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Most Respected Professions in 2021

5 most respected professions in 2021 and why

By Addison Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Most Respected Professions in 2021
Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Do you want to know what the most respected professions are in 2021? Well, what is Respect? In this blog post, I will define respect as, when people would admire your ability and achievements when telling them your profession. I will talk about the most respected professions in 2021, I have not interviewed anyone, all I am going to say is my own opinions, backed up with facts to support them.


By Olga Guryanova on Unsplash

First on the list of the most respectable jobs are Doctors. Some people might agree, some might not, but I think we can all agree that they have worked really hard for society during this pandemic. Doctors are also one of the few professions society needs, take a lawyer, for example, you might want to file some lawsuits for money, but that’s not a need. Say if you were dying though, then you would need a doctor, making it need. I might haven’t explained it well, but you get the gist of it.

2. Politicians

By Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash

Second, on the list will be the politicians, a lot of you probably think this is wrong. A lot of you probably think you could do a better job than those politicians you have seen on T.V. right? But, those politicians are there for a reason, they know that people rely on them, you might think that it’s an easy job, but, they require hard perseverance and dedication. Although we might have different views on politics we can all agree that there is at least one politician you admire.

3. Lawyers

By Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Third, we have the lawyer, I was thinking about putting this in second place, but ultimately decided to let it remain in third. Law is one of the “hard degrees” but, it’s also one of those “prestigious” ones even if studying an easier one. That’s why lawyers are respected, this reason applies to doctors as well.

4. Engineers

By Tool., Inc on Unsplash

In fourth we have the engineers, you might think that this deserves a higher position, because they are also ones that society “needs.” I put Engineers in fourth because I think that a lot of people don’t really know what an engineer does, they only know that they’re smart and there are a lot of types of them, but people are starting to know more about them and their importance.

5. Data Scientist

By Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Fifth place is a data scientist, a data scientist will be one of the most needed professions since the world is gradually moving to computers, phones, and the internet. They analyze data and work beyond their field. Data scientists are respected because of their knowledge and understanding of the internet and coding. A lot of people when they look at python and other similar platforms will just say, “Coding,” they have no idea, what python, Linux … are, like me. The reason why computing science is becoming a subject in schools is that society is starting to acknowledge the use of these skills.


Ranked first on the list are Doctors due to them being of the needed professions and their help for society, second are Politicians, as they help society and the stress they have even if you think they don’t. In third, we have Lawyers, as they graduated with a “prestigious” and hard degree. In fourth, we finally have the engineers, which make a lot of contributions to society but ranked there due to how little knowledge people possess of its importance and contribution to society. The ranked fifth is the Data Scientist, Data scientist will be a really needed job for the next coming years due to people focusing more on technology and the internet.

What professions do you think deserve to be on this list instead?


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