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On The Books

A Millennial Mystery Story

By Kat ThomasPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
A normal day turns into a series of strange events that just don’t make sense.

Many mornings started the same, my alarm sharply wakes me from my deep slumber even though the sun has yet to shine. I slowly lift my body from my temperature perfect mattress and place my feet on the cold wooden floor, like pins, an uncomfortable sensation jolts me to my feet and on to my day. I make a b-line to the restroom not before grabbing my phone of course and like clockwork I was on to another average day. Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat, and this pandemic wasn’t making it any better, stuck in my house, sitting through pointless zoom call where Patty insist we all have our cameras on to “keep the team virtually connected”. I had enough, ENOUGH! So one day I decided, “Heidi, let’s get physical!”. So Everyday to maintain a bit of normalcy in my life I would go on a light jog, strong emphasis on light, around my neighborhood, trust me I’m no athlete. At first I was nervous because I live in a town that borderlines downtown which is known for sketchy activities, but I had a pretty great route in mind, so I grabbed my gear and got to it.

Most days were pretty underwhelming, a light jog, a quick coffee stop, and then I start my normal work day, same old same old. Well today was kind of different. I ran my same route and on this route was an abandoned park or a run downed lot with a random park bench, I honestly couldn’t tell. Even though this place was eerie, it had always been fairly harmless. So on this day I approached the lot, listening to music when my phone suddenly rang and stopped me in my tracks, I was so in the zone my phone ring kind of startled me. I stopped and it was my husband on the other end, “Babe, you left the oven on this morning, it was smoldering in here, are you ok?”, I responded “ Yeah, sorry I’ve been really out of it, can’t believe I left that on. I’ll be home in a bit, ok”. We end our call and I’m standing to the right of the lot near the branch and that’s when I see it, a hard cover black book. At first I thought it was just garbage but as I took a closer look, It wasn’t old or anything, it just look like someone left it behind, keep in mind this lot wasn’t really big on foot traffic, it was abandoned. I sat with thoughts for a minute and ran through a million scenarios of what could happen if I opened the book, I know it sounds dramatic but this wasn’t your average book, it was hallow on the inside. I didn’t know what could be inside, it could be poison, a dead animal, drugs, anything. I had sat long enough and my mind was made up, I decided to open the book. Slow and steady, I finally revealed the interior of this mystery and it wasn’t what I was thinking but it was what I needed, $20,000 cash, a property deed, and a handwritten letter that read “What’s mine is yours” in almost like a scribbled style handwriting. Creepy? Yes. Did I take it? After long consideration I decided to take the book with me, I had intentions of turning it in and waiting to see if someone claimed it, I knew it wasn’t claimed in 30 days the money would be mine, so why not do the right thing.

I dart into my house, Aaron stands by the pantry and spots the book under my arm, “What the hell is that?”. I quickly tell him and show him everything as he stares at me like I’m speaking a different language, “Well, are you going to turn it in” he say, I sharply respond , “Of course, thats the only thing we can do, at least give someone a chance to claim it.” I was already time for me to start my work day so I didnt have time to turn it in that morning, so I sat the book on a shelf near the door and went on with my day. I log into my work computer, ready to start my day, and I get a surprise meeting reminder, but I didn’t remember accepting any meeting request for today. I look at the meeting and it just say “Stefina” , no sender, no time, no subject....I was confused. I didn’t think much of it, since I sometimes make reminders for myself when I’m working on projects and thought this may have been a client I need to follow up with. Some time had gone by and it was time for me to take my lunch, it had been a cloudy and rainy day so my usually sunny apartment was filled with a grey cast, Aaron had left for work already so I was home alone. I open the refrigerator, as the light from inside hit my face, a knock comes from the patio door, I turn around. When I turn I look directly on to my patio but no one is outside, I check the locks because I have to admit that was strange but it was raining so maybe it was a huge raindrop. As I turned to continue my food search I heard another noise but this time it was the front door. I walk to the door with hesitation and hear the noise again, it’s a knock. I swing the door open, it’s a delivery guy standing there, “Are you Heidi, here these are for you”. He lightly pushes the flowers into my hand and ask me to sign his dimly lit iPad. My shock was causing a delay in speech and before I could ask any questions the delivery was gone, literally just gone. A dozen yellow roses and a note “What’s mine is yours” the vase slips out my hand, as it meets the floor it shatters and the water and flowers decorate the floor with beautiful chaos. I’m frozen. “This can’t be real”, I thought and before my mind went too stir crazy, I settled on Aaron running a prank on me. I go back to work, with no energy to entertain Aaron’s crazy shenanigans, I leave it alone. Two hours pass and I’m knee deep in work when my phone rings, it’s Aaron, “How are you feeling”, I say, “I’m well just tired, wait, you think you’re funny with the flowers”. Suddenly the call went silent, Aaron quickly denies purchasing flowers and an instant feeling of grief enveloped my body. Frantic, thinking someone followed me after I picked up the book, I rush to leave the house to return when I notice it’s gone. The book was gone, I looked everywhere, I couldn’t find it. Days had gone by and the book was gone, we filed a police report and nothing came out of it. I have to be honest I was relieved because I could already see the weird stuff happening. 2 weeks later, I get a call from an attorney, it was out of the blue and I wasn’t going to answer but something told me to pick up. The attorney on the other end explained to me that aunt from Italy, who I had met only when I was young, passed away and in her Will she put aside $20,000 for me when I was a baby and was instructed that at the moment of her passing the money would be given to me for a “fresh start”, the will read “I Stefina Arwald leave the amount of $20,000 to my baby niece Heidi Arwald, forever my first love so what’s mine is yours.”

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