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My One & Half Year Earning from Quora Space

Earning Review

By makelivingonlinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
My One & Half Year Earning from Quora Space
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Quora is one of the popular blogging platforms among online writers. It's not a typical writing platform. Unlike other writing platforms, Quora is a question-and-answer site. Where a community asks the question and another community answers those questions.

You can ask questions, you can answer the question – you are a whole community.

Inspired by many Quora review articles and YouTube videos I joined Quora back in 2021. I was very excited to earn money and explore the new platform. I thought it can be my dream income source. But by exploring and experimenting with the site some new facts were revealed to me.

Before proceeding to talk about those facts let me tell you about earning ways on Quora briefly. You can earn money on Quora in the following ways:

  1. Quora Partner Program
  2. Quora Space. Within Quora space earning method: (Space subscription, Revenue sharing, and Ads)
  3. Quora+ (it was launched after I joined the Quora space but I didn't try it yet. Now I was familiar with how it works. Maybe a year ago)

So, when I joined, I only know that the partner program is something that can generate income.

The point that was revealed to me:

To be in the partner program, I have to contact the Quora team.

I contact them. But they said they are not accepting applications right now. I contact them again a few months later: They replied: "Application for the English language is closed now."

The only way left was "earning through Quora space." ( However, I created a space soon after I joined, but it did not feel worth using)

Well, I activate all earning programs on Quora Space and start posting.

I earned in pennies. Soon, I left posting on Quora. Even after passing one and a half years, I manage to earn $7.03 on Quora space.

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A month ago, I came back and I decided to give it a try. I decided to know whether it's worth using if I put my all efforts. Whether the low income was my fault or it's Quora that didn't pay me.

So I posted an article about my quora earnings review, where I claim that I will work for 6 months consistently and will review the space earnings again. But I am reviewing it after one month.

I manage to generate almost $3 a month after posting 100+ posts daily. Everyday earnings range from 0.01 to 0.25 almost.

Progress after being consistent

So, in my opinion, Quora space is not worth using. Stop putting your effort into Quora space if it's only earning source you own on Quora.

It's not only me who is disappointed with Quora Space's earnings.

There are many people who wasted their time on Quora space.

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Another person shares his earnings with a taunting statement:

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Final thought

It's my personal experience and what I explored. I don't ask you to don't use Quora space. But in my opinion, based on my experience, it's totally wasting of time if you are relying on Quora space earning. However, the Quora partner program can generate even $1000 or more a month. So if you get enrolled in a partner program, luck might be all by your side. The review purpose was to share my experience. It might help you to which direction you have to move.

If you enjoy reading my stuff and get inspiration, motivation, and help through it, and want to support my efforts, you can join me on my Vocal blog. Plus you can support my work by sharing it with others and dropping a tip below. Thanks for reading! To read more like this, explore the blog.

© Mahnoor


About the Creator


A passionate writer, freelancer, blogger, explorer, and learner. If you want to learn to survive in the online world—join me hear.

❦Freelancing ❦Blogging ❦EarningMoneyOnline ❦Writing


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