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Understanding Post Covid-19 Pandemic Efficiency and Productivity

Andrew Lloyd explains how to handle the post pandemic work-life balance

By Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PAPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

You need to separate your work and life balance after the pandemic. Unproductive urgency, and the unwanted anxiety it creates has become an issue in many lives, according to Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA.

We all seem to be moving in many directions. Balancing between work and personal life has taken an emotional toll on our bodies. When did we get so busy? It seems this phenomena happened during the pandemic. We took all the urgency from work and bled it into our personal lives. We have become a victim of no life balance.

What is business efficiency?

A business's efficiency measures how well it can transform things like materials, labor and capital into services and products that produce revenue.

What is personal efficiency?

Efficiency is doing something in the best possible way, while effectiveness is doing the best possible thing.

The culture created during the pandemic

We have built a culture of urgency, and therefore anxiety, around our daily lives. Everything has to be more efficient. If we are not productive then we are not worthwhile. We are programmed to follow systems and philosophies to make us the best person possible. This is now our daily life. We must now eat lunch at our desk, listen to podcasts twice the speed and even setup time management systems. Everything must be faster and this will make society happy. There is a total disconnect in the satisfaction derived from actually doing something.

Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA for his own sanity fought back. The pandemic has destroyed the core meaning of enjoying work or life. Many of us are still in lockdowns, not working, or working from home and completely miserable. Andrew is asking you to step back, reflect and do a few small tasks to really understand where this time anxiety is coming from.

Tips to slow down and reflect

1. Stretch first thing in the morning. Stretch after sleeping to get the blood flowing and wake up the muscles. Stretching after sleep and increasing blood flow also just feels good for all parts of the body.

2. Enjoy your coffee in the morning with your phone off. Watch the coffee pour into the cup. Sit outside and enjoy the birds singing. Look at the cars drive by. Walk with your coffee around the block. Stop and smell flowers. Reflect on why you are grateful.

3. Phone off again. Read your favorite book again. Read slowly and enjoy each word. Reflect on the book after you are done reading.

4. Give someone your undivided attention and just listen. Be slow to talk but fast to listen. Think of someone you haven't talked to and give them a ring. They will be glad to hear from you. Talk is therapeutic.

There is an underlying feeling from work that affects your life that is causing anxiety. You are going to feel overwhelmed by the idea that you are not accomplishing enough tasks at a fast pace. These tasks weigh you down and are your mind all day at home. Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA says you need to turn relaxation into an act like no other. We have so many things going on in our life but we need to remember rest is good. The older we get the more we realize we wasted so much time on meaningless tasks. That time could have been better spent relaxing and reflecting.

It's important to optimize and try for efficiency, but remember to smell to roses along to way, and to be kind of yourself if you fall short of your goal. Rapper 50 cent said it best "Shoot for the stars, aim for the moon." It's important to imagine yourself living your most productive life but not stressing over it. You are only hurting yourself if you don't even try. Do a little at a time. Don't overschedule yourself. Learn to say no. Plan your "relaxation" time. Understand that work ends at 5 pm. Have a dedicated room in your house for work only. Don't stay glued to your phone or email after work. Navigate your priorities and adapt to the curve balls throughout the day.

Don't find fault in modern wellness culture for putting too much pressure on us. The information benefits us more than ever. We need to respond to the information that we have and plan accordingly says Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA. Do not feel like you are completely failing at life because we can't accomplish everything each day.


About the Creator

Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PA

Hi. Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PA here. I enjoy posting stories about business and marketing. I hope the stories from my desk in Beaver, PA help you. Check Andrew Lloyd's Substack to get the latest:

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