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Some of us still care!

By Kemery JPublished 3 years ago ā€¢ 3 min read
There are still nurses that care about you!

I've been a registered nurse (RN) for 3 years and I've worked in health care for 8. Through out this time, there have been a lot of ups and downs. There have been so many things I love about my job, but there have been things that I absolutely despise.

There are so many things I enjoy about being an RN. I'm not even sure how to list it, but I'll start with some of my favorites. I love that I get to help people. The smile a patient gives to return mine. The "thank you" and hug from a patient I helped when they thought all hope was lost. I love all the unique individuals I meet and the stories they have to share. I am constantly learning something new and challenging my skills. Let's just say I'm never bored at work. I also always keep in mind that I am making a difference!

Now there are things that I hate about nursing too. But these dislikes never outweigh the reasons I love being a nurse. Being an RN can be very stressful, both mentally and physically. As nurses, it seems like we really have everything we need to do our jobs. Especially now with a global pandemic going on, supplies are getting harder to come by. But the one thing I hate about being a nurse more than anything is watching other nurses disrespect patients. And being one of the few nurses out there that still care, I'm here to say "I'm sorry. Don't give up on all of us". Some nurses still want to be there to help you.

Just please remember, some people still do this job because they have kind hearts. Ignore the nurses that have yelled at you or belittled you. They have no right to treat you this way. It infuriates me to hear another nurse tell a patient something with coldness in their heart. It's unacceptable for a nurse to say "you don't need that", "you're not in pain", "your doctor doesn't want to see you" or anything related. Nurses should not make you feel unimportant and they should not exclude you from your own care. I honestly find it hard to believe what people think is okay to say to another human. It hurts my heart to witness another person being mean to a patient. Especially one who has taken an oath to help and serve people.

To the patients, just remember you are IMPORTANT. You are meant to be included in your own care. You should never feel belittled. As patients, you should not and do not have to deal with a health care worker being rude. You have every right to refuse something and to understand fully what is happening to you. You are worth being treated right!

To the other nurses, stop putting patients down. They have hearts and souls too. Be more respectful towards your patients. Don't call them liars, by going against what they say. Be more caring and have more patience. Take your time with each individual. And most importantly, remember to be kind you may not know what someone is going through. Be better for your patients.


About the Creator

Kemery J

Iā€™m an RN,BSN

I have one dog šŸ¶ and one cat šŸ±

Iā€™m a Christian

Iā€™m an aunt to adorable little boy. Only fur babies for me.

I love to read and watch Netflix

I also enjoy spending time with my amazing grandparents who adopted me šŸ’ž

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