by Chanvit Khanijoun

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