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The Main story of My Story

The Untold Story of Oh My Sky Part I

By Jazmine KingPublished 6 months ago 11 min read

“There is no such thing as help

You can not get help from the health care industry, law enforcement, or sad enough to say your family

This might make you feel alone and you are alone the only one that can help you is yourself

Life does not always have happy endings

People want you to be what they want you to be

They don’t want you to just be you

And that’s hard to do

Because you have to find someone the just accepts you and wants to better you that doesn’t blame you for being you

Love is Peace

And until you find that peace you have to find a way out so that you can be free mentally, emotionally, and financially

You might feel trapped right now and you probably are

And I understand sometimes trying doesn’t seem to be working but there is always a way out

I am speaking from personal experience and you can take this journey to freedom with me”

Okay about me I am Jazmine King or more formally known as Jazmine Reed and as more recent events about my personal situation our story starts December 3, 2016 I attended to commit suicide after leaving work at Nordstrom in Montgomery Mall located in Bethesda Maryland, now I was I love with the job and wish I could have done it better but the job have nothing to do with the reason as to why I felt the need to end my life from what I clearly recall my mother had called me multiple times including while I was at work about cleaning my room which because I was off from work the next day I had already planned to do but as we all know I can need clean a room I am not in because I was at work now with that being said after I left work she was still calling me and I made the decision to go home later to avoid her so I started driving to my step sister which was past Washington DC and while doing so I continually received calls about where I was from the people that told me not to be on the phone when driving and the last time they called I put my foot all the way down on the petal and closed my eyes hoping to die. Now I obviously survived and ended up with medical bills that later effected my credit which I resolved now at this time my mother has told me constantly that she was working on helping me through a lawsuit and in doing so she told me I didn’t have to keep working so after I paid the bills I stopped working my job at Sprint in Gaithersburg off of Quince Orchard after doing this my mother had me sign a contract of power of attorney due to me no longer working and a year after that on December 20, 2019 I received my part of the settlement which was a little over a half of million dollars after receiving the check my original plan was to move away and continue working on my clothing line/collective All Goldz but my mom had already planned the money out for me first saying I wouldn’t have gotten that money with out her I decided to give her $20,000 to pay for medical bills and buy her husband a car and give him $30,000 and this was after my mom told me we had to have money for houses so she had me take a check of $250,000 she said was for her house and $150,000 she said was for me to buy a house and would be set aside in case of emergency or extra expenses if needed so there is somewhere a Wells Fargo atm video of me attempting to deposit these checks into her account for her and she claims even though I do have $150k for a house I can not buy a house until I have worked for 6 months straight so she gets the bigger check because I would have to stay with her until I get on my feet which I accepted so she buys her house and on April 29, 2020 we as a family move to Martinsburg West Virginia where I was told the basement of the home will be finished into an apartment so I can work on my clothing line so I asked one of my male friends to help with the finishing of that area in the house but unfortunately he was told he did something wrong and could no longer work on the house so my parents came to the conclusion that they could finish it themselves now with you knowing this part of the story please understand before we moved to the house when my mom promised me this area she said it would be done be the end of the year so I said if it’s not I am going to leave and will need my money and the year after the area not being finished I ended up having a seizure February 14, 2021 when I planned to leave which I have not been able to get investigated because that had me marked as epileptic with no previous history of seizures but when I was in the hospital in 2016 from the car accident this took away my driving privileges and caused amnesia so at the time I forgot how much money I was supposed to have but I knew I had money for emergency and every time I brought it up to my mom she tells me I spent all the money I wasted all the money I didn’t have anymore money she did this repeatedly until August 24, 2023 after I had decided to attempt to get into the military so I could move out and have employment and went through all my medical history and bank statements so after asking her again about all the money I had supposedly spent and wasted I gave her a bank statement on the funds removed from my account and she responded by writing on the statement that she “invested” my $150,000 and an additional $8,000 on rental properties in Cleveland, Ohio. Now on Thanksgiving 2023 because she stopped celebrating holidays have we got the money from the lawsuit I asked her why she lied to me about the money which led to her calling me money hungry because she has me on an allowance and I still need money but her response was that wasn’t my money to spend because I didn’t do the work to get the money which leaves me to believe she never planned to give me the money back and since the seizure in 2021 she has told the hospital and officers that I am delusional without taking the seizure medication that makes me dizzy so I have not gotten any help to get my money

Now going back to her labeling me “money hungry” that wasn’t the first time she did that a year after I had the seizure i got a new neurologist that told me I didn’t have to stop driving because that neurologist told me too but my parents had took the keys to my car and told me I was not allowed to walk anywhere because there was no sidewalks and I wasn’t allowed to use Uber or Lyft because I might get raped or robbed so after the doctor told me that I got a job for my birthday July 15, 2022 at Office Depot that November I was spending a week trying to log into the system and was told to use someone else’s log in when I was there so I could still help customers my last day I had spent 4 hours doing my hair live on the internet then my mother told me to walk the dogs while she was on the computer and my hair ended up getting messed up and I was about to be late to work so I left straight to work and got a rubber band and put my hair into a ponytail and started working and my mom walks in after she left the other person also left for the day so I was only supposed to help make copies or prints and ended up leaving after not being able to help a customer in self service that December I got a seasonal job at FedEx and was told it could become permanent so I talked to HR and she told me if I was on the schedule after 27th when the season ended I would be permanent so after checking the schedule to see I was still there I got approved for a loan to pay my bills on the 28th I ended up getting hit in the head with a box while loading the truck I went home after that and was told I over reacted January 2023 I got a job at Amazon my mom told me I lost my birth certificate and she had to had the original when she had time so I didn’t have it for the interview but they told me I could bring it back and still get the job so after my mom gave me the birth certificate she had my start day got pushed back to the first of February the job was from 1:20am to 8:40am but after I started my parents were saying they were tired from waiting for me to get to work so I started to leave early I ended up getting at work at 10 and waited to start at the normal 1:20 but because I was there over night my mother told me when I get home the dogs still have to be walked and if they went potty in the house it was my fault so after my mom made a car appointment for my car without telling me I ended up missing a day of work and because I believed my parents had something to do with me loosing the job at FedEx I didn’t tell them where this job was so without a car I had my mom drop me off at Apple Blossom Mall in Hagerstown Maryland around 5 the evening and walked to work took about 2 maybe 3 hours walking then I sat there and waited I worked my normal shift and because I was at the time not allowed to Uber or Lyft my mom was supposed to pick me up on her lunch break so I worked until 11 that morning and ended up over heating and having a panic attack at the A&C gas station down the road from my job while waiting for my mom to pick me up a few days later that April I ended up leaving that job tired and frustrated even though that was the best job I had based on the pay rate now since I had left that job I had to wait 90 days to reapply at a different location so July on my birthday I had applied for a different location with less pay but started earlier at 7pm to 5am in Sterling Virginia which was far from Martinsburg and to avoid getting tired I’d drive pretty fast and took the toll roads and that plus gas and bills was hurting me financially so I quit again which brings up to the first time my mother told me I was “Money Hungry” and she said this was because i was detaching myself from the family and always in my room and waking up was an attitude now keep in mind I was working over night and supposed to be asleep for work but she told me the last time she called me “Money Hungry” on thanksgiving that it wasn’t her fault I was working overnights which I’m guessing was her justification for not letting me get enough sleep for work

Now don’t get me wrong there are people that have tried to help me my therapist Jamie after I had to leave work early at 8 to go to see her at 10 and be at Panera at 12 for my mom to sell one of the rental properties that I thought I was going to right with them to do because my mother needed me to sign papers about the sale and they ended up leaving the house before I got back from therapy so I had to drive there myself after passing it to get him my therapist offer to call “Adult Protective Services” for me and I told her my dad was about to retire my parents have the rest of their lives ahead of them I don’t want anything to happen to them which was my last session with her and the hospital on October 1st after my parents pushed me into a wall and damaged my shoulder when I was reading them the power of attorney contract my mom had me sign that stated my life should’ve been this fucked up the person at the hospital told me my mother wanted me admitted to a mental hospital for evaluation but I was am adult and clear to go home or could go to a shelter for domestic violence victims but I didn’t want to go to the shelter so here I am still trapped but now that I am 30 years old I realize I can do better so I am going to.


About the Creator

Jazmine King

Stuck between ideas of creating a crime series or a supernatural saga….Do I have the time to right both? Great question, only time would tell.


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  • Jazmine King (Author)6 months ago

    Full interview about this :

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