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What Everyone Must Know About Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

By NYGGS AutomationPublished about a year ago 4 min read

It's the fact that employers dislike manual hiring & recruiting processes! The manual hiring process is simply time-consuming. Creating an opening, posting the jobs, and finding suitable candidates can take a lot of time and effort to make things work. That's where the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) comes into play.

Firstly, an effective resume shortlisting process is important in identifying the appropriate candidates. An ATS makes hiring easier by automating tedious and repetitive processes. It is a fact that the organizations that use an Applicant Tracking System have been better in their recruiting endeavors. Let's learn more about ATS software!

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is software that allows recruiters to keep track of candidates who are applying for the jobs. It helps them to find the best people for the job by looking at the information in their job applications. This is especially helpful when there are a lot of candidates applying for the same job.

Moreover, organizations of all sizes can use ATS solutions. It streamlines their recruitment processes, reduces time-to-hire, and improves the quality of hires. HR departments, recruiters, and hiring managers use this system to manage job openings and track applicants. Further, many ATS solutions also include added features such as resume parsing, job board posting, and many more tools.

How Does Applicant Tracking Systems Work?

An Applicant Tracking System typically works by automating the hiring process' recurring tasks. Above all, here are the basic steps involved:

1. Job Posting: The hiring team creates a job posting and publishes it on the ATS or on various job platforms.

2. Applicant Submission: Candidates apply for the job that gets collected on ATS.

3. Resume Parsing: It scans the resumes and parses them according to relevant work experience, skills, or whatever input you gave.

4. Candidate Screening: The AI-enabled ATS software screens the resumes based on predefined criteria. Candidates who meet the criteria go to the next stage, while others are rejected.

5. Interview Scheduling: The ATS software facilitates interview scheduling easily.

6. Candidate Evaluation: ATS feedback allows the hiring team to make informed hiring decisions after evaluation.

7. Offer Letter: The hiring team extends an offer to the selected candidate through the ATS.

Throughout the process, the NYGGS Recruitment Software in Gurgaon India tracks the progress of each candidate, stores their information, and provides analytics and reports to help the hiring team make data-driven decisions.

Features Included in Applicant Tracking System

To clarify, the basic features an ATS provides are:

• Job Posting

• Resume Importing

• Resume Parsing

• Candidate Tracking and Evaluation

• Applicant Communication

• Interview Scheduling

• Analytics and Reporting

• Integration with other HRMS tools

Why Do Businesses Need an Applicant Tracking System?

Could you imagine doing bulky recruitment processes without automation? The HRs have to repeat the processes again and again for every job posting. It can increase the probability of an error in the hiring process.

But while using Applicant Tracking System, the processes are completely done within several clicks. That's why most businesses use ATS to reduce recruitment efforts.

Here's how ATS helps businesses to streamline their hiring procedures.

ATS allows the user company to collect applications from various sources. It can reach a number of candidates and filter them according to their requirements. Consequently, it enhances the quality of the resume database and provides a better recruitment infrastructure.

Businesses Can Get Several Benefits from an Applicant Tracking System

• Reduces time and money in recruitment and hiring processes.

• Ensures effective recruitment for business success.

• Manage travel expenses, background checks, and other recruitment tasks.

• Increase employee retention and productivity (by way of increasing the quality of hire).

• Improves internal and external communication within an organization.

• Reduces the paperwork in the recruitment process.

• Automation of requisition approval process for recruitment.

• Create a just-in-time candidate database for quick and efficient recruitment as needed.

• Saving time in finding candidates and stopping duplicating submissions.

• Promotes the brand of the employer and marketing through job postings.

Selecting the Best Applicant Tracking System

There are various factors to consider while choosing the best Applicant Tracking System:

Identification of hiring problems that requires a solution.

First, it is necessary to find a problem that needs a solution. Here's an example: If you have trouble finding and hiring good candidates. Then you need to look for an ATS software that includes features like:

• Dynamic job descriptions

• Automatic pre-interview skill assessments

• AI-powered skills profiling.

If your selected Applicant Tracking System has these features, then you are good to go further.

Additionally, if you're having difficulty communicating with candidates and keeping them engaged. Then, consider using an ATS solution that provides more opportunities for human interaction.

Align Investments with organizational capabilities.

A clear understanding of your business's willingness to adopt new technologies and budgetary constraints. Along with it, you have to consider the expected return on investment in both time and money.

Comprehending your IT ecosystem.

It is important to understand your information technology infrastructure while evaluating an ATS. The implementation and integration of some ATS offerings need significant IT resources. So, this becomes a very crucial factor while determining an ATS solution.

After these considerations, it's time to test an Applicant Tracking System interface. Platforms like NYGGS Applicant Tracking System (ATS) let you schedule a free demo before you decide if you want to buy.


Applicant Tracking System manages everything from creating job posts to sourcing candidates. It can also track application statuses and track all communications with them.

Moreover, when companies automate hiring, they don't have to spend many resources. This can help them focus more on making employees engaged and other important jobs.

So, if you want to improve your hiring process without spending too much money, NYGGS ATS can help you manage job applications and get better hiring outcomes.


About the Creator

NYGGS Automation

NYGGS Automation Suite is a cloud-based software development company in India. The company is dedicated to streamlining the processes of HR, field sales operations, and customer relationship. Know more details here:

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