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Working With People You Don't Like What You Can Do?

Tips for Working With People You Don't Like

By Anshul Singh TomarPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

When you could only work with people you want, work will be completely awesome. These are the individuals who you not only admire in the workplace, but are also able to socialise with outside the job. Wouldn't a dream come true like that?

Ok, perhaps, and maybe not. Some people want to maintain a total distinction between their job and their social life, while others are comfortable allowing their colleagues to share their social time. Yet they all want to have a wonderful place to go to work. The individuals working there and the workplace activities and atmosphere characterise a good place to work.

Here are six tips to get along with even the most irritating individuals that you hate.

Document the Disliked Coworker's Bad Behavior

Mia used to deal with a woman she was not able to stand. She thought it was just her own pettiness at first. She was beautiful and smart and ascended the company ladder quickly. She was so jealous? She did not like her because she was being petty and jealous. Mia told herself that that was the case.

Now, that's a reason for causing a coworker to hate you, but in this situation, it turns out it's not the real reason. She discovered that her coworker was actually a bad person when she lied to a senior person in another department about the work Mia had done.

She was able to see at that point that she was not the only one that the coworker had gladly sacrificed to make her look better. She realised after Mia discovered this about her, that her unconscious mind had picked up on the sleazy character of the coworker until she could see it clearly in motion.

Still, Mia had to deal with her anyway. They were peers, but the coworker did not have hire / firepower over her. Mia enjoyed her work elsewhere and decided to stay in it. So, she consciously modified her relationships with her partner. Mia avoided talking to her face to face and interacted by email, ensuring that she had no trouble lying about any interactions, so that every contact was recorded.

Sadly, you can't always choose the individuals you deal with. So often you get stuck working with a colleague with whom you don't just click, but who is a person you actively despise, or even think you hate.

Identify Whether You're Actually the Problem

The reason you don't like a coworker often is that the person has the same bad habits that you do. You don't like it when they look back upon you. Often, since that person always criticises you or tells you what to do, you hate a coworker.

If her complaints are true, ask yourself. For instance, when your enemy in the office asks, "Can you get that report finished on time?" Is she picky and naggy, or has the study been done late in the last three months? If it is the latter, by fixing your own behaviour, you will repair your relationship. This is important to know, because the only actions you have any influence over is your own.

Try to Learn About the Coworker You Don't Like

Far more often than you give it to outsiders, you give people you know and like the benefit of the doubt. You might like her better when you discover what causes your coworker to tick.

Your coworker who is crabby all the time , for example, may have just gone through a horrible divorce where she lost custody of her kids. Understandably, at the moment, she isn't happy. Maybe, three times in a row, management passed her over for promotions. She may have a profound and eternal passion for cats, and she just wants to talk about them.

It doesn't make the person any nicer, but it lets you see where she comes from. Anything is possible. And that will help you learn to like a colleague who you don't think you like.

Be the Adult in the Room

The teachers wanted you to get along with others while you were in grade school, no matter what. When you were seven, if you could do that, why can't you do it at 37? The response to this is that you may.

Never, ever Whisper About the Coworker You Hate

The desire to talk about her with the coworkers you do like is sometimes daunting when you have a coworker you hate. Sitting at work and laughing about the terrible Helga and the way she chews her food or uses Comic Sans in her e-mails is fun.

Tell yourself, what kind of good is this going to do? Can your relationship with Helga help? Oh, no. Is it going to make you a better advertising candidate? Oh, no. Will it make it more profitable for your department? Not of course.

Seek assistance with the Coworker Despised

Speak to your boss if your coworker is causing serious problems with your job. Ask your HR director for advice on how to get along with your partner. They just are there to support, and a boss will rearrange duties several times so that you don't have to continually deal with a colleague you don't like. This is a resort of last-ditch, but it can work.

Bear in mind that work is work and not enjoying every part of your job does not mean that it is a bad job or that your colleagues are bad people. This means your life is pretty darn ordinary.


About the Creator

Anshul Singh Tomar

I can define myself as a Design Thinker with a diversified portfolio of portals which includes Ecommerce Reviews, Job/Career, Recruitment, Real Estate, Education, Matrimony, Shopping, Travel, Email, Telecom, Finance and lots more.

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