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Unmasking the Wagner Group: Russia's Covert Strategy Unveiled

Inside the Wagner Group’s playbook

By Vivian YaoPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Russia’s private military force, explained


A chilling transformation took place within the small Ukrainian mining town of Soledar. From the bustling heart of a community, it turned into a ruin of rubble within a span of just a few months. This tragedy was swiftly followed by an ominous message on Telegram, announcing that the Wagner Group, a secretive Russian organization led by oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, had seized control of Soledar. This event provides a window into the enigmatic workings of the Wagner Group, a complex entity with multifaceted operations, mining ventures, political influence campaigns, and a formidable private military force. As the world grapples to decipher this clandestine playbook, the organization's tactics are becoming clearer.

The Wagner Group Unveiled

Yevgeny Prigozhin, often referred to as "Putin's chef" due to his earlier role as a Kremlin caterer, became the figurehead of the Wagner Group in 2014. This covert network, now visible on the world stage, is believed to have been operational even during the annexation of Crimea and the early days of the conflict in Ukraine. Comprising both mining companies and a private military force, the Wagner Group is a crucial tool in Russia's global strategy.

A Multifaceted Strategy

The Wagner Group serves multiple objectives for Russia. Its primary function is to provide military services and arms to countries under military technical agreements with Russia. Though Russian law ostensibly forbids citizens from fighting abroad for profit, the Wagner Group has managed to recruit a substantial number of soldiers, many of them battle-hardened veterans. Its operations span from commanding officers with elite backgrounds to rank-and-file soldiers recognizable by their distinct emblems.

Three Pillars of the Wagner Group's Strategy

The Wagner Group's tactics can be summarized into three strategic pillars:

  1. Targeting Weak or Corrupt States: The organization strategically intervenes in countries facing long-standing conflicts, weak governance, or corruption. By offering military support to authoritarian regimes, it helps Russia divert attention from activities it seeks to keep hidden. In Syria, for example, Wagner mercenaries supported government forces in their fight against rebel groups during the civil war.
  2. Expanding Global Reach: Wagner's presence extends to at least four continents, with involvement in numerous countries undergoing periods of instability. More than 18 African nations have hosted Wagner forces, often with the objective of providing military training to local armed forces.
  3. Resource Exploitation: Wagner's activities extend to resource-rich countries, where it operates gold plants and other ventures to exploit valuable commodities like gold, uranium, and oil. This illicit and illegal approach generates substantial profits for the organization and its leader, Prigozhin.

Global Impact and Consequences

The Wagner Group's influence is vast, often perpetuating instability in fragile and weak nations. For instance, in Mali, Wagner mercenaries have been linked to a surge in civilian casualties and displacement. Their involvement appears to coincide with the rise of Assimi Goïta, a Russia-backed leader who assumed leadership and power following a series of coups.

Wagner Group's Link to Russian Interests

The Wagner Group's actions also align with Russia's interests on the global stage and international environment. Its engagement with Sudan illustrates this alignment, with Wagner involvement dating back all the way back to 2017. Amid a backdrop of coup attempts and power shifts, the organization has been deeply integrated with Sudan's military and mining activities.

Looking Ahead - Challenges and Concerns

The Wagner Group's growing visibility is causing international alarm and sparking sanctions. Prigozhin's public statements about the group's activities have increased scrutiny and challenges for Putin's regime. As the world grapples with understanding and addressing this enigmatic entity, it is evident that uncovering the Wagner Group's playbook is crucial to curbing its influence and safeguarding global stability.


About the Creator

Vivian Yao

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