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Want to generate 7-figured income through online mode

By GulabPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Hello friends this is Gulab, this is my story

When I first started, I was duped out of $3,000 dollars.

I wanted to give up more than I could count.

I spent over 6 months banging my head against a computer screen before making my first commission.

Most people quit before six months.

That is what James hopes to correct with this new system.

I understand you're skeptical.

You think you've seen it all.

You're wrong.

There is still a chance.

From attempted suicide to an online 7-figure earner

If I had given up, I would never have discovered this, and my life would still be the hopeless mess it was last year.

There are numerous legitimate online money-making opportunities. Working from home, selling your own products, or doing freelance work are all ways to make money online. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Some are simpler than others, while others necessitate more effort. The most important thing is to select the option that best matches your abilities and interests.

Here are some of the most popular online money-making opportunities:

1. Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest ways to make money online . All you have to do is promote products or services on your blog or social media accounts, and you'll get paid a commission when someone signs up using your link.

With affiliate marketing, you need a website and simple skills. You just have to be able to connect with people and promote products they'll find useful.

2. Blogging: If you have a blog, you can monetize it by adding ads to it or by offering paid services like e-books or courses. This way, you can make money while also building your audience.

With blogging, the sky is the limit as far as how much you can earn. The more popular your blog is, the more opportunities there will be to earn money.

Another benefit of blogging is that it will give you a platform for selling your products or services. If people trust you and like what you have to say, they'll be more likely to buy from you.

3. Sell something online: You can sell almost anything online, from books and music to handmade crafts and custom clothing. There are many online marketplaces that can help you sell your products, including Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.

4. Write and edit content: If you're a writer or editor, you can work remotely and earn money through websites like Upwork and Fiverr.


1. Examine the market

You are aware of your industry. Just make sure to research its expertise. To stay informed about the market, read magazines or online resources. Consider the following questions:

What is it about the market that makes it so great?

Future scope and expansion?

How long will it be around?

Most importantly, how long will you be in the market?

Next, which companies are interested in job candidates from this market? Are you really going to give it a shot?

The questions above should compel you to read and learn more in order to help you stay in the market for a long time. See, the more knowledgeable you are, the more likely you are to become an expert and earn a living.

2. Develop products and services that people require.

The products and services you provide have a direct impact on your earnings, and a seven-figure business is attainable if you focus on price, value, and demand. Consider high-ticket products, services, or packages to entice some of your most loyal customers. Regardless of high ticket prices, new products and services are a good way to earn more money in the coming year and decade. Provide more valuable options to your customers, and they will appreciate it while you scale your business.

3. Scale, Upgrade Your skill.

Before scaling your business, be sure that your customers will want what you're promoting. Beginner affiliate often makes the mistake of overlooking this step. So learn the skills of affiliate marketing, email marketing, SEO, etc. I have also done the mistake of not learning these skills in my starting phase, but as I realized their importance I learned them immediately.

Thank you and best wishes to your future friends.

how to

About the Creator


I love to make people laugh, so I write. I love to help people, so I teach. And I love to see the world, so my fingers are always on a new keyboard.

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