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What Legendary Leaders Need To Remember In The Hard Times

They Are Inevitable And Being Unprepared Can Make It Worse

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 9 months ago 3 min read

I have many groups that I belong to for different reasons.

In one of these groups, in the "Peer Support" section, I saw someone who was having a difficult challenge.

They expressed a problem they had been working on fixing in their community for a long time.

Just recently, due to the neglect and inaction of others on this problem, 2 good people died needlessly.

They expressed their pain from the situation, the anger from the inaction of others, and the feelings of hopelessness that were engulfing them.

This is reality.

In the world of "Leadership", we so often focus on making things "better" in a future that doesn't exist yet.

However, we also don't pay attention to the reality of where things currently are - a reality that is difficult and is filled with fear and pain.

We talk about buy in, and vision, and the future!

We do need to talk about these things as a guiding star, but we can't do it at the expense of what is happening here, now, and today.

People have a hard time buying into a future when the present is bleak.

People can't believe a vision when there is so much pain.

As Leaders, we must be "with" the people in their current challenges if we ever hope for a better future.

However, as Leaders we also find ourselves feeling alone at times.

We feel like we want these things so badly, but we don't see others joining us.

This is where this individual was.

They were taking a stand where others weren't.

They were trying to fix issues and weren't being heard.

They felt that they were putting in so much effort, and it felt fruitless.

It is no wonder they felt like there was no Hope.

Here's the problem with losing Hope though.

If you are the one Leading, and you lose all Hope and give up, it is unlikely that others will take a stand.

It is in these times, where we feel like Hope is waning, that we need to do a few things as Leaders.

First, we need to seek out others who are there to support us.

These individuals may not have answers to our problems, but they are there to be with us in community.

That community is so critical to us as Human Beings, it is literally hardwired into our DNA.

The community doesn't need to solve the problems to be tremendously helpful, they just need to be with us, to help us stand when we feel like falling.

Second, we need to realize that our impacts may not all be visible.

Often, if we are truly being an Exemplar, people will see what we are trying to do.

They may be inspired to do something as well, but maybe they still have fears.

So they do things in the background, silently, where you simply don't see.

Your actions may be inspiring small efforts that are helping others gain courage slowly.

If you give up, they may end up losing their only source of Hope for things to improve.

What other efforts may be lost if we give up?

Here are the takeaways today.

Life is hard, it will beat you up, throw you around, and leave you panting for air.

Who do you have that will be with you?

Not to solve the problems, but are there simply because they care for you?

If you see a Leader who is standing up for something, tell them that you are standing with them.

If you have been inspired by them, let them know.

You can also inspire Hope in them when they may be feeling difficulties, unseen.

What can you do, and be an Exemplar of, that could inspire others?

Do they have a way to know what you are doing?

Don't give up when the Hard Times come.

Doing so could have more consequences than you realize.

When you get hit, find the support of others, remember there are others who are looking toward you, and stand back up to do the Good work.

I know how difficult it is, and I want you to know that I am here with you.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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