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Think Like Google -  You Must Have an Influencer Marketing Strategy

Google fundamentally believes in the value of influencers.

By NapoleonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Think Like Google -  You Must Have an Influencer Marketing Strategy
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Everyone is an influencer on social media.

Yes, we influence people on social media, from our thoughts down to what we buy online, read online and do online.

The influencer marketing industry is on track to be worth up to $15 billion by 2022, up from as much as $8 billion in 2019, according to Insider Intelligence estimates, based on Mediakix data.

And at Google, they fundamentally believe in the value of influencers.

4 Key points of the Google Report - Inside Google Marketing: How we (finally) proved the value of influencer marketing

1. Stop selling impressions and likes as impact

Sure, impressions are essential for getting the word out, but they say little about whether the marketing message broke through and, if it did, how it resonated with your audience.

While numbers would excite any brand working with an influencer, numbers don't necessarily translate to a brand fit. The marketing message may not have come across first to the target market, but also, do impressions result in an actual purchase of your service or product?

Impressions are essential for getting the word out, but they say little about whether the marketing message actually broke through and how it resonated.

2. Embrace the benefits of long-form content

It is hard to measure social media posts. Instead, your brand's marketing message can benefit from long-form content.

YouTube videos are the de facto long-form content that can amplify your brand's messaging.

We didn't need a sophisticated measurement framework to realize that most of our marketing messages were too complex for static social posts.

3. Focus on a brand lift to isolate the impact

YouTube BrandConnect, YouTube's in-house branded content team, and our go-to partner facilitate partnerships between creators and brands and applies a data-driven approach to creator matchmaking and measurement.

Securing regular brand lift results proved a major breakthrough for us. It allowed us to quantify the ROI of creator partnerships and compare results across marketing channels.

4. Contextualize results within the broader marketing mix

Standardizing reporting metrics for creator partnerships - by focusing on an absolute lift, total people lifted, and cost per person lifted - we effectively benchmark channels against each other.

Backing our partnerships with numbers helped us elevate influencer marketing to a credible channel within the marketing mix.

Influencer Marketing - The secrets you need to know in implementing Influencer Marketing

1. Explore the value of influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing marketing channels in the world.

According to a study by BuzzSumo, influencer marketing generates a 20x return on investment compared to other forms of marketing.

  • Don't over-complicate your email campaigns.
  • It's important to build a personal brand.
  • Use storytelling as a guide for your marketing strategy.

If you supercharge your content marketing and reap the rewards of these marketing tips, I'm sure you will reap even bigger dividends.

2. Engage influencers for free.

Find relevant influencers and ask them for advice.

This is one of the best ways to get yourself known online. You're reaching out to someone who is already an expert in your niche, you're giving them something for free, and they're giving you invaluable advice in return.

To get started, start with these 10 questions. Each week, I answer a new question from the list. It's a great way to ensure you're not doing something dumb.

Don't be afraid to ask questions while you're practicing.

If someone asks you something in class, take the time to find the answer for yourself and possibly implement it in your own videos. We should always practice what we preach.

The more you climb the ladder, the more competition there will be. You have to go above and beyond to establish yourself as a successful YouTuber.

It looks fake if you only put effort into posting 10 other videos in a certain niche. It's a real game of YouTube intelligently.

Know your own audience, understand their needs, smartly schedule your posts, and stick to the guidelines.

Master the physics of creating content. Youtube is a platform for everyone.

To reach a high ranking, you will need to know a few things. The first thing is, what are the most popular marketing strategies? - YouTube analytics. Secondly, are there platforms where nobody watches? If you want to get a few extra views and subscribers, experiment with specific content types.

Get creative.

There are two types of content. It's marketing or entertainment. Which one appeals to you?

Always try to create something new and different. If you're posting the same content throughout your account, it's easy to bore your followers.

Upload different types of videos and be interesting. Mention the context of the topic sometimes. It's better to follow relevant people in a niche that actually know what they're talking about.

Your account needs to look professional. If you have a fake Zoom or Linkedin account, it's ruining your credibility.

3. Use organic growth to drive your business.

Organic growth hacking is all about using social media, SEO, and other online marketing tools to build your audience.

Organic growth hacking is about building your audience and customer base using only the digital tools you have at your disposal. Organic growth hacking is about building your audience and customer base using only the digital tools you have at your disposal.

You're probably familiar with the term "Expertise Economy."

In this post, you'll learn about what it means, how the concept applies to digital, and a way to turn your expertise into a profitable online business while using your existing digital marketing platform.

Sold perfectly generic, pretty much useless mass-produced machinery did engineer a better way to solder because if all you have were 3D printers and a hammer, you could've had the iron age, but these days we have the internet.

Fast, safe, and convenient is the internet's superpower.

Anybody with the right SEO experience can leverage it to build a scalable and fast-growing digital business. Most social media platforms are inefficient and time-consuming to set up, configure and maintain.

That's due to their setup restrictions and forced to monetize every user (some) who uses them.

The solution is to put your content on these social media marketing platforms and let other users give you free traffic and engagement via content-sharing. Plus, you get to make money on other people's content.

Likes and engagement are not hard to measure, and while they count, they don't actually pay your bills. The benefits of using social media websites to build an audience are many: Well, the first and most obvious advantage of using social media platforms as a digital business is attracting a highly targeted audience organically.

Most marketing campaigns fail because people click only on ads.

The audience is extraordinary, yet too general or too unpredictable to win your audience over. The ROI model doesn't just work for advertising. It works for everything.

4. Save money by building relationships with key influencers in your niche.

In any industry, certain people will have more power than others.

For example, someone like Neil Patel will have a lot more influence than someone who just started blogging a few weeks ago.

It's a matter of opinion. If you're going to start a business, you need to communicate before launching.

Whether you're launching an app, a book, or a newsletter - communication is what will bring your audience along with you.

Before you start, ask yourself: Is there something you can clarify for your audience? Part of worldbuilding is creating clear characters and backstories.

The more there is to set up, the more you're in control of your character's strengths and weaknesses.

If you're offering a product, create a roadmap and be upfront about how the actual product will work.

Remember: the reader is smarter than you think!

When starting a business, put out content weekly. I say weekly because that's how long a blog post usually is. Post once a week. That's the minimum to establish yourself in the publishing industry.

As a new writer, I want to focus on first getting my foot in the door of something. Instead of thinking: "Oh, I'll create some blog content" or "I'll start a newsletter."

Just putting stuff out in the world is half the battle.

Create the content on a consistent schedule and write for your audience. How can you figure out what your audience wants and needs? How can you answer the question, "how can I provide value?"

We live in the digital age, and there is no stopping influence marketing, but to get the most value out of it, one must measure metrics concerning your brand's message and brand fit.

So, if you are still asking yourself if Influence marketing is something you need to do.

The quick answer is if the shoe fits.


About the Creator


Working to be a better storyteller everyday.

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