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What will you be?

A jumble of random thoughts

By Sara WilsonPublished 10 months ago β€’ 5 min read
Top Story - July 2023

There was a book I read as a kid. I don't remember the title and Google seems to only want to pull up one written in 2021. That is most defintiely not it. It was my favorite book though and I feel as if I almost imagined it at this point.

I remember some of the lines, it was about Halloween and described several different costumes. "Halloween is coming, what will you be?" was a common group of words on several pages.

I loved it because I loved costumes and dressing up. One day though, I realized... that book wasn't just about Halloween anymore. The question seemed to be something cropping up more and more in real life. "What will you be?"

I was subjected to a lot of weird things growing up. Part of me thinks we all were, but when I do open up- the looks I get and the amount of "bless your hearts" makes me think otherwise.

That's neither here nor there and I'm not really here to give insight into my childhood and teen years. However, that book seems to pop into my mind randomly as of late- and those words, "Halloween is coming, what will you be?" feel somewhat heavy.

If you had asked me as a child what I would be, I knew the answer! It was so clear. Somewhere along the lines, people ruined it for me... and I just let them. Why does that happen? Why do we let people get inside of our heads and change everything that will never even affect them? And why even when we know it's happening, do we not stop it? Or is that just me? Am I crazy?

What are you gonna be when you grow up?

A singer!

You can buy (insert parent here) a house! You will have so much money I can be set for life! But.. I don't know these songs. Why would I watch them?

What are you gonna be?

An artist!

You will make so much money! You can support (insert parent here) !

But why is your art so weird?

What will you be?

Definitely a makeup artist!

Makeup is fake! Can't you just be yourself? You look so much better without all that crap all over your face!

What will you be?

A special effects makeup artist..?

Monster is bad for you. You would have a better chance doing this in Hollywood than you would in Texas. Waste of time.

What will you be?

A model?

You don't in front of a camera- you belong behind one.

What will be?

A writer! Definitely a writer!

That story is so long! I don't have time to read all of that.

What will you be?

A poet?

Why is it so dark? I don't want to read something like that.

What will you be?

I'm gonna make dolls!

Those are too expensive!

What will you be?

I'm gonna make jewelry!

I don't wear jewelry...

What will you be?

A wife.

You're oppressed. Marriage is just a piece of paper and all men are horrible. He isn't good enough. You need someone like so and so from this TV show I saw.

What will you be?

A mother.

You're pregnant?! There are too many grand children in our family already!

What will you be?

I made my son his own Super Mario room!

Well why give it to him?! You know how much money you could make if you sold all of that?

I give up...

Well why..? You're just wasting your talent.

This probably feels like rambling. And maybe it is. Maybe I'm just having a rough day, I don't know. I just find it strange that family is supposed to support you.. but why is it they only seem to want to support you when they think they can use you? Why is everything about money and why do people only celebrate you when you have what they think is the potential to make it? Why do people only support you when you have already made it? Why do they feel entitled to know everything that's going on but don't feel an urge to help you become what they think you have the potential to be? Is this just me? Do all artists struggle in this way? It feels lonely here.

I always tell myself I am done. Feels like a lie though, because I always find myself coming back thinking things have changed. It feels like the direct definition of insanity...

I don't really know what the moral is. I'm not really giving up on any of the things I love doing. I'm just going to keep my audience as small as possible and see what I do for exactly what it is- something I do because I love doing it. Not some get rich quick scheme. If you take anything from this messy thought process, let it be that. Don't let others take away or distort the things that you love. Not everything has to be done for money or gratification. It's ok to do the things you love simply because you love doing them. The people who refuse to cheer you on probably never will. It hurts, but it's ok... because the people who do are genuine, and worth so much more than any person who just wants to use you.


About the Creator

Sara Wilson

Lover of the strange and unusual. I write mostly horror or true crime. I occasionally publish other things, but try not to write only for the sake of having content. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

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  • Rui Alves9 months ago

    My congrats on all the great things you came to be! Bravo!

  • Shanon Norman9 months ago

    I think this is a well written journal and I can relate to the emotions expressed in this very much. I wanted to be a pianist when I was a kid. I did become a pianist at the age of 48, but not for money or show. I became everything I wanted to become (educated, mother, wife) and whether it was for or with money is not the focus. Did I enjoy it? Did it satisfy my curiosity, passion, and hopes? Sometimes. People will always have negative shit to say. I know, I do it all the time. Sometimes they're right, and sometimes it's none of their business. I wish that instead of asking ourselves or others "What will you be?" we would ask "What do you want to do?" It's much more specific and seems to subconciously ask for assistance rather than promote some kind of SELF importance.

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    There is nothing wrong with being your authentic self!!! Loved it!!!β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’• Congratulation on Top Story too!!!πŸ₯°

  • Paul Stewart10 months ago

    Sara...that voice though! I pressed play and listened to the song as I read the rest of your heartfelt and heart on screen piece. I've long been a fan of your work and I think your dolls are awesome. All the other stuff is so cool too! notch at all those things! You already know what you need to do, but it's worth saying it again - just keep being you - the people that matter will care and the rest will come to realise how awesome you are! The ones that don't - screw them! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself! This was a lovely insight into you.

  • Gerald Holmes10 months ago

    Very well said. Do it for you and they will come.

  • is the best!

  • Judey Kalchik 10 months ago

    I enjoyed this look into all of the ways you've reached out and tried, tasted, attempted, and exlpored. It reminded me of this:,vid:85pJXaiXOBU

  • Do what you love & those who love & care about the same things will become your community & chosen family--& they will encourage & support you (unless they're jealous & see you as competition).

  • Tiffany Gordon 10 months ago

    You're a woman of many talents! Thx 4 sharing! You are an inspiration! :)

  • Dana Crandell10 months ago

    You've already said it, but go on being you.

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