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My Journey , My Journal . The Beginning.

My First Book

By NenysiriPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

The very first book I had fully read and enjoyed. The reason I got into reading books outside my school curriculum was because I wanted to make money. Financial freedom was my aim and is still my aim. But to do that I needed to learn at my own understanding and pace. And so the only way I could do that was to learn from other peoples experiences and knowledge . Thus I will have to read extensively I came across this book while scrolling on TikTok . It was a book recommended by many self made millionaires . And I wanted to give it a try. The name of the book is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki . I had bought this book in October of 2022 but started reading it in May of 2023 . I had read the first chapter in the month I had bought it but it became uninteresting. I had intentionally forced my self to read it because all the self made people that I followed on TikTok talked a lot about reading books . Most times they mentioned that a book will teach you what it took someone 10 or 20 years to know. And so I read the first chapter again with the mindset of at the experiences of others and learning. That was the reason why my first story was about books {Talking to the Greatest Minds} .

I had never known

As a whole the book Rich Dad Poor Dad gave me an eye opener into the world and how adults were manipulated and treated in the real world . Although it was written in the early 2000's the stated analogies and examples are still in play today's workings . This is a very awesome book and I am very happy to have read it in my early years on my quest to financial freedom . This book contains quotes ,stories , experiences and idea of a man who with guide of his two Dads helped him to be financially free. The book as a whole was what I had needed to set myself into motion for my future . There were other motivations that I had gotten apart from the one's in the book but the book helped to stand as the bridge connecting them. It had brought yo my knowledge things I had never known about life. I had experienced mind blowing things while reading this book . After I had read the book, I noticed that my knowledge of how the world was was timid and I knew very little . The book gave me an insight on how the world works but I wanted to know more . In other to do so I have to read more books and gather more knowledge .

I must learn

In my first article called "Talking to the Greatest mind" I had mentioned that knowledge is very important . And in other to do this I must be willing to learn . And thinking about it , learning is an ability in all humans that we must harness. This said ability has helped humans through their evolution . As you know we are the smartest beings on Earth , so they say . This learning ability comes with us because our brains are highly developed. We are able to store large amount of information in our brains . Thus we can be able to learn and grasp a lot of information . We are living in the information age where information is the one most powerful tool . In other to gain information you and I must be willing to learning . It is this learning process that people find hard to do mostly adults because they feel they know everything . The fact that information can be traded for gold and wealth is what amazes me . The very same gold we are all looking for is embedded inside information . Simply put ;

Data after processing = Information

Information after proper usage = Gold

For this reason I want to review various books with you chapter by chapter based on the lessons learnt . I may have three or four different articles on a chapter but I will make them as easy to understand as possible . I urge you to read the book after my review if you find it interesting.


About the Creator


I am here to review books, talk about philosophies, share my thoughts and ideologies on books that I read and on my journey to financial freedom.

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