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What & Why is NO Confidence Motion?

Should the government be worried?

By Bhawarth S. SaraswatPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Source:- Josh Jagran


Hello World! Today, we're about to dive into a complex but fascinating topic: the "no confidence motion" or "no trust motion." Ever wondered what happens when doubt is cast upon a government's actions? We're here to unravel the mysteries and explore the possible impacts. Is the government feeling the heat? So, let's gear up for a deep dive into the world of politics. I've done my best to make it all clear, but if there's a stumble, please accept my advance apologies. Now, let's get ready for an eye-opening journey! 🌍🔍


In essence, a no-confidence movement is a powerful tool to show distrust in the government by members of the legislature.

Let's put it this way:- Imagine that the government is like the captain of a ship and the legislature is like the crew. The captain and the crew work together to make decisions and steer the ship. However, sometimes the crew might lose trust in the captain's ability to lead the ship in the right direction.

In the legal world, a " no confidence motion" is like an official method for the crew (the parliament members) to say they don't trust the captain (the government) anymore. This comes into play when 50 or more parliament members think the current government isn't doing well, making mistakes, or not looking after the people's needs like they should.

Here's how it works:

Proposal: A group of parliament members gets together and proposes a motion, which is like an official suggestion. This motion states that they have lost confidence in the government's ability to govern effectively.

Debate: The motion is then discussed in the parliament. Members of the parliament get a chance to explain why they think the government should be removed. They might point out mistakes, poor decisions, or other reasons for their lack of confidence.

Vote: After the debate, there's a vote. All the members of the parliament get to vote on whether they still trust the current government or not. If more members vote "no confidence" than those who vote in favor of the government, the government might be asked to step down.

Consequences: If the vote of no confidence is successful, it doesn't mean an immediate change. The government might be given some time to prove that they can regain the trust of the parliament. If they can't, then a new government might need to be formed through various processes like elections or negotiation among political parties.

Hisory of the motion:-

Let's travel back to 1963 during India's third Lok Sabha, a leader named Acharya J B Kripalani introduced the very first "no confidence motion." It was like saying, "We're not too sure about Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's government." This led to a huge debate that lasted 21 hours over four days, with 40 MPs joining in. When Nehru got his turn, he explained that usually, a "no-confidence motion" is like a challenge for power, but this time it was more of a practice round. He thought the whole debate was a good idea, like a test to see how things were going. It's a slice of history showing how politics and discussions have always been a part of the game! 🗳️🗣️

Since then, an additional 26 no-confidence motions have been put forth in the parliament (excluding the most recent one), the latest before this was in 2018. It was presented by the TRS against the former government led by Narendra Modi.

Lets Revel some Facts:-

1. When Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister from 1966 to 1982, she had to deal with a lot of times when people didn't trust her government. Can you believe it? There were 15 of these situations called "no-confidence motions." But guess what? Each time, she and her government came out strong and won against these doubts.

2. Back in 1965, when Lal Bahadur Shastri held the position of Prime Minister, something remarkable occurred. The longest debate ever recorded during a no-confidence motion unfolded, spanning an impressive 24 hours. This remarkable event was directed at Prime Minister Shastri, who, during his tenure, faced the task of confirming his majority in the house not just once, but three times

3.In 1979, there was a significant moment in India's political history. A successful no-confidence motion was brought against the government. This time, the Prime Minister in the spotlight was Morarji Desai. this motion was raised by Charan Singh, a prominent leader and politician.

Should the government be worried?

When considering whether the government should be worried about a no-confidence motion, we must examine the numerical landscape in the Lok Sabha. For a majority, 272 seats are required. At present, the NDA government boasts a robust representation of 331 members, with the BJP alone commanding a significant 303 seats. This substantial numerical advantage indicates that even if all non-NDA parties were to align (a scenario of low likelihood), the BJP would still possess ample support to withstand a no-confidence motion.

Moreover, the recently named INDIA alliance contributes 144 members to the equation, while so-called 'neutral' parties, including BRS, YSRCP, and BJD, collectively contribute 70 members.

Taking these numbers into account, it becomes evident that the government's position is firmly secure against the backdrop of a no-confidence motion. The substantial numerical backing provides a strong shield, lessening the immediate concern for the government. However, the intricacies of political alliances and parliamentary dynamics continue to influence this landscape.

Why is This Motion Happening in Lok Sabha?"

Recently, in the Lok Sabha, the Speaker named Om Birla accepted one of these "no confidence motions." This happened on July 26. The reason for this motion was because the Opposition, which is like the other parties that are not in the government, was not happy. They wanted the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to talk about a situation in Manipur.

A person from the Congress Party named Gaurav Gogoi brought this motion to the parliament. This was during a time when the Opposition was protesting and asking the Prime Minister to explain what's happening in Manipur.

Another person, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary, who leads the Congress party in the Lok Sabha, said earlier that they will do this "no-confidence motion." He explained that they want a serious discussion with the Prime Minister about the situation in Manipur. Since they felt the government was not listening, they chose to go with this motion as a way to show their concerns.

Confidence motion?

A "confidence motion" is a powerful decision made by a group of politicians in a government. It's like a vote of trust or doubt. When they bring up this motion, they're basically saying, "Do we still believe in this government or not?"

Here's how it works: If more politicians vote in favor of the government, it shows they still trust it. But if more vote against it, that means they don't trust the government's actions anymore.

It's a way for the members of the government to check if they have enough support to continue leading the country. It's a bit like asking, "Do we still think this team can do a good job?" If they don't get enough votes of trust, things might change – like having a new government or making big decisions.

In a nutshell, a confidence motion is like a reality check for the government, where the politicians decide whether they have enough faith in its actions or not. "It can be use as contrast motion against the no confidence motion by government"

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About the Creator

Bhawarth S. Saraswat

I'm an avid bibliophile and aspiring writer who finds joy in reading and writing on diverse topics. passion for sharing knowledge, my dreams of inspiring others through the power of words on a literary journey of creativity and exploration!

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  • Meemansa Gupta10 months ago

    I've never read any article that explains, no confidence motion in such a lucid manner and in a quick sweet and short way. I really appreciate these types of writings looking forward for many more. 🥰

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