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Secrets & Thoughts

Journaling My Life

By Nettie BPublished about a year ago 4 min read
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"Exploring The Unknown Requires Tolerating Uncertainty"... Brian Greene

I'm not one to put my personal feelings or thoughts out into the world of social media or the internet. I pride myself on being private and limiting the information and thoughts to the world but something has changed in my personal life that has me scratching my head. As well as making me go, "hmmm" as the song said by C+C Music Factory.

To make a long story short I have an estranged Uncle who became estranged after a money disagreement with my mom after their mom, my grandma, had passed. The details don't need to be said but it did involve investments and taxes, draw your own picture. My Uncle and Aunt used to live out in California just North of San Francisco.

It wasn't long after this falling out that they left California due to "high living expenses" and through other family members that they were still talking to we heard they were traveling all over the country with several trips down to Mexico. Many years pass and finally Christmas cards with letter updates start and details of their trips to Mexico become even clearer with them buying things in Mexico and bringing them up to the states to sell at various craft shows and flea markets.

Finally, they purchase a place in Mexico and spend a year or two down there with limited movement across the border into the states. Then Mexico became no more and they came back to the states moving to various parts of Arizona and now New Mexico. One or two-year movements? Blaming it on the cost of living? You see how these movements can make me think, are you running from something? For the record, I never felt good about the trips to Mexico and selling things in the states, it didn't feel right then, and it really doesn't feel right now.

Let me ask you this, when you are looking to relocate to a suburb of a metropolitan city, what would draw you there? What are you looking for and what are the benefits of that suburb? Me, I've done my share of moving around the country for the airlines and the benefits I look for are housing, shopping, restaurants, vets, clinics, banking, and groceries as well as the distance to and from the housing area and work.

But would "better variety of attornies" be at the top of your list? Perhaps, if you need such services but exactly what kind of an attorney? Keep in mind nothing has been said about health issues, they are suing someone, or someone is suing them but he conveniently mentions attornies as a reason for moving to this location. Am I the only one questioning this?

So an eyebrow is raised but what gets the eyebrow up even further is the "PS" at the end. Here he talks about activities that my sister-in-law is doing and that her husband has a record online that is all negative and that my mom should check into it for "ID Theft". Now, wait a goddamn minute here, why are you looking us up online?

You, at the very least, have our mailing address, if you have questions about us why don't you ask them, instead of looking us up online? Has he done his research to make sure that the people he is looking at are the people he wants to be looking up? It just boggles me that for so many years he has had no interest in what we're doing, how we're doing, and who we're doing it with and now he's all up in it through back channels.

I've always been cautious of him but now I'm on full alert. I don't trust him at all, I feel they have gotten themselves into something and are trying to pull us in or worse, trying to come after us for the same thing that tore us apart.

It's all a mystery and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Do we have someone plotting against us or are these just the ramblings of an old man with nothing else going on so he attacks us? Either possibility could lead to more trouble down the road if it continues. I hope this is a one-off letter and that nothing further will become of it.

I'll be sure to post again if this turns into something more but for now, the dogs can go back to sleep.

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About the Creator

Nettie B

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