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Tough B., Inc. Business Plan

Tough B., Inc. Business Plan Summary

By Iria Vasquez-PaezPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

The Tough B business plan summary is all about how many articles I’m going to publish. Sometimes you hear back from a pitch but other times, you have to wait a while to hear back at all. There are many options to publish my work in. One story is a quirky piece with details that are changed, reading almost like a composite in a psychology self-help book. This story is about how to be a child of an untreated narcissist. This is a bizarre and quirky story to write since I have to change identifying details anyway. I found a market for The Perfect Copy. I need to write a goals list off of Tough B, Inc. business plan one. I have another Tough B. Inc. business plan two for blogs.

I have two blogs, Blogger and Wordpress at this time. There are other blog companies out there. Monetizing my blog was an expensive affair but it did happen. I have four cents earned on that thing by now. My novella, A Return to Honor, about an alien civilization accepting Galactic Federation membership and going through changing times, is possibly a good submission to as it could be for other situations. But I’m starting with Tor first, and waiting around to hear back from them.

Publishing my work is one way to make money and I have to kick myself into editing my non-fiction and fiction work. I also have to outright write other stories. I have other ideas I need to work on, in particular, fanfiction ideas. I have many things floating around in my head that I need to work on such as typing up my old fiction from school word for word. I have copies that survived my college work, just barely.

In the Tough B., Inc., business plan I have a long list of markets. I’m submitting my work slowly to each market just to see if they take it. I love the fact I’m more polite these days too. I am in the habit of starting novels with vignettes or short stories. Flash fiction is also a great way to get a huge story started. If you keep it short, you eventually can write for longer. This has been known to happen. You can actually write for lengths at a time if you start with a short story.

Then you can expand your short story outward until it encompasses a novel. The short story is all about condensing your work. Although The Perfect Copy is a series about a futuristic North Bay in the Bay Area, some say not to date your story, but some series like The X-Files thrive on dating the story. I also made a list of blogs to publish on, like Entrepreneur or Work Online Blog. I have submitted my work to Poetry Foundation. There are internet magazine publishing markets. I also located the feminist market and the archaeology market. I have also discovered the health market.

I could write volumes on fitness alone since, despite the knee injury that keeps me working from home, I have managed to learn how to work out before I was injured. I have a lot of environmental science topics in my head also. I wrote down a bunch of ideas I was supposed to get started on. I have a few books on that topic inside my head. I also have the option of writing about yoga. It is all about crafting the right pitch. I did hear back from one magazine. The market is wide-open online. There has never been a better time to make money writing for the internet. I will be able to contribute my work to this endeavor in the years to come. I did talk to one editor who can tackle my non-fiction. So yes, things are working to move in the right direction.


About the Creator

Iria Vasquez-Paez

I have a B.A. in creative writing from San Francisco State. Can people please donate? I'm very low-income. I need to start an escape the Ferengi plan.

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