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The Space Race

Historical Satire about NASA

By Matthew PrimousPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Space Race
Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

It appears that Russia has plans to begin space exploration. We must do something Mr. President. We must muster up the power to defeat this Cold War's Space Race. We have intel that defines our capacity. We can build a space station. We can build a space ship but we must make sure the American people is behind us every step of the way. Kennedy said after hearing this from U.S. Intel. I asked the American people to dream. I asked the American people to believe in their government. To believe in the ideologies of the founding fathers. To trust in a new America where we respect each other, where we treat each other as human beings. The American people are ready, they are able to take on this space race. We are not tired but thirsty for justice. We are not worn but ready and viliigant for peace. We are not weak but amp for equality. I stand on my promises ready to avail the will of the American people. I am ready to protect the interests of my nation. To protect the desire of the American people to break the discontent brought by Russia. I am able to meet the challenge. I am able to fight for the American people. We will prevail in this space race. Kennedy close down the phone conference from the White House. His advisors meet with him in the Oval Office. And they wrought up plans to established the National Aeronautics Space Administration. Now Eisenhower knew about the Russians and he helped established the space administration but it has an unpopular name and it was just used for defense. He also started a new system of communication used for defense. I believe called something like the internet. We can rename his space administration to something the American people can relate to. Something the American people can dream and hope and aspire to be. We have to reinvent an industry. Kennedy spoke, Let me give it some thought. We need a name. A name that says America can and will meet the challenge. I want you to think about it for the upcoming weeks. We also need to find the man power to achieve a man on the moon. We have to do something great to outdo the Russians. We have to set a goal for the American people. We have to do something symbolic to reintroduce the space administration. Think about it and get back to me as soon as you come up with a plan. And so Kennedy's advisors took weeks and weeks checking in with the President on progress and completion of tasks. After a couple of months into the project, the President recruited military intel agents and previous war experts. Mr. President, Germany was planning to go to space if they won the World War. We have intel on scientists who have done exploratory work in space. It is our only hope to exceed Russia who could be using some of these secrets. We have to acquire their feasibility and establish the space administration. Kennedy responded I need proof of American excellence. Bring them in and see what they can teach us. Do this secretly so the American people won't be alarm. Do not worry I will tell the American people when we have succeeded at our quest for space. And so the military intel agents and previous war experts work with Kennedy's advisors for less than two years. And they completed the rockets prototype and engines, they were prepared to explore space and change the face of history. Kennedy spoke to Joint Congress, They said we will never accomplished anything because we are too freed. They said we will never meet their demand because we aren't smart enough. They said we will never break their record in space. Well Mr. Russian Leader and Russia, we have succeeded. We have accomplished. We are ready. the American people I presented to you NASA, the National Aeronautic Space Administration. Our children can dream of being in space. They can dream about reaching the stars. They can dream about flying space. We have a chance to take the American Dream to higher heights and do what we never done before. Touch the sky and explore the Universe.


About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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